Red Heart Survey

Chapter 254: Scholars

Jiang Wang is not a bloodthirsty person.

Although he does not shy away from killing, he will not choose to kill unless necessary.

Growing up in a pharmacy since she was a child, she has seen too many life and death, and lingering in sick beds.

It didn't make him take death lightly.

It is precisely because he has seen so many struggles on the line of life and death that he understands the value of life better.

But now, he is full of murderous intent and full of murderous intent!

No one exists in this world without a reason.

No one can grow in isolation.

All extraordinary monks are accumulated resources. At its root, the existence of extraordinary monks who have gone to heaven and earth is the support of countless ordinary people.

Extraordinary monks, enjoying extraordinary resources, should also assume extraordinary responsibilities.

This is the extraordinary that Jiang Wang understands. It was also something that the instructors repeated repeatedly in the Taoist monastery.

Although in his opinion, Dong A did not do it.

The city lord is the lord of a domain, he often governs hundreds of thousands of people, controls their basic necessities of life, and even their life, old age, sickness and death.

This is not an honor, this is a heavy responsibility.

It is an honor to take good care of the people under the rule and make them live a stable and prosperous life!

For the sake of Sanshan City, Sun Heng, the lord of the city, died in the battle of Zhubi Peak. He peeled off his own human skin and put it on his youngest son, allowing him to continue his unfinished business.

Dou Yuemei, the lord of the city, for the sake of Sanshan City, used the posture of supernatural powers to enter the palace, but she cut off her own way.

Even Wei Quji, who was ruthless and criticized by others, died fighting for Fenglin City.

And the Mo family has ruled Jiacheng for so many years, what did they do when Jiacheng was facing a catastrophe?


When Jiang Wang came downstairs in Jiacheng, what he saw was a deserted Jiacheng, a withering Jiacheng.

The situation in Qingyang Town is already so critical, and the city of Jiacheng, which is the source of the disaster, is naturally even more dangerous.

Even though Mo Zichu, who was born in Dongwanggu, tried his best to treat him, but lacked decisive administrative measures to cooperate, the speed of treatment was far behind the speed of the black disaster's spread.

The extraordinary power of Jiacheng City is far beyond that of Qingyang Town, but the comparison of the population is much larger than the difference in the extraordinary power of the two sides.

"Anyone who comes, please come back! Jiacheng will be closed for the next few days!" A city guard shouted from far away.

Jiang Wang ignored it.

He approached in silence.

The city guards drew their swords one after another.

But they didn't even see Jiang Wang make a move, and all the knives in their hands were broken.

Jiang Wang crossed the city gate, past the guarding soldiers who were looking at each other, and continued to move forward.

At this juncture, the extraordinary power of the entire Jiacheng gathered together.

This is the time when Jiacheng is most vulnerable, but it is also the time when Jiacheng is most able to respond quickly.

The street is very long.

Jiang Wang was only halfway there when a person blocking the way appeared at the end of the long street.

He was wearing a scholar's suit, with three long beards, and had an elegant temperament.

Mo Zichu was busy preparing the medicine and hadn't closed his eyes for a long time. As the city lord, Mo Munan had to coordinate the whole region on the one hand, and deal with the Yang Kingdom court's questioning on the other hand, covering up the situation, so he was helpless.

Among the extraordinary monks in the Soaring Dragon Realm, only Master Liu can tell the difference.

So here he is.

And he was very confident and didn't bring other helpers.

"Confucian disciples?" Jiang Wang asked.

"My heart is indeed toward Shushan." Master Liu replied.

"What's your job?"

"I am the first master of the city lord's mansion, and I have no job or position."

"That's Mo Munan's confidant." Jiang Wang nodded, and asked again: "I guess you wrote the Anmin books posted everywhere?"

Master Liu did not deny it: "The diction is so crude that the envoy laughed."

"I know a Confucian student who was born in one of the four major academies, but his poetry is extremely poor, and his literary talent is far inferior to yours."

"I have little talent and learning, and the envoy is really absurd."

Jiang Wang said: "But he is a scholar. You are just a beast who reads."

Master Liu seemed to be very good at nourishing Qi, and Jiang Wang didn't show any anger when he said this.

Instead, he smiled and said: "As the saying goes, there is no discrimination in education. Even birds and beasts, as long as they are willing to study, they are also scholars of my generation. What the envoy said is the result of enlightenment."

"I'm not talking to you as an envoy of the Chongxuan family, but as the master of Qingyang Town, to hold you accountable."

"Qingyang Town is only assigned to the Chongxuan family for 30 years. To be precise, you are only the owner of Qingyang Town for 30 years." Master Liu calmly added restrictions to Jiang Wang, checked for omissions and made up for vacancies, with a kind of as if With a gesture of everything under control, he smiled and said, "Please ask. Liu knows everything."

This person's eloquence skills are really extraordinary, compared to his status as a disciple of Confucianism, he is more like a disciple of a famous school.

But Jiang Wangsheng was as cold as ice: "I've finished asking. Now it's my responsibility!"

Step forward and draw your sword.

Master Liu shook out a folding fan from nowhere and spread it out in front of him.


With only a soft sound, Long Xiangsan was as powerful as a broken bamboo, easily piercing through this impressive magic weapon folding fan.

The cold light is approaching.

Master Liu floated back and sang long, "I am good at cultivating my noble spirit!"

In front of him is a vast expanse of whiteness, and the air is like a flood.

The most representative killing method of Confucianism lies in the use of awe-inspiring aura.

Master Liu's cultivation is not weak.

But Jiang Wang at this moment is Jiang Wang who has suppressed murderous intent for ten days.

Killing is sometimes a means and sometimes an end.

When it is the means, no matter the cause.

When it's the purpose, there are no excuses.

"I don't know, a black heart can generate righteousness!"

The sword has a long light.

The sun and the moon shine brightly.

Jiang Wang crossed with a sword, so the snake died and the white qi was extinguished.

"You're going the wrong way!"

His footsteps were staggered, with the sword behind him, he was already face to face with Master Liu.

The killing intent in my heart expanded and swelled infinitely.

The White Tiger Chapter of the Four Spirits Refining Body Exercise started automatically.

Jiang Wang's eyes were red, and he headbutted him directly!

The awe-inspiring aura was broken, Master Liu reached into his bosom, took out a wolf hair, was about to avoid it, suddenly the wood aura in his body exploded, bound him from the inside out.

Tie the tiger!

Binding the tiger only trapped Master Liu in the Tenglong Realm for a moment.

But Jiang Wang's head had already hit him directly.


Heads collided and both fell back.

Master Liu felt his eyes go dark.


Jiang Wang took the sword in his left hand and pulled it back from right to left, a head flew out of thin air!

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