Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1193 I am the emperor's envoy like a king

Jiang Wang crushed the blue clouds and flew across the territory of Qi.

There are two routes from Linzi to Daze County, across Le'an or Xinming.

Both counties border Dasawa County.

Unlike the last time he went to Seven Star Valley, this time Jiang Wang went to Le'an.

There was no one to stop him along the way.

It only took Jiang Wang half an hour to penetrate Daze County. It is unwise to show the limit speed in front of others, of course he has some reservations. Of course, it looks like he is going through the clouds and breaking the wind, going all out.

There are eighteen large and small cities in Daze County, that is, the city is in the center.

On the map, the entire Daze County is a trapezoid that is narrow in the east and wide in the west. Jiang Wang wondered for no reason, if the Tian family was so demanding on order, would they always want to fill it into a square shape.

Qingyangzi, who used the Immortal Art of Paceful Steps to the Clouds, although he was running fast all the way, he was extremely chic and calm. It's not like arresting people, it's more like going on an outing. Many monks who met him on the road secretly admired him.

At that time, Tian Sifu was guarding in front of the city gate tremblingly, his left hand was grasping the waist knife vigorously, but for some reason, he couldn't grasp it steadily.

This damn waist knife was trembling all the time.

His eyes widened, trying to assume the image of a dignified guard. But from time to time, a drop of sweat rolled into his eyes, and at this time, he would blink hard a few times to quickly get rid of this drop of sweat-this made him look a little funny.

On the forehead and the back of the neck, sweat kept breaking out.

It wasn't just him, the guards guarding the city gate with him were not much better.

After blinking fiercely again, a young and unrestrained figure suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

At first Tian Sifu thought it was his eyes that were blurred, but after blinking hard a few times, he saw that he was approaching.

The man was walking in the air, wearing a green shirt fluttering in the wind, his eyes were indescribably clear and bright.

A long sword, a white jade, and a person.

For some reason, Tian Sifu suddenly stopped shaking.

He held down the waist knife and asked in a serious voice, "Who is here?"

Jiang Wang, who pressed the sword, did not respond immediately.

Because when he arrived at Jicheng, the first thing he saw was not these guards guarding the city gate, or even this square and well-organized city!

From far and near, first of all, of course, this city comes into view. But there was another existence that immediately took away all sight.

That's one person.

A man with his hair and face hanging over the city gate!

On his body, there is a faint golden light, and the jade color is flowing. It is impressive that he is a cultivator in the presence of God!

But who else could be the God's Landing cultivator who appeared in Jicheng now?

There was a storm in Jiang Wang's heart.

He came here to take Liu Xiao back to Linzi. In fact, of course he couldn't be Liu Xiao's opponent. He just relied on the majesty of the emperor to let Liu Xiao hold his hands. After careful consideration on the way, he felt that this was not a big problem.

Liu Xiao is not a lunatic, he has something he cherishes and wants to protect, so he knows how to be in awe.

Jiang Wang hadn't thought about what he would see when he came to Jicheng.

Fufeng Liu's smoldering hatred for nearly ten years may have prompted Liu Xiao to kill in the immediate city. Anyway, the result is one death, and he may not only kill one Tian Anping!

Jiang Wang thought he was going to see a dilapidated city.

Maybe he had to be in the ruins to find Liu Xiao, convey the emperor's edict, and lock him back to the capital.

But when did he ever think that there would be a scene in front of him?

With the cultivation base of God's Presence, Liu Xiao chose a time when a strong Tian clan was away and Daze County was empty, and came to Jicheng to kill Tian Anping. This is a surefire thing.

He himself also thought that Tian Anping was unlucky. Just because of the fear in my heart, I guessed that Tian Anping might escape,

But now, it was Liu Xiao who was hung on the city gate!

How can this be?

This is completely against the common sense of practice. It is difficult for him, the well-deserved number one inner palace in the world, to save his life in front of the gods. Tian Anping, who was also locked in the Inner Palace... how could that be possible?

Does the Tian family still have a hidden powerhouse of God's Realm? Maybe it's a big formation, some killer trick?

Or, could it be that Tian Anping has already broken the ban and quietly crossed the border? ——Let's not talk about how this is done, does Da Zetian really dare not care about the majesty of Emperor Qi?

Jiang Wang suppressed the turmoil in his heart, stepped on the ground, and Hong Sheng declared: "I am Qingyangzi, the third-rank golden melon warrior Jiang Wang! Come here by order, and return Liu Xiao to the capital!"

In any case, when he came here according to the order, he must not lose the majesty of the emperor, so he was fearless.

He glanced at the man who was hanging on the city gate again, his breath was still there, but he didn't move.

Then he looked at the guard and asked, "Is this Liu Xiao?"

Tian Sifu hesitated for a moment before saying: "Yes... yes!"

Jiang Wang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I will take him away now."

Where is Tian Anping, why Liu Xiao became like this, he didn't want to explore, it has nothing to do with him.

The order he received was to Suo Na Liu Xiao to return to the capital, as long as he did this one thing well.

Tian Sifu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to stop each other, and they were not qualified to call the shots.

Jiang Wang ignored it, and walked up the air, like stepping on the steps of nothingness, to the hanging Liu Xiao with his face covered in hair.

His hands were clasped with ten fingers, tied with a rope, and hung on the city gate.

Breathing is weak, but it exists after all.

Jiang Wang didn't put Liu Xiao down directly, but brushed away his hanging hair first.

He had to confirm Liu Xiao's state first, so that he knew it well. In case something happened on the road, he would not be able to tell clearly.

Then he saw a dull face with round eyes and slightly parted lips.

There was even drooling from the corner of his mouth.

What happened to the majestic cultivator?

The five senses are sealed? Soul damaged?

What are these city guards in front of the city gate afraid of?

Jiang Wang carefully observed Liu Xiao's eyes, but he couldn't see any vivid colors in them. He is still alive, but his spirit seems to have been taken away.

No matter how Jiang Wang observed him.

They all lowered their heads slightly and remained motionless.

Jiang Wang frowned, stretched out his index finger, and pressed it to the center of his brow——

All of a sudden, Liu Xiao's hair sprang up one by one like a poisonous snake, all of them biting towards the front!

Jiang Wang straight backed up and fell back to the ground.

"Who made you move."

A voice said so.

This should be a question.

But because the speaker did not show a questioning tone, but seemed to be making a statement, this sentence produced a fatal sense of oppression.

Or, that feeling of oppression is just because of that person.

Jiang Wang looked into the depths of the city gate. Inside the city gate, stood a man in single clothes with bare feet on the ground. His eyes were blank, as if in a daze.

Tian Anping!

Until this moment, the snake-like black hair on Liu Xiao's head suddenly fell down and covered Liu Xiao's face again.

Those who die with hair covering their faces will not be able to see others after death.

But Liu Xiao... is clearly still alive!

Jiang Wang put his hand on the long sword at his waist, looked directly at Tian Anping, and said slowly: "Who told me to move, I think I have already said it."

Tian Anping looked up at him, with a little confusion in his eyes, as if surprised by his courage.

"I saw you in the Seven Star Valley."

So he said, and then asked, "Who are you?"

It seemed that he didn't start to look at Jiang Wang squarely until now.

I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune to be valued by Tian Anping.

But Jiang Wang only said: "I have already introduced myself once, if you didn't hear clearly, you might as well ask your subordinates later. Now let me ask you—"

Right in front of the city gate, he raised his head and held his sword, facing Tian Anping and the entire city, his eyes became sharp: "Tian Anping, do you want to resist the edict?!"

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