Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 283 Confronting the Dragon Worship Cult

One dragon and one dragonman left the Dragon Worship Cult. The chief of the Stone Hammer Orcs, Graeme, looked at the open door of the Throne Hall, frowning slightly: "Your Majesty, you said that the Dragon Worship Church will not launch an attack?"

"Of course," Jose paused, and then continued, "No, but definitely."

The orc chief was puzzled: "Is it possible or not?"

"No, because of the shackles of the contract. In the past, the Kingdom of Forsyth signed a contract with the Continental Alliance headed by the Dragon Sect and the Pompeii Empire. In exchange for twenty years of peace at the cost of eliminating the natural disasters of the undead, the Dragon Worship Sect came to The contracting party is Kandar, and anyone who violates the contract will be punished by the God of Justice."

"Unless he wants to die, he won't violate the contract, but the Dragon Worshiper will not just sit idly by."

The orc chief touched his bald head and asked puzzledly, "Isn't Kandar afraid of God's punishment?"

"Of course not," Jose shook his head, and continued, "No matter how perfect a contract is, there will be loopholes to exploit. The contract is bound by the Kingdom of Forsythe, the Pompeii Empire, and the Dragon Cult. If the Dragon Cult can find a helper, Borrowing someone else's hand..."

"However, if it wasn't for the Dragon Worship Sect to personally act, then why should we be afraid!"

"I see, I see," Graeme said suddenly.

In the mainland of Tidanor, the current Forsey Kingdom is not considered top-notch, but like the Northland Witch Council, it is a large-scale force that dominates one side. no way.

Thinking of this, Graeme Stonehammer clenched his fists full of confidence.

Jose glanced at the orc family: "Graeme, although the Dragon Worship can't directly attack us, don't be careless. The leader of the dark world like the Dragon Worship always has some resources on the dark side. The guy is best at assassination and sabotage, I am a little worried that they will destroy the trade route, so I don't need to let their plot succeed."



As time passed day by day, under the strict defense of the Kingdom of Forsyth, the plots of the Dragon Cult were defeated one by one, which made the Dragon Cult realize the difficulty of the Kingdom of Forsyth, and then changed their strategy.

One day, José was studying magic in the mage's tower, and suddenly there was a communication request from his family in his heart. It was the message from the prime minister of the kingdom, Ergo.

"What's up?"

"His Majesty,

Bad news came from the intelligence personnel of Norn Principality. "

Er Gou spoke solemnly, and continued: "A group of jackals attacked a village on the border of the Norn Principality, slaughtered the whole village, and cut off the heads of the villagers to make Jingguan. The methods are extremely cruel. After helping the Gnoll to commit crimes, he fled into the Jogor Mountains, and left a message that he would come back, causing panic on the border of the Norn Principality."

"Okay, I see," Jose ended the call, frowning and putting down the magic book in his hand, feeling a little headache.

You don't need to guess, you know that those gnolls who slaughtered the village were written by the Dragon Worship Sect, and the sinister intentions of the Dragon Worship Sect are outrageous.

This is the critical moment of the "negotiation" between the Kingdom of Forsyth and the Principality of Norn, and it is the best time for the Kingdom of Forsyth to correct the image of the people. The massacre of villagers by the wolf team will make the people of Norn hate it, which will bring great harm to the negotiations between the two countries. serious negative impact.

"Damn it!" Jose was slightly annoyed.

The move of the Dragon Cult was really clever, and at the cost of some insignificant wolf men, it destroyed the elaborate mission plan of the Forsey Kingdom.

If he guessed right, then the Dragon Worship must spread rumors in the Principality of Norn, slandering and massacring the villagers is the handiwork of the Forsey Kingdom, although anyone with a discerning eye can recognize this is a lie, but this backward world is always illiterate, Fools are in the majority.

Not only the Dragon Cult, but also the Northland Witch Council will definitely take this opportunity to suppress the Forsey Kingdom. Of course, the purpose of the Witch Council is not to destroy the trade routes, but to gain more chips and profits after the trade routes are opened.

"No, we must not let their conspiracy succeed. We must think of a way," Jose muttered to himself, walking back and forth in the room, analyzing the solution to the matter in his mind.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a headache, this move of the Dragon Blessing Cult is really vicious.

The crux of the problem is not how powerful the gnolls who slaughtered the villagers are so powerful that the Kingdom of Forsyth cannot destroy them, but that the Kingdom of Forsyth cannot touch these gnolls just because these gnolls are members of the Dragon Worshipers.

The contract is bound by the three parties on the continent headed by the Forsy Kingdom, the Dragon Cult, and the Pompeii Empire. The Dragon Cult's attack on the Forsy Kingdom will cause Kandar to be punished by God. Although the Forsy Kingdom's attack on the Dragon Cult will not be punished by God However, it will make the contract invalid and lose 20 years of safety time. This is absolutely unacceptable to Jose.


Not long after, Jose thought of a way. Since he couldn't do it himself, why not use a knife to kill someone.

The best candidate for this knife is Yangfan Gang. Yangfan Gang is a powerful knife, and it benefits from trade routes, and it has a hostile relationship with the Dragon Worship Sect. There is absolutely no reason to refuse.

He immediately contacted Gemas Eternal Burning Sun who was sitting in Yangfan Port, and after some courtesies, he went straight to the point and explained his intentions.

"Your Excellency Gemas, what do you think of the recent massacre of wolf man villages in Norn Principality?"

"Hehe, Your Excellency Jose, we naturally know that this matter has nothing to do with the Forsey Kingdom, but some people in the Norn Principality don't think so. According to the latest information I received, there have been rumors against the Forsy Kingdom in the Norn Principality. , There are also some nobles with ulterior motives who endorse rumors and incite the hearts of the people, you have to be careful."


Jose's heart froze. As he expected, Gumas would not refuse to deal with the Dragon Cult, but what he never expected was that the old man Gumas would sit on the ground and raise the price.

The thoughts in the Red Dragon's mind were like electricity, and he immediately thought of Gumas's thoughts clearly, that is, apart from Sunsail Port, the Forsyth Kingdom has no other choice, except for the four kingdoms of the North Land controlled by the Witch Council. It is too difficult for a force willing to fight against the Dragon Worship Cult.

However, Gumas missed one point, that is, Sunsail Port is not the only option, and the Forsey Kingdom also has Mirkwood as an ally.

Using the dark jungle as a bargaining chip, the Red Dragon and Gemas started a confrontation and bargained with each other.

In the end, Yilong and Yilong failed to reach an agreement, and agreed to talk about it next time.

After the call ended, Jose couldn't help being a little angry: "Damn! Old fox! He actually wants to hang me! Do you really think I have no other way!"

Before initiating a magical communication to Mirkwood, Jose let go of his hanging hand. He was a little hesitant. Although the Forsey Kingdom and Mirkwood have always cooperated happily, it is better not to use the hands of outsiders to do things by themselves. , Even if you don't pay benefits, you will owe favors.

At this point, Red Dragon temporarily put aside the idea of ​​asking for help, and the thoughts in his heart were like lightning: Is there really no solution to the problem other than violence?

In a room full of magic books, Jose's eyes were uncertain, and he gradually had an idea.

He used the family contract to start a call with [Red Dagger] leader - Van Cleef: "Van Cleef, I have a task for you."

"It is my honor to serve His Majesty!" Van Cleef's deep and calm voice entered the Red Dragon's heart.

Jose went on to say: "I want you to select some jackals. In addition to requirements for combat effectiveness, these jackals must also have the ability to persuade people. I want you to send these jackals to the Jogol Mountains. Go find those gnolls of the Dragon Worship, and persuade them to betray the Dragon Worship and join my Kingdom of Fosse."


On the other side, the leader of [Red Dagger] was silent for a while. He never expected to receive such a task. It would be a trivial matter to let [Red Dagger] kill and set fire, but the jackal who instigated the Dragon Worship Cult...

"Your Majesty, can this be done?"

"Why not!" Jose's mouth curled up into a smile: "The Forsy Kingdom is far superior to the Dragon Cult in terms of material life and spiritual civilization. You just need to let our people break into the wolf man group and tell about the Forsy Kingdom. good life, and I am sure they will make wise choices."

Van Cleef thought about it, this is really the case, why did those prairie natives want to join the Kingdom of Forsythe even if they sharpened their heads?

Isn't it because joining the Fusai Kingdom can live and work in peace and contentment, free from the wind, sun, and rain on the grassland, can eat enough food, and doesn't have to struggle with food and clothing or even death, and if given the opportunity, he can become a professional.

Are the jackals under the Dragon Sect in a better situation than the grassland natives?

Not necessarily, but it might be even worse. After all, the Dragon Worship Sect is at war with the four northern kingdoms, and the bottom-level monsters are in danger of dying at any time.

In such a comparison, there is a possibility of instigating against the Dragon Worship Gnoll, and the possibility is not small.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to prepare now."

"Also, pay special attention..."

Three days later, Van Cleef sent good news that the plan to instigate rebellion went smoother than Red Dragon expected.

Most of these three days were spent looking for the position of the Dragon Worship Gnoll, but the real persuasion did not take much time. As soon as the red dragon promised the identity of the citizen of the Kingdom of Fussey, the Dragon Worship Gnoll immediately rebelled. .

It turned out that as early as the time of the Dragon Cult, most monsters had heard of the prosperity of the Fossey Kingdom and yearned for it. After all, who wants to live in a precarious environment, let alone the Dragon Worship and the Fossey Kingdom There are real dragon forces on both sides, who is not to take refuge in?

Of course, things were not all smooth sailing. The leader of the Dragon Worshiping Gnoll team was a dragon-born gnoll. Naturally, a dragon-born gnoll would not betray his master.

It's a pity that the dragon-born jackals were weak, and they were brutally hacked to death by their anti-water subordinates.

In this way, after a long journey, a group of hundreds of wolf man troops came to the Kingdom of Fusai, and hid in the underground kingdom under the support of the Red Dragon.

Jose inspected the team of gnolls through the eyes of his family members, and he was immediately overjoyed. The gnolls who came to destroy the Dragon Worship Sect were all elite, and their strength was generally at the middle level. There were also 23 high-level wolves. people, and there are two master level jackals.

No matter in the south or the north of Tidanol, the master level is already a master level, not to mention that there are so many middle and high levels.

"Tsk tsk, Kandal is such a good man," Red Dragon couldn't help but curled up his mouth, with a mocking and schadenfreude in his smile, he could imagine Kandal's distraught look when he received the news.

On the other side, on the western side of the prairie and the border of the Great Glacier, is the location of the Dragon Cult's lair.

The continuous snow-capped mountains melted into a river, and there was a city on the riverside - Andorhal. Since the Dragon Cult took over the former holy city of barbarians, Andorhal was made into a smoky and stinky city by monsters. Even the river beside it is no longer as clear as before.

bang! Crackling!

In the center of the city, the dragon men guarding both sides of the hall heard the sound of smashing things in the hall, instinctively shrunk their necks, and then straightened their backs.

Even though the status of dragon people is much higher than low-level monsters such as gnolls, they are only low-level species in the eyes of real dragons. If they get bad luck in the real dragon's anger, then those smashed objects in the hall will be the end.

"Damn! Damn! These bastards! How dare they! How dare they betray!"

In the main hall, Kandal was so angry that his eyes were red, and he vented his tail on the ground, and with a bang, a deep gap was cracked in the already messy ground.

To be honest, he doesn't pay much attention to a group of low-level gnolls. Even if the number of deaths on the battlefield is doubled, he will not frown. The object is another dragon.

Doesn't this mean that the Dragon Cult and Kandal are not as powerful as the Forsey Kingdom and Francisco!

"Damn! Damn you bastards! I will burn you to ashes!"

When Kandal was venting, a dragon guard came out from the side hall door, and said bravely: "Great...big, honorable Kandar-sama!"

Kandal shook his head suddenly, and the angry Long Tong stared at the visitor: "Have you found the position of the betrayer?!"

"Hold...Sorry, please give us a little more time, we can definitely..."

"Trash!" With a thought in Kandar's mind, he activated the Burning Ember Domain, and the dragonman spontaneously ignited without fire and was surrounded by raging flames, screaming pitifully.


Those who heard the inhuman screams were terrified, but they stopped abruptly, and there was a pile of black charcoal in the corner of the hall.

"Master Kandar, please calm down," Eldor, the dragonman mage, appeared in the hall at some time, bowed down to salute, and at the same time persuaded the furious red dragon.

"Calm your anger?!"

However, Kandal was getting angry, and he roared: "How dare you say it! It's all your bad idea! They are all watching my joke!"

Maybe it was because he had just killed a dragonman to vent his anger, or maybe it was because of the different status of the dragonman mage, Kandal suppressed his temper and did not attack.

Kandal then asked: "What does that bastard say? Still refuse to hand over the traitor?!"

"No matter how we force him, he just refuses to admit that he has taken in the traitor. From the current point of view, it is impossible for the Fussey Kingdom to hand over the traitor on its own initiative," the Dragon Man mage thought of the red dragon's sarcasm, and felt very sad. annoyed.

"Is it possible to forget this?!" Kandal felt aggrieved, more and more angry, and his emotions showed signs of losing control.

"Of course not. These gnoll traitors made a bad start. They must die, and they must die horribly, otherwise people will betray one after another in the future. However, the contract binds us, and our current strength alone is not enough to subdue it." Forsa Kingdom, punish the traitor."

The dragon mage——Eldo looked solemn, and said: "Master Kandar! I suggest asking the headquarters for help!"

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