Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1849: Extinction

In the bridge of "Tan Ya"...

The white beam of light burst out, bursting out of the void, and plunged one end on the ground.

When the beam of light disappeared, Li Meng and Tan Ya suddenly appeared.

With a gloomy expression on her face, Tan Ya looked ugly and said: "Master, it was me careless. I didn't expect the civilized races on the Blue Domain to have such irrational decisions. This is something I never expected."

Speaking of this, Tan Ya took a peek at Li Meng, her expression a little twisted, and cautiously said: "Lord...Master, I want to blow it up."

Regarding Tan Ya’s words, Li Meng just sat down in the position below, looked at the blue planet outside, and said thoughtfully: “Although this planet is beautiful, there are some weirdness in the sea floor. This weirdness gives me an ominous feeling, but it is better to be cautious and blow it up.

Although his words would cause the death of hundreds of millions of lives, Li Meng would not apologize for it.

People are selfish, and Li Meng has a mortal heart. He is also selfish. He is willing to fight for the future of mankind. He is willing to use all means for the people around him, but he will not take risks for irrelevant lives.

This planet...

If it is the ominous feeling in ordinary people's hearts, it is just nervousness, but Li Meng is different. The ominousness in his heart is a sense of danger, and this danger is enough to make Li Meng make a decision to destroy the stars.

With the master's answer, Tan Ya was relieved.

Sitting on the captain's seat, Tan Yayang waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Adjust your posture, enter the atmosphere, prepare for the cracking gun..."

Although the cracking gun is powerful, it cannot destroy a planet in an instant. It can only destroy the planet’s core and inject huge energy into it, causing the core to be unstable and causing the planet to explode on its own. This process requires a period of brewing time. This period of time was enough for the "Tan Ya" to escape from the Blue Star.

The reason for entering the atmosphere is that the atmosphere will seriously weaken the energy of the plasma beam. As long as it is in the atmosphere, energy consumption can be effectively avoided.

Following Tan Ya's order, outside, the "Tan Ya" on the blue star orbit began to adjust its posture.

The bow of the ship was facing the planet, the engine at the tail burst into flames, and the huge "Tanya" began to slowly descend.

As it left the orbit and entered the atmosphere, the violent friction caused the entire bow of the "Tan Ya" to burn.

In the sky of the blue star, a huge, dazzling fireball appeared, and its shining fire light almost reflected the sky.

On the planet, a dazzling sea of ​​flames appeared over the carrier-based ship that had fallen into the sea.

The huge Tanya was like a huge burning mountain pressing against the sea. When the flame disappeared, the air wave rushed down from the sky, and the clouds instantly disappeared. Under the influence of wind pressure, the entire sea surface was rippling.

In the high altitude, the huge "Tanya" stands upside down, its huge metal body, like a metal mountain in the sky thousands of meters high, even if it is thousands of miles away, you can see the huge hull.

The vision from the sky calmed the battlefield in the sea. The two fighting parties stopped firing and dispersed, watching the vision of the sky quietly in the water.

It is too large, a huge shadow enveloped the sea, making the world dark.

"What do they want to do?"

In the water to the northwest, about a kilometer below, in a combat vehicle, Timothy frowned and sat on a soft seat, looking at the huge spaceship that stood in the sky on the screen.

Timothy knew that their attack on the alien spacecraft would definitely anger the aliens and also knew that the aliens would retaliate.

But Timothy didn't worry too much about it. They were on the bottom of the sea, what would happen to those aliens.

Before issuing an attack on the alien spacecraft, Timothy had collected information about aliens. He knew that the weapons of those aliens were not suitable for underwater operations.

In the water, it is the world of the Atlanteans. No matter how strong the technology of those aliens is, there is no way they can do it.

"His Royal Highness, should we report the situation here to Her Majesty the Queen?"

Beside Timothy, an Atlantis general in blue armor suggested.

With a wave of his hand, Timothy said indifferently: "No, the battle with the Chafman is not over yet, let's see what those aliens want to do first."

Looking at the picture on the screen with a little worry, the general hesitated to speak, but he still retreated.

I hope that His Royal Highness's decision is right...

At this time, outside, at an altitude of several kilometers, the Tanya had a new movement.

The bow deck opened, and a muzzle with a diameter of one kilometer was revealed.


With a harsh roar, the space seemed to be shaking, and water droplets bounced on the sea.

Amid the harsh roar, the blue light in the huge muzzle suddenly flickered, becoming more and more dazzling.

After a while, a small blue sun formed at the muzzle, dazzling but not dazzling.

Suddenly, the blue light group flashed dazzlingly, and a huge blue beam of light shot out amid the roar of the "roar", instantly surpassing thousands of miles and rushing into the sea.

The scorching temperature vaporized the sea water, and the mist rose on the sea surface, forming a huge vortex with the beam of light as the center.

The waters tens of nautical miles around were stirred.

Almost instantly, the huge beam of light reached the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep. Wherever the beam of light passed, the water monsters and sea monsters were vaporized and annihilated.

Under the shining of the huge beam of light, the darkness in the water was removed, even if it was a hundred miles away, the huge beam of light in the water could be seen.

The surge of sea water bears the brunt of the two fleets that left the battlefield in the water. A large number of combat vehicles collided and were swept by the current, bursting into flames.

At the bottom of the sea, the entire surface of the blue star is shaking, the earth is cracking, and the crust is moving.

Within a few minutes, on the bottom of the sea, I do not know how many civilized cities were destroyed, and how many lives were lost.

Including Atlantis...

The violent shaking caused volcanoes on the bottom of the sea to erupt and the earth to crack. In Atlantis, this originally beautiful city has now become a cemetery. A large number of buildings collapsed, several volcanoes around erupted, and hot melt The slurry is eroding the entire city. The city that was originally brilliantly lit has been flooded with fiery molten slurry at this moment, a scene of apocalypse.

"Timos... my boy, what did he do?"

In the city, the palace where the king's court is located is still safe and sound. It is strong enough to overcome the shock.

Sitting on the throne and listening to the report from the crabs and shrimps, Ivan Bella's face turned pale, and the hands holding the staff were trembling.

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