Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1131 Federal Security Conference

Don't think that Anton and his friends' expression of loyalty is a bit exaggerated, or that they are deliberately "acting". In fact, this is really their true inner thoughts!

Including Anton, everyone in the Tsar Guard was born in the army, and then retired and laid off during the great disarmament. Before joining the Tsar Guard, their living conditions were quite difficult.

It can be said that Wang Ye paid for the establishment of the Tsar Guard and gave them job opportunities and better living conditions.

If this were the case, although they were still very grateful to Wang Ye, they would not feel comfortable saying that they were willing to sacrifice their lives for Wang Ye in person. Of course, if Wang Ye was really in danger, they should still be willing to sacrifice their lives.

Today, Wang Ye suddenly announced that he would turn them all into internal guards. Everyone knew what this meant to these former soldiers.

That is, not only will everyone no longer have to fight on the front line of the battlefield, but they will also no longer be able to live a life of not knowing whether they will see tomorrow!

Although no one here is afraid of death, who doesn't want to live for a few more decades...

In addition, Wang Ye also gave everyone identity and status!

The Internal Guards can be said to be the veritable "Private Guards", and their status is superior to that of all brother troops.

Enjoy the best treatment, use the best equipment, appear in the most eye-catching occasions, and protect the most important people...

And the level is very high. All the senior executives of the Tsarist Guard present here will probably be able to reach the lowest level of "lieutenant colonel or colonel" after being "regularized". And the highest level, Anton, may be directly called " General"...

For a person who comes from a military background, this is definitely their biggest dream in this life, there is no one else!

Wang Ye had also considered the recruitment of the Tsar's imperial guards.

This newly established security company was originally his "direct force" and was loyal to him, so it was appropriate for him to incorporate it into the internal security force after he took office.

He will soon hand over military power from his adoptive father, so this can be considered part of his power!

With the protection of nearly 10,000 elite troops, Wang Ye believed that at least in Moscow, no one would dare to use any crooked ideas.

Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. If you want to secure your position, you must firmly control several powerful departments. In fact, Wang Ye has already started making preparations.

The current powerful departments are either Shao Yigu, who has a good relationship with him, or Korokoli, who already belongs to the same faction as him, and his die-hard confidant Flamir!

Coupled with the fact that the Tsar's Guards were about to be reorganized into the Internal Guards, Wang Ye felt that the situation should be stable.

In fact, Wang Ye feels that now he is the authentic representative of the "Shilavik Group", because the word itself means a powerful organization, which refers to powerful departments such as the Ministry of National Defense, the Security Bureau, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But now, these powerful departments are almost completely in his own hands, so the original Shilavik Group basically exists in name only...

Since these powerful institutions are already in Wang Ye's hands, why does he need to form a new powerful institution, the internal defense force?

Perhaps only Wang Ye himself knows the answer to this question!


One day at the end of February, an important meeting was held in a large conference hall of the Kremlin Palace.

Participants were all members of the Federal Security Council, including Meddev, Gryzlov, Director of the Federal Administration for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff of the President Gorbrev, Defense Ministry Shaoyigu, Interior Ministry Vladimir, Security Bureau Korokoli, Minister of Foreign Affairs, etc., a total of eleven people.

Although Meddev and Grezlov have resigned from their respective positions as prime minister and speaker, they still retain their positions as members of the Federal Security Council and are therefore eligible to participate in today's meeting.

Speaking of the Federal Security Council, this is actually a very important department. In a sense, it can be compared to departments such as the Military Commission of some countries.

By convention, the chairman of the Federal Security Council is always held by the Kremlin himself, but the deputy chairman is not necessarily the prime minister on the government side, or the president of the Senate, or even the speaker of the Duma.

But it doesn't matter, because with "vice" in front of the position, especially in an organization like this, it is really just an honor.

If you look at the powers and responsibilities of the Federal Security Council, you can understand what kind of department it is.

1. Provide all necessary conditions for the Federal President to exercise his powers in relation to national security.

Second, formulate national policies to ensure national security and supervise their implementation.

3. Predict, discover, analyze, and evaluate threats to national security, assess war dangers and military threats, and formulate measures to eliminate dangers and threats.

4. Provide advice to the President of the Federation on the following aspects: measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies and overcome their consequences; use of special economic measures to ensure national security; implementation, extension and withdrawal of states of emergency, implementation or withdrawal of military states; reorganization of responsibilities Existing state agencies for security protection, the formation of new state agencies in this field; Approval and revision of the national security strategy of the Russian Federation, other concepts and doctrines in the field of ensuring national security and defense.

5. Formulate the basic principles of the country’s foreign policy and military policy.

6. Coordinate the work of the federal and federal subject administrative agencies in the implementation of the federal president’s resolutions on ensuring national security.

7. Evaluate the effectiveness of federal administrative agencies in ensuring national security and formulate evaluation standards and indicators.

To put it bluntly, this department was established to facilitate the Kremlin's control of military power!

Today's meeting is about the adoptive father handing over the position of chairman of the Federal Security Council to Wang Ye. This is also the most important step in the handover between the two before Wang Ye officially takes office!

In the conference room, everyone sat down at the huge long conference table. There were not many people. The conference table was wide and long. There were also small national flags and flowers placed in the middle. Everyone found their seats according to their positions and seniority very familiarly. Down.

For someone like Flamir, who has just been in office and has less actual power than others, his seat is naturally at the outermost position...

Gryzlov and Gorbrev are at the front.

Of course, the position of adoptive father is still vacant, and important people only appear last.

Taking advantage of the free time before the meeting, some committee members were whispering among themselves, while others were closing their eyes and concentrating without saying a word.

Flamir was sitting next to Korokoli. He turned around and asked in a low voice: "I guess I gave my position to the boss in today's meeting."

Privately, Flamir likes to call Wang Ye "the boss", and of course Korokoli knows what he is talking about.

He nodded slightly and said in the same low voice: "Well, according to time, it's time to hand over. After all, the official inauguration ceremony will be held in a few days. This position will definitely be handed over before the inauguration ceremony. I don't know today. Just going through the motions, there are still other things to discuss.”

Flamir chuckled and said with a happy face: "With the boss's work style, it is estimated that a new official will be appointed to take charge of the fire! I just don't know which department will be affected. Anyway, our Ministry of Internal Affairs has already gone through two or three rounds of rectification. , it should be your turn this time."

Indeed, when Wang Ye served as deputy speaker, he rectified the work style of the police system.

Flamir also stood out during those rounds of rectifications and took the opportunity to take over!

While the two were talking in a low voice, the door to the conference room was pushed open by the guard, and the foster father and Wang Ye walked in one after the other.

Everyone in the conference room immediately stood up.

The adoptive father walked to the front of the long conference table and did not sit down. Instead, he announced very simply: "With immediate effect, I resign as chairman of the Federal Security Council and Mikhail will take over. Today's meeting , also hosted by Mikhail.”

As he said that, he smiled and stretched out his hand to indicate to Wang Ye to sit at the top.

With a smile on his face, Wang Ye glanced around the conference room and nodded to everyone.

The conference room immediately burst into warm applause.

Amidst the applause, the adoptive father turned around and walked out of the conference room. There was no place for him anymore...


After watching his adoptive father go out and the guards closing the door to the conference room, Wang Yecai sat down and motioned for everyone to sit down as well.

Seeing everyone sitting down one by one, Wang Yecai said slowly: "Everyone here and I are old acquaintances, so there should be no need to introduce yourself."

Although Wang Ye's joke was not funny, there was still a chuckle in the conference room.

Wang Ye continued: "Today is the first time I have chaired a federal security meeting. Everyone's time is precious, so let's make a long story short and let's discuss the key points directly.

In accordance with the needs of changes in the international and domestic situation, I propose to establish a new military agency, that is, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tentatively named the Federal State Guards Directorate.

Terms of reference include…

Of course, this bill is currently under our internal discussion, and its formal implementation will have to wait until after the inauguration ceremony.

Everyone can express their thoughts. "

Wang Ye gave a brief summary of his thoughts, then turned and waved to the staff standing behind him, who immediately brought a stack of folders and distributed them to the committee members present.

Inside the folder is the detailed plan drafted by Wang Ye on the establishment of the "Federal National Guards General Administration".

Including department level positioning, personnel composition, scope of authority, etc.

Obviously, this proposal was not a whim of Wang Ye, but the result of careful consideration.

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other. Although they all knew that Wang Ye had a vigorous and resolute style of doing things, he would definitely make big moves after taking office.

But he didn't expect that before he officially took office, Wang Ye would make such a ground-breaking plan!

You know, this so-called General Administration of the Guards is not an ordinary organization. Just by listening to the name, you know that it is at least a powerful department on par with organizations like the Security Bureau!

In the political arena, power is like a big cake. It is not infinite. Everyone has a tacit understanding to divide the cake.

Now that there is an extra department out of thin air, it must be Wang Ye's own confidants, which is equivalent to directly cutting off a large piece of the original big cake!

How involved would it be, how many factions would be affected...

Is Wang Ye really so sure that all factions will stand firmly on his side?


The conference hall suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked down at the handed-out information, but it was obvious that some people's brows were frowning more and more.

This even includes Flamir!

After a while, Flamir was the first to not hold back and spoke first: "Chairman Mikhail, I saw that this plan mentioned that the Internal Guards should be separated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and merged into the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Going to the General Administration of Guards?"

No wonder he couldn't sit still for the first time. After all, according to the plan, it was equivalent to cutting off a large piece of the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

No matter how "loyal" Flamir is, he can't remain silent, otherwise he won't be able to explain to the Davaris in the department after he returns...

Wang Ye nodded and replied simply: "Yes, the main responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be on public security, and there is no need to retain the Internal Guards, because this will lead to confusion in terms of authority and will not be able to give full play to the Internal Guards." role."

Flamir looked at Wang Ye with a frown on his face and hesitated to speak.

He originally thought that after Wang Ye came to power, his good days would come.

Who knew that the boss would be the first to "operate" on me...

Of course Wang Ye understood what Flamir was thinking, and smiled slightly and said: "Actually, the establishment of the National Guards General Administration is only the first step. There will be adjustments to other departments later. For example, I plan to abolish the Federal Narcotics Control Administration and the Federal Immigration Administration. The status of the General Directorate as an independent Federal Directorate shall be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs!”

Flamir's eyes immediately shone, and his sorrow disappeared!

He blurted out: "This plan is good, I support it!"

Wang Ye hit him with a stick and gave him a sweet date to eat, no, he gave him two sweet dates!

Directly merging two departments with relatively small scope of authority into the Ministry of Internal Affairs would be much bigger than "cutting" the cake of the Internal Guard. Of course, Flamir supported it.

There was no problem immediately on Flamir's side. He expressed his firm support for the plan proposed by Chairman Mikhail. The general situation of establishing a National Guard was a must!

However, Meddev has something to say.

He frowned and asked: "I have no problem with anything else, but the establishment of such a newly militarized department will definitely require a huge amount of funds to support it. Mikhail, you also know that although our economy has developed rapidly in recent years, we need There are more places to spend money, so where can we squeeze out such a large amount of funds for this new department?"

This is true. According to Wang Ye's proposal, the newly established General Administration of the National Guard is not an ordinary military organization, but focuses more on "special operations"!

Everyone also knows that the army is a "gold-eating beast". If it is associated with words such as "special", "mechanical" and "intelligent", it will require even more funds.

The national fiscal funds are only so small every year, and it has long been a carrot and a pit. It is impossible to squeeze out a large sum of money for this new department!

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