Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 444 Star Core Power

A rumbling sound, like an earthquake, came from far away from the ground. Lin Tao, who was running so fast, almost couldn't stand still when he landed.

"What happened?" Lin Tao was stunned.

The vibration only appeared once and then disappeared. This made Lin Tao surprised and confused at the same time.

"Hieful." Lin Tao called.

"The vibrations came from the deep pit passage." After the core ball emerged, the beast responded.

"The passage to the deep pit?" Lin Tao's heart was racing: "Have the Three-Eyed Tribe already entered the deep pit underground?"

Xie didn't say anything, and with a hiss, a light curtain was shot out. Inside the light curtain, the black figure who was suspected to be a member of the Three-Eyed Tribe was still falling rapidly downwards in mid-air and had not yet fallen into the deep pit underground.

Lin Tao frowned. He didn't know what was going on with the vibration just now. He didn't dare to easily penetrate into the deep pit to investigate.


Suddenly, Lin Tao's watch vibrated again.

"Lin Tao, you should also change the ringtone. Every time this watch vibrates, it will affect the memory metal outside." He reminded for no reason.

Lin Tao smiled slightly. In fact, he already had a choice in his mind about the ringtone of his watch, which was Lin Wanxin's watch ringtone. He was even very interested in Lin Wanxin, because not only did this woman have the same looks, and also likes the same ring tone.

Because of Lin Wanxin, Lin Tao did not immediately switch to that ring tone after encountering it, but kept the ring tone mode.

He raised his hand and saw that it was Chairman Yue Hong. Lin Tao thought for a while and connected the communication. He deliberately didn't answer it before. If he didn't answer it this time, he would definitely arouse Yue Hong's suspicion.

This is not a good thing for him.

The communication has just been connected.

"Lin Tao, where have you been?" Speaker Yue Hong's anxious voice came from the watch.

"I just left the Capital Building. I wanted to take a stroll, but I didn't expect something happened, so..." Lin Tao wanted to pick a reason, but couldn't find anything for a while, and couldn't help but stop talking for a moment.

Fortunately, Speaker Yue Hong did not ask further questions, but called out urgently: "Lin Tao, I'm at the villa. You can come back immediately."

"Okay." Lin Tao responded.

There were only two sentences, and as soon as Lin Tao finished answering, he cut them off in a hurry, which made Lin Tao look weird for a while.

"Xie, you should always pay attention to the changes on the other side. I have to rush back now." After Lin Tao finished speaking, his muscles burst out, and with a whoosh, he disappeared on the spot, turning into a shadow and running quickly.

It is quite a distance from the villa. If he cannot get back in a short time, Chairman Yue Hong will definitely be suspicious. Although he did not say much, Lin Tao revealed that he is still near the capital building.

Fortunately, at full speed, Lin Tao finally returned to the villa within the scheduled time.

Lin Tao had just stopped and before entering the garden of the villa, another half-ball suddenly appeared in the strap of his watch: "Lin Tao, something big happened over there."

As he said that, he quickly shot out the light curtain, showing the picture of the deep pit passage on the other side of the capital star. In the picture, only a dazzling light was emitted from the deep pit passage. The color of these lights was somewhat similar to that of the sub-space-time passage. But there are obvious differences.

Suddenly, the light shines brightly, and a huge light group appears from the deep pit passage. Two figures can be vaguely seen in the light group.

"What kind of light is that?" Lin Tao was curious.

"That's not light, that's the power of the star core." Before Xie could speak, suddenly, the shadow of Guda emerged from the ring on Lin Tao's right hand. It also looked at the so-called 'star core energy' in the light curtain. Yes, he seemed quite interested.

"Star core power?" Lin Tao was surprised.

"Yes, that is the energy of the star core. Unexpectedly, those two Three-Eyed tribesmen have been stealing the energy of the star core on this planet." He said with a sneer: "Lin Tao, we have to leave this planet quickly. "

"Why?" Lin Tao was puzzled.

"This ball is right. We need to leave this planet as soon as possible." The shadow of Guda also nodded its phantom-like head.

"A ball?" Xie was like a cat with exploded hair. With a hiss, the ball flew out from the watch strap and hovered in the air. He even yelled: "Your shadow is a round ball." Ball, your whole family is a round ball!"

The shadow of Guda flickered between the virtual and the real for a few times, but did not respond to Hideous words. Then he shrank back into the ring. Before disappearing, he left a sentence: "The Star Core" If it can be extracted, this planet only has a lifespan of one or two months at most. If it is not left early, it will turn into dust in the universe along with this planet."

Hearing this, Lin Tao was shocked.

Seeing the shadow of Guda disappearing, the ferocious core ball became angry and dissatisfied, and returned to the watch strap: "Humph! What a piece of shit, it's just a ghost shadow, how dare you say that our great mechanical clan is a ball? I just lost my outer shell. As long as I have enough memory metal, what can't I change?"

After saying that, it snorted heavily again, expressing its dissatisfaction.

Looking at Xie Zheng controlling the thin layer of memory metal covering the round metal ball, Lin Tao raised his eyebrows and started talking: "Xie, what exactly did Guda Shadow say?"

Can the star core be extracted? The capital star only has a lifespan of one or two months?

This was somewhat beyond Lin Tao's expectation. In his memory, there seemed to be no record of the destruction of Capital Star?

Is there an error in the historical data, or has the reality changed again?

Also, what exactly is the power of the star core?

Lin Tao wanted to know the reason.

"The star core is the main core of a planet. Its existence is to ensure the continuation of the planet. Once the star core energy is completely extracted, the planet will die. Well, how to put it, just like what the ghost said Likewise, the star core energy of this planet has been extracted by the Three-Eyed Tribe, and it will soon collapse on itself and turn into dust in the universe."

"Lin Tao, we have to find a way to leave this planet. Once the planet collapses, even the first generation of strong men from our mechanical family will not be able to escape."

The more Xie said, the more anxious he became, wanting to leave the capital star immediately.

How can this be? Lin Tao's eyelids jumped in shock.

In the light curtain, the scene turned. Two Three-Eyed Clan members who came out of the deep pit passage met with the black shadow that was descending and was suspected of being a Three-Eyed Clan member. After the two parties communicated for a while, a burst of energy erupted from the black shadow. A formation of rich black light enveloped the two Three-Eyed clansmen, and with a roar, they flew back into the air.

"The power of mind."

Lin Tao is very familiar with the power of mind because he has the memory of Elder Hongshi from Etna. Seeing this, Lin Tao already understands that the ability used by the black figure is exactly the power of mind.

In the Human Interstellar Federation, so far, Lin Tao has only discovered that two sisters, Lu Mengchen and Lu Mengying, are born with this ability, so there is no need to think too much, the black figure must also be a member of the Three-Eyed Tribe.

Three three-eyed tribesmen!

Lin Tao's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered the words of the Grand Chancellor. There were only five Three-Eyed Clan members left in the Human Interstellar Federation, and one of them was killed by him in the Lin family's capital star. In other words, there were only four Three-Eyed Clan members left.

Now, three people suddenly appeared in the capital star.

Lin Tao's eyes flashed.

"Lin Tao, you're back." Suddenly, Liu Xueying's surprised and happy voice sounded from the balcony of the villa.

Lin Tao secretly frowned and looked up to see Liu Xueying waving to him: "Come back quickly, Speaker Yue Hong has been waiting for you in the living room for a long time."

With a ferocious sound, the light curtain was retracted, and the core sphere was buried in the memory metal again.

Lin Tao nodded and walked back towards the villa. However, Speaker Yue Hong in the living room seemed to have heard Liu Xueying's voice and walked out in a hurry.

"Lin Tao, let's take a walk on the road." Chairman Yue Hong gave a look and signaled.

Lin Tao understood that Speaker Yue Hong intended to spend time alone with him, so he nodded and left the villa with him.

"Speaker Yue Hong, what happened to the earthquake-like vibration earlier?" Lin Tao asked calmly.

"Shock?" Speaker Yue Hong was stunned for a moment: "It seems that there was a sudden shock, but the details will not be investigated until I return."

"Lin Tao." Suddenly, Speaker Yue Hong stopped and stared at Lin Tao with bright eyes: "I came here this time. I was entrusted by the Speaker to come here specifically to find you."

Lin Tao raised his eyebrows.

"You should know that the fleets of Wei Hongxin and Wei Feihang were both attacked." Chairman Yue Hong let out a long breath: "The eight wealthy families and the Starry Sky Pirates each invested nearly 40,000 starships."

To be precise, it was about 35,000 ships. Lin Tao had already heard the congressmen mention it in the conference room.

"According to the information report I arranged earlier, their number of ships is less than half." Speaker Yue Hong said solemnly: "Next, our Interstellar Federation may face a large-scale war."

is it possible? Lin Tao shook his head secretly, now he was facing a large-scale war.

Just like when Mingyuan Star was jointly attacked by three giants, there were only a few thousand starry sky giant ships. You can imagine what a battle with tens of thousands of starry sky giant ships would be like.

"Does the Speaker plan to deploy our Mingyuan Star mechas? Or do we need the general design drawings of those two mechas now?" Lin Tao didn't know how to mince words, so he asked directly.

During the impromptu meeting, due to the sudden starship war, Lin Tao was banned from a large wealthy family, but he had not had time to submit the general design drawings of the two mechas.

Therefore, Lin Tao knew very well about Speaker Yue Hong's trip.

Regarding those two machines, the Grand Chancellor also found out the information and knew that they were made from the shell of the starry sky creature Kongli. Lin Tao was not sure whether the Interstellar Federation had discovered the location of other Kongli.

Otherwise, once the general design is obtained, with the energy of the entire Interstellar Federation, the same type of mechas will be mass-produced in a very short period of time.

Of course, if the Interstellar Federation has not discovered other Kongli, then as the third senior brother Han Feng said, the Grand Speaker must be planning to borrow mechas from Mingyuan Star.

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