An autumn rain and a cold.

Yan Qixun leaned against the door frame of the main room of the thatched earthen house, looking at Lili Qiuyu outside, feeling extremely melancholy.

There was a fire last night, and she was stunned by the thick smoke. After waking up, she inexplicably awakened the memory of her previous life.

Looking at the thatched hut that looked like the 1950s and 1960s in her last life, Qi Xun felt that she died hastily in her last life.

Zhan turned the other side all night, not knowing whether to be happy or annoyed.

It's's complicated.

After thinking about it all night, I can only sigh, Meng Po Tang is also cutting corners these days. Otherwise, she was happily reincarnated and lived in this ancient mountain village for eight or nine years, why did she think about her previous life again?

Can't be a carefree ancient small peasant girl happily?

However, you can't think of the worst in everything. Maybe there is nothing wrong with Meng Po Tang. It is purely because she was the most talented and youngest 38-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in her previous life, and made outstanding achievements for the development of science and technology in the motherland. Contribution and great merit, but she was reborn as a poor peasant daughter, and the dynasty she lived in was really not so friendly to women, so God gave extra rewards out of compensation, so she was allowed to open a plug-in and awaken the memory of her previous life. ?

Do you feel better when you think about it?

Yan Qixun actually has no regrets about his untimely death in his previous life. She died to save people, and it was an honorable sacrifice. Both parents have passed away, and my uncle has another family. He is still a single dog. The experimental project he is in charge of has just been successful. The country he lives in is already the most powerful country in the world more than ten years ago.

Die without regret.

What she is melancholy is that the home she has devoted herself to was burned to ashes by a fire just yesterday. Except for two boxes of books at home, nothing was rescued.

Of course, the good thing is that people are fine.

Now their family is temporarily living in the house where their grandfather lived when he was alive, and it is only ten meters away from the small courtyard where her house was burned down.

After my grandfather passed away, this house has been empty. It was originally a house with earthen walls and grass roofs. No one lived in it for several years. Fortunately, there are three rooms, and the roof is repaired by her parents once a year.

However, living is not just about having a house.

Yan Qixun shrank his shoulders.

He was wearing only the middle clothes he wore when he slept last night, which was very thin, and the clothes were stained with soot. However, there was no change of clothes.

Now it is the beginning of September of the lunar calendar, and it is almost winter, the weather is getting colder and colder, and there is no food at home, no clothes or bedding, and only all the accumulated animals in the house have been dug out from the burnt house, less than five Two pieces of silver and more than two hundred copper coins.

She couldn't enter the portable space in her previous life, and now she doesn't know if the space has disappeared or if she can't enter temporarily, so she has to plan for the worst.

The eldest brother went to Beijing with his father to take the exam, and he will not be able to come back until April next year at the earliest. My mother is a beautiful lady, and she can afford chess, piano, calligraphy and painting, and it is impossible to support her family. The second brother and the third sister are triplets with the eldest brother. They are only twelve years old. She and the fifth sister are twins, and they are only eight years old.

At least she can't stand the cold now.

Looking at the rain outside, Yan Qixun wiped her face and sighed again, but she really didn't want to lie in the house with that bit of straw and a broken quilt to keep warm.

In this damn ancient times, transportation basically relied on walking, communication basically depended on roaring, heating basically depended on shaking, entertainment basically depended on... ahhh, what are you thinking!

The poor genius shrugged his shoulders coldly, and put aside the spit that filled his screen, he began to figure out how to use his brain to make money to support his family. Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the squeak of the bamboo fence courtyard door being pushed open. .

It was a woman in her late fifties who was considered an old man in this era and could call herself an old woman.

is her only neighbor.

The grandmother of the left family.

The Zuo family has only two elders and a son. Because they are hunters, they do not live in the village, but at the head of the village at the foot of the mountain for the convenience of going up the mountain. It is about 200 meters away from the village where people live.

Yan Qixun's father, Yan Yongwu, was born in Beijing. He lost his parents when he was a child. He was raised by his grandparents. When he was fifteen years old, his grandparents who worked in the Beijing Hanlin Academy died. Afterwards, they became neighbors with the Zuo family.

Qi Xun saw the grandmother of the Zuo family coming in the rain, and hurriedly asked, "Grandma, why are you here now?"

The grandmother of the Zuo family was wearing a thatch hood and carrying a bamboo basket, which was wrapped in oilcloth, and she didn't know what was in it.

Seeing the question, he closed the fence gate and stepped on the mud to quickly walk to the door, picking the mud off his shoes and entering the house, while saying: "I think you were hit by a disaster last night, I guess there is nothing at home, our family can't help. What else, I can still mix out some rice and noodles, I am afraid that you will not eat it, so no, I will send you some. Why are you the only one in the family? What about your mother and the others?"

Before Qixun could answer, Grandma Zuo put down the basket, grabbed Qixun's hand, and said in surprise, "Oh, my little one, just wear this, why are you standing like this? Now it's cold and sick again. What's the matter? Go to the bed and lie down. You still have to find a way to find something thicker."

Grandma Zuo knew that in this fire, apart from a few taels of silver, several copper plates, and two boxes of books, nothing else was snatched out.

The ragged quilt when they slept last night was sent by Grandma Zuo's, and the ragged quilt was still from Uncle Zuo's. He said that he was an adult, and it was nothing to stay up all night, so he borrowed it from her for the time being.

Mother Qixun saw that Qixun had a fever yesterday, so she borrowed it once. Today I have to give it back to others.

It was also because she fainted yesterday and had a little fever. This morning, her mother took her brother, sister and sister out to find a way to keep her at home.

Qixun saw the worried expression of the grandmother of the Zuo family, and hurriedly said: "My mother took my brother to the town to buy quilts and cloth, and my sister and sister went to the great-uncle's house to borrow food."

Zuo's grandfather is not in good health and has been taking medicine, so although he is an hunter, his life is actually difficult. His family has only three acres of dry land, and he needs to buy enough food for his own food. grain?

So the third sister and the younger sister went to the great-uncle's house to borrow food. This great-uncle-grandfather is not an outsider, he is her great-grandfather's direct younger brother, and the two families are blood relatives who have not had five clothes.

Because it is far away from the village, the fire last night did not disturb the clansmen, and it burned at the right and left.

But at this moment, it is estimated that the clan also knows.

After all, her home is at the head of the village, and she has to pass by here when she enters and leaves the village. No one from the clan came over at this time, and it was also because her sister and her sister went to the village.

The grandmother of the Zuo family pushed her to bed and wrapped her in the thin tattered quilt before saying, "Although I owe the harvest this autumn, your great-uncle's family has thirty acres of paddy fields, plus the ten rented from your family. Mus of paddy fields, life is still in the near future, but I can help you a little. Besides, your great-uncle is still alive, and he has always loved your great-grandchildren, and will not watch you suffer. I only gave you a few pounds. Mixed flour, two catties of rice, enough for you to eat for a few days."

When the parents were not at home, Qi Xun did not dare to accept anything from others, so he refused.

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