Zhang Tiejun frowned, feeling a little dizzy in his head, top-heavy and staggering without a center of gravity, and feeling that the whole person was flying and spinning. I can't describe the feeling.

After a while, I slowly became aware of my body, and I felt the taste of a soul returning, and I also felt the contact between my body and something.

This kind of contact makes people feel very reassuring, and people gradually sober up. Or rather, the brain is waking up.

There was a loud rumbling noise in his ears, and there was an indescribable smell in his nose, dampness, rust, sweat, and gasoline, but it gave him an inexplicable familiarity.

Even the loud noise made him feel a faint sense of intimacy in his heart.

Then he felt the coolness, reached out and touched his bare thighs.

Damn, what's the situation?

Zhang Tiejun woke up suddenly and opened his eyes.

The room was dim and hazy, and the innocent light peeked in through the window. He flexed his eyes to get used to it, and only then could he vaguely see some outlines.

He was lying down. The bed underneath me was narrow and uneven, making it uncomfortable.

He was a little surprised, tilted his head to look carefully, reached out and touched it under him, as if it was not a mattress, but clothes, the feeling of a lot of clothes being laid on top of each other.

He sat up with all his might, his eyes adjusting to the light in the room, the crooked chairs, the tables, the cabinets by the walls.

This scene, this room, this noise and smell, isn't this the rest room of their team when my father went to work?

This is special, this was more than 40 years ago, and now what is going on?

Zhang Tiejun stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh, and he felt a pain. Not a dream. It can't be so real a dream. This is damn.

Memories are awakening.

He leaned there and thought about it for a long time, and then he gradually had some memories, as if he did run to his father's lounge at night on a big night.

That happened before he was officially assigned, Zheng Ying asked him to meet, and then he took his father's key and ran over at night. There was no follow-up, and then it was gone, and slowly he forgot about it.

He and Zheng Ying met at someone else's wedding, and it didn't take much time until this happened, that is, less than three months.

In fact, the number of times they have met in the past three months can be counted on one hand.

As for why Zheng Ying called him over, in fact, Zhang Tiejun himself never understood it too much, anyway, he came here, that's all.

Zhang Tiejun took a breath of turbid air and stood up, picked up his pants and tidied them up, walked to the water room next to him in the dark, touched his body, took out a cigarette and lit one, and took a hard puff.


, I was not sick or sick, and I could live a good life, so I slept normally, but when I opened my eyes, I came back. And

it's back to this day. Was it because he was too excited at this time? too tired? fell asleep and fell asleep?

He took two puffs of cigarettes, and as his memory awoke, he became familiar with this place, and walked to the corner of the wall and poured a soak of urine on the hole in the ground. You don't even need to turn on the lights.

This is the lounge of his father's team, where he has played since he was a child, and he will not find the wrong place with his eyes closed, and when he was a child, his parents would come here at night to wash clothes, and by the way, he and his younger brother would take a bath, and such days have passed for many years.

Today he secretly took his father's key and ran over.

Young, impulsive, can't control yourself. He sighed and shook his head, giving himself an evaluation at this time. In fact, everyone will have such a history, and there is nothing wrong with it.

I don't know why, it's obvious that he was reborn, but he didn't feel excited at all, and even knew that the result was still very calm.

People are back, but the mentality hasn't come back, after all, people who are almost sixty years old can be regarded as having eaten and seen the vicissitudes of life.

At this time, my body is really good, and my muscles feel powerful when I move.

This year, he was just seventeen years old, just about to become an adult, it was the best time for his health, and he still adhered to the Xi of running and exercising in the morning, getting up ten kilometers early, and playing for an hour or two every day with the barbell dumbbell arm force puller.

Two years later, in the winter, he suffered a work injury, contracted typhoid fever and was hospitalized for half a year, and his physical fitness began to decline little by little, and at the age of twenty-seven or eight, he finally had ninety-nine abdominal muscles and became a fat man.

It's not too heavy, it's only about 200 pounds.

Bending his arm to feel the strength contained in his muscles, he fastened his trouser belt and pondered.

Why did he come back? Is he dead over there? Because of what? The main reason is that it is unreasonable, he is not sick, and nothing has happened, is it so casual to be reborn now? Is it a random lot

? Zhang Tiejun stared out the window with wide eyes, took a puff of cigarette, and asked himself in his heart: "Why did I come back? Because of too many regrets? Or is it because of my nostalgia for this era?"

As a senior old bookworm and half of an online author, he is not too familiar with the rebirth system, but he never thought that this kind of thing would really happen to him.

To be honest, he was a little trembling at this moment, but he was still relatively sober and could keep his calm.

His life, now it should be said that he has lived a lifetime, is not bad but not good, it was smooth when he was young, but he didn't make the right choice for several major choices.

Then after the age of forty, it goes straight downstream, and after the age of fifty, it is basically a lonely life. Of course, there is still some money, and the quality of life is not bad, but the poor is life.

Although I don't have to worry about food and clothing, I feel more and more memories and regrets about the past in my heart, and I feel more and more regrets in my life.

When people are old, they will live in their own memories, savor the past and taste their lives every day, regretting regrets, reluctance to reluctance, and regrets.

Could it be that his regret and reluctance for his life are too

strong? So strong that it has attracted God's attention, or has it caused some kind of fierce movement in quantum science? So let himself come back to this time, is it to soothe his regrets?

Zhang Tiejun sighed, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, lit it again, turned on the electric light, and the room suddenly brightened. He walked around the room twice, looking here and there, full of memories.

He looked at his wrist, which was still the familiar Swiss Torini watch. I lost it myself in my previous life, and I felt distressed for a long time.

10th, 10 p.m.

Why is there no year on the watch? What year is this?

Zhang Tiejun thought about it carefully, Zheng Ying did look for himself once, it should be the summer of '90, in July. That month happened to be officially assigned by myself.

That day, that is, at this moment, Zheng Ying was on the night shift.

On the night shift in the factory, something strange will always happen, and there is nothing strange about it, everyone will return to normal life tomorrow morning after leaving the factory gate, and no one will take anything out.

Then she should have left at this time, throwing herself in this dark and damp rest room? Zhang Tiejun was not sure.

His heart gradually calmed down, as if the room was quiet, only the noise outside kept ringing all the time.

Zhang Tiejun moved his young body for a moment, and found that this small body was quite energetic, with smooth key flesh all over his body, and he could feel the powerful explosive power when he clenched his fists.

I remember that although I was also strong and powerful at this time in my previous life, I definitely didn't feel this way. It seems that this is a rebirth benefit, and this majestic power was not available in the previous life.

In his previous life, this time period was the best time in his life, with great strength, fast reaction, and strong explosive force, if it weren't for an accidental work injury, he would have always had a body that satisfied himself and others.

He lit another cigarette and half-lay on the worker's homemade rest bed filled with the smell of sweat, and carefully recalled his state at this time. Home, school, relationships.

This is not actually a bed, but an iron chair welded by the workers themselves, covered with work clothes or something, used for a noon break.

He didn't hate the faint smell of sweat, but felt very kind.

In his last life, he worked in the factory for five years, and then left the factory to start a business, and this time in the factory is a very good memory for him.

He was still a student at this time, a fresh graduate of the technical school of the factory, a family of five, parents, younger brother, grandmother, and then a few people who played better among the technical school classmates.

He didn't have a wide range of social contacts at this time, and at most a few junior high school classmates also had contacts, but there weren't many contacts. It has not yet been assigned to the factory, there are no social relations, everything is very simple.

He graduated this month and officially became a national worker in the crushing workshop, and embarked on the post of dedicating his youth to the country's iron and steel industry.

It's really sweating, not an adjective. It's heavy physical work.

Two years later, he contracted typhoid fever, and less than two months after he was discharged from the hospital and returned to the factory, his finger was wrenched by a belt conveyor. I was hospitalized for one year with two work-related injuries inside and out, and I got a lot of subsidies.

The body collapsed, and half of the little finger was missing.

Since then, he has become bored with his work, and it was at the height of the social business boom that he started his business.

In the past few decades, he has done many industries, and has succeeded and failed ......

The various sounds outside the lounge constantly stimulate the ear drums, but it seems that there is a special sense of silence in the lounge. It's kind of weird.

The rumbling of the ball mill, the sound of running water, the cry of the water pump, the vibration of the fine sieve, the squeaking and hoarse moaning of the pulley, the buzzing of the electric hoist, ......

What a familiar world, the things that often linger in dreams suddenly come to reality.

Zhang Tiejun looked at his watch again, it was already half past ten, and he had been sitting here for half an hour. After a while, shift C will be handed over.

The handover time between Class C and Class A is half past eleven in the middle of the night.

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