Reborn I don't need a heroine

Chapter 296 Chapter 295

The only viewer of the dream suddenly realized that he could speak.

The world around became blank again, without anyone or anything, only the voice: "As you can see, this is the 147th week."

Wang Heng scratched his head, feeling very real.

He suddenly asked: "Can you directly tamper with my memory?"

"It's impossible to tamper with it directly. That would be too much work. But when I restart the new week, I can choose the memory of the entire previous week and package it for you. The week in your memory is actually the 146th time, and I I've always been there. It's just that because I came back, the me in your memory disappeared."

Wang Heng: "Is my future self still there?"

"That guy is lying down for the elderly. In fact, I will always pay attention to the future more than fifty years later in order to evaluate the impact of your every move now."

Wang Heng scratched his head again: "So this is the so-called space-time administrator? Artificial intelligence from more than 50 years later, jumping repeatedly within a short period of time..."

"As long as you tell me to worry less, I won't jump so many times."

Wang Heng: "Then what are you? A copy of my consciousness in the future? A digital consciousness?"

"Language has a limit. You can define it however you want. Anyway, I am me. Well, it's about time you woke up at this point."

Wang Heng asked again: "So, the world line correction mechanism you mentioned before is the self-protection of the law of causality?"

"Yes, the framework of the future has been determined, especially the existence of the historical intervention plan cannot be changed, so the direction of the world you live in must adapt to the future. Where the river is, the river will always flow down, and we have to do Yes, it is to dig out a river of history that suits our wishes little by little.”

After thinking about the logic, Wang Heng realized some problems.

He said: "But the premise of the historical intervention plan is that I want to change history, right? Then if they are not dead, I will not want to change history at all..."

"This may be one of the reasons why we always fail. But you have no choice but to continue. At least, in theory, it is possible for us to succeed. Besides, even if you save them, you can also start the historical intervention plan , as a kind of scientific research and exploration experiment. And now, even if you regret it, you can’t do it.”

Wang Heng: "What do you mean?"

"Although I will return to the starting point every time I fail, the changed time and space will eventually have ripples and aftermath. The 146 attempts have already made you and the fate of the four of them tightly entangled, and there is no way to untie it... ..."


When Wang Heng woke up, he found that the sky was bright and the sun was shining outside the window.

The mobile phone with hypnotic music playing before going to bed has already run out of battery. He plugged in the charging cable, turned it on and saw that it was already ten thirty in the morning.

"This dream is really long..." Wang Heng muttered to himself.

After getting out of bed and putting on clothes, Wang Heng opened the door, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and tidied up hastily. Then he walked up to the cage in the bedroom and squatted down.

The hamster also just woke up, lying on the roller, stretching.

Wang Heng suddenly asked, "Will something happen in these two days?"

The hamster glanced at him and asked back, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to go for a walk alone." Wang Heng rubbed his forehead. "This dream contains a lot of information, and in the future... what should I do in the future, I have to calm down and think about it."

Hamster: "So you want to retreat?"

"Well, let me be alone for a while."

After speaking, Wang Heng put the wallet and keys into his pocket and went out.

He didn't bring his cell phone.

Leaving this residential area and walking two streets, he saw a bus stop and stood there waiting for a few minutes.

He got on the first car he was waiting for.

He has been in Rongdu for more than a year, and he rarely takes the bus. Perhaps because there are always various things to do, most of the time he will choose the most time-saving means of transportation, either a taxi or the subway.

He didn't remember any bus lines, so he naturally didn't know where the car was going. But no matter where it is, as long as you have a seat by the window, it is very good to see the street view along the road.

The rush hour for work has passed, and there are many empty seats in the car. Wang Heng found an empty seat in the back row, sat down, and looked out the window.

Suddenly, he murmured: "How can the four seesaws be kept in balance? They are not the kind of people who can be paid with money. If so..."

The more I think about it, the more pressure I feel.

So he began to recall what he saw in the dream. But after a few minutes, he shook his head, trying to get those scenes out of his mind.

Most of the clips that Hamster focused on were not so pleasant to him... In comparison, the last episode in his memory was more enjoyable. Although it is also a hatchet ending, at least I really enjoyed a lot before that.

The first love with Han Yixuan, the love affair with Ye Xun, the pain and joy of being under Lu Qi's hands, and the tricks with Pei Ningle...Thinking about these, he suddenly had a feeling.

"Tsk, it's not bad to think about it."

He suddenly felt a little hungry. Just right, there is a small noodle shop next to the platform that stops ahead.

So he stood up, ready to get out of the car to pad his belly.

At this time, he noticed the advertisement on the platform.

"The promotion of 4G... just right, the king of glory is about to start testing, right?"


"Why didn't you answer the phone, kid?"

Lu Qi put down her phone, feeling a little irritable. She really wanted to tell him that the game project she participated in had finished its final adjustments and was about to launch its first public beta. Before that, she could take a few days off.

As for who to look for during the holidays, does it need to be said?

After posting for a while, Lu Qi sighed softly, picked up her phone again, and ordered takeaway.

Then she clicked on the webpage and casually browsed the latest news...

"Pei Ningle?"

Lu Qi suddenly noticed a subtitle on the page, clicked on it, and saw that Pei Ningle had made a guest appearance on a variety show again, sang a song on the show, and received a lot of praise from the Internet. And at the same time, her first physical album sold more than 30,000 copies.

In this era of increasingly dismal sales of physical music albums, such a result is already quite good. And for an original innovator under the age of 20, it is even more rare, enough to shock countless seniors in the circle.

Lu Qi closed the webpage, took a sip from the water glass.

"All of them are not fuel-efficient lamps..."


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