Five actors Kaga three operating cards, Chen Mu can create a powerful actor team and a top operating team!

At least in a short time, he don’t have to worry about these two issues.

After getting the top rendering technology, Chen Mu gave it to Ren Yongyuan. Ren Yongyuan read the file and was stupid.


“Look at whether the technical solution is feasible, this is provided by others.”

“This plan … too good!”

Ren Yongyuan was shocked, “I completely subverted my cognition!”

“Take the liberty and ask, your friend …”

He asked carefully.

“Oh, it’s not convenient to disclose that if this scheme is feasible, do it as it is done on it. We can’t delay for too long.”

Chen Mu smiled with a full face, “With it, you should have no problem?”

“No problem! No problem!”

Ren Yongyuan became more and more excited, and almost reached the level of love.

“Okay, then go busy first and strive to get me some special effects in the later period.”

“do not worry!”

Ren Yongyuan assured him, “I must make special effects that satisfy you, it will become the most explosive TV series in the country in China!”

“I will let you still have your” Three Lives and Three “to leave famous movie history!”

“Hahaha, I believe you!”

After hearing Chen Mu, he was very comfortable.

History of named shadow!

Who can not be motivated?


In the middle and late stages of “Three Lives”, it ushered in the real wonderful part.

The setting of the female two places made Bai Qian clearly, and after Bai Qianzi, she jumped off the Xianxiantai, and then drank her medicine to forget Ye Hua.

A hundred years later, the two met again in the East China Sea. Ye Hua recognized Bai Qian and awakened her memory.

In this paragraph, there are a large number of opponents between the protagonists, which test the actors’ acting skills.

Among them, the most important thing is Su Jin.

Because her performance is successful, it will directly affect the overall perception of this part.

Jing Tian, who plays Su Jin, is also in nervousness and anxiety.

She was afraid that her acting skills would not work, and she disappointed Chen Mu’s expectations for her.

Chen Mu seemed to see Jing Tian’s mind, so he found Jing Tian in person:

“Recently, you have always been emotional, what are you thinking about?”

Chen Muyu is extraordinarily gentle.

For Jing Tian, his attention has not been too high these days.

Jing Tian was very obedient and well -behaved, and she would not quit what she made her do.

But unlike egret, Jing Tian’s temperament is more quiet.

She has the temperament of everyone’s lady, and is very easy to get along with Jing Tian.


Jing Tian’s face was slightly stunned.

“I let me carry my lines, but when I play with you, I didn’t … I didn’t show the feeling …”

She buried her head and her voice was very low.

“What does it feel?”

Chen Mu wanted to tease her, this shy girl was so cute.

“I just love the boss …”

Jing Tian whispered, “In the play, Su Jin likes Ye Hua very much. For him, Su Jin has become a very bad woman …”

“You’re not bad!”

“that is because–”

Jing Tian blushed and argued: “That’s because the boss is not my lover …”

“If the boss likes me and there are others grabbing you with me, I must be very angry, maybe a bad woman …”

The smaller she said, the smaller her words.

Seeing that Chen Mu didn’t speak, Jing Tian thought he was disappointed with himself and was aggrieved:

“This role is too difficult, is it bad to perform? I–”

“I believe you.”

Chen Mu covered Jing Tian’s mouth with his hand, and his soft touch made him alem.

“I decided to let you perform at the beginning is to believe in your ability and acting skills.”

“But I let you down.”

Jing Tian was frustrated, “Reba and I are almost older, but when she and you play with you, they can calm down and calmly look natural.”

“And I … too far …”

“Am I, the talent is bad?”

Jing Tian doubted herself for the first time.

Before signing the contract, she was very confident and felt that she could do what she could do.

But for so many days in the crew, Jing Tian’s thoughts slowly changed.

She found that she was not good enough.

Not to mention Reba, even the poor egret acting skills are worse than her!

Jing Tian was hit.

Therefore, in the past two weeks, her mental state has not been very good, and she often goes in acting, and has delayed a lot of time.

“I said, I believe you!”

Chen Mu squeezed her round face, “You are unique, you don’t need to compare with others, don’t think about it.”

Jing Tian took a half step back and looked at him like a shocked rabbit.

Chen Mu’s intimacy just now was too bold for her.

“Can’t you stand it?”

Chen Mu is dumb.

“Su Jin can give everything to Ye Hua, you are afraid of being like this, how can you perform the feeling of Su Jin?”

He was not angry because of Jing Tian’s retreat. On the contrary, it aroused Chen Mu’s desire to conquer. He liked this tough girl.

“Then, what should I do?”

Jing Tian is restrained.

“Have you ever been in love?”

Chen Mu asked.


After listening, his smile became more brilliant.

“Su Jin loves Yehua at night, but you don’t have any love experience, so it is not surprising that you can’t play that kind of feeling.”

“But this is not possible!”

Jing Tian’s moth’s eyebrows were tight.

“In that case, wouldn’t I always play this role?”

“I have a way.”

Chen Mu smiled mysteriously.

“No love experience, then you just talk about love?”


Jing Tian stayed, and said:

“He, who talks with?”

so cute!

When Chen Mu saw Jing Tian’s cuteness, she couldn’t wait to catch it and play.

However, he held up his restless mood. Jing Tian such a good girl could not scare people and had to take it slowly.

“Hey, who do you want to talk to?”

Who talks with?

The first flash in Jingtian’s mind was Chen Mu!

She was scared by her own thoughts.

Jing Tian has been taught since childhood, and rarely contacted other opposite sex. Chen Mu is the man who is the best and most admired by her currently impressed.

So when Chen Mu asked her to fall in love with her, Jing Tian thought of him instantly.


“Su Jin, who I played, talk … Talk to Ye Hua …”

Jing Tian was shy.

She didn’t expect that she could say such a bold thing!

“Do you want to fall in love with me?”

Chen Mu seemed to laugh.

He knew that Xiaotian was hooked.


“Then do you know, what do you need to do in the first step of falling in love?”

Jing Tian’s head was dizzy and asked subconsciously:

“What to do?”

Chen Mu did not answer, and hugged her plump body, printed fiercely on Jing Tian’s red lips:

“Of course!”

Before he tastes the taste carefully, there was a exclaiming at the door:

“You, you!”

“Obviously I came first!”

Reba was very wronged.

… …

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