Reborn As a Pirate

Ninety-eight for justice

With a soft ding, Lorraine cut off Villen's rapier.

He lightly raised the long knife covered in blood, hooked the tip of the knife to Villen's chin, forced him, and looked at the porthole of the captain's cabin.

"Did you see anything? My beloved Admiral Villen Desai."

Wei Lun's face was pale, he pursed his lips without saying a word, trying to maintain his last dignity as a nobleman.

He lost.

The privateer fleet belonging to France was fleeing in a hurry, and the Englishmen flying the St. George's flag rushed after them with full sails.

There is smoke everywhere, and the sea is full of wreckage. The frozen floating corpses floated on the sea holding the boards, each with a strange smile on their faces, as if mocking his incompetence.

These... hideous faces...

He took a deep breath: "I ask..."

"Vilun! You have today too!"

Acharin ran into the cabin with a grim face, raised the short gun in his hand without saying a word, and slammed it heavily on Villen's face.

Wei Lun's request for appeal was abruptly interrupted, and his whole body flew out, spitting blood and hitting the bulkhead.

The dazzling array of pendants on the wall slid down, covering his head and face, forcing him to hug his head and curl up his body, without a trace of aristocratic dignity.

Lorraine called Wang Ye and Karen to get the ecstatic Acharin out, rummaged through the debris all over the floor, and found a copy of the Desai Chamber of Commerce's privateer license.

"This seems to be clear evidence of your lawful actions, Mr. Veron Desai."

Lorraine carefully pulled out the parchment document from the photo frame, and slowly approached the flame of the kerosene lamp in front of Villen.

"Now, it's gone."

Fear appeared in Villen's eyes for the first time, and he cursed tremblingly: "Lorraine Drake, do you know what you are doing! This is trampling on the dignity of nobles! God will curse you!"

"God is in the habit of cursing every heathen, as always."

Lorraine's hand was as steady as cast iron, and the document ignited a fire, burning brightly and blazingly.

He tilted his head and watched quietly, until his fingers were almost burned, and then he watched the flames fall lightly and fall into the silver bowl that had been prepared long ago.

After the paperwork was burned, he pulled out a gold louis stained with blood from his collar, flicked it with his fingers, and hit Wei Lun between the eyebrows.

Wei Lun woke up with a start: "Why do you do this? Blatantly trample on the noble code and kill me, it will not do you any good!"

"It's good." Lorraine hammered his heart, "You know? Lei Wenwen wants me to preside over his daughter's baptism. Unfortunately, I am not qualified..."


It took place in 1778, and the Cantabrian battle that lasted for nearly half a year finally came to an end with England's victory.

In the final decisive battle, Britain and France tried their best.

England had one Carrack-type destroyer, fourteen Brigantine-type frigates, and nine mixed-sail Schooner-type armed merchant ships.

In the end, the Brigantine sank six ships and severely damaged four ships, and the Mixed Sail Schooner sank three ships and severely damaged two ships.

The Ruby Sultan was broken, the Pansy was broken, the Timothy was broken, and the Shower was broken.

The Tuna sank, and Raven Shogner, deputy admiral of the United Fleet and admiral of the Second Fleet of the Minder Chamber of Commerce, died in battle.

France dispatched one Galen-type destroyer and seventeen Brigentines.

Relying on sufficient and accurate information, they were in the winning position for most of the decisive battle. Even if they withdrew from the battlefield at the end, only three Brigantines were sunk and three were captured.

But they lost the most critical reindeer.

In the war at the level of the offshore business district, a fifth-tier destroyer like the Reindeer represents victory.

In fact, the reason why the battle ended so neatly was that at the end of the battle, Karen untied the Butterfly and the Reindeer.

Dragging three Brigantine-level masts, the Reindeer, whose sails were in a mess, staggered into the battlefield, and only fired a shot at the French, and the pirates who were still taking chances turned around in panic. , morale plummeted straight to the bottom.

Anyway, the fight is over.

The cruising English ships searched for the last survivors on the smoky sea. Lorraine gathered all the captains on board the Reindeer and propped up the boards on the side.

Velen Desai stood alone at the end of the plank.

Lorraine took a bath in the gap, changed into a tuxedo, put on a wig, top hat, bow tie, and white gloves, and held up the sentencing documents with the signatures of all the captains in both hands.

"Veron Desai, a notorious pirate."

"During the rampage of the Cantabrian route, he and his pirate bands killed a large number of innocent English merchants, and the noble blood of England seeped through every pore."

"In order to safeguard the justice and glory of the world, and to rest in peace for the English gentlemen who died unjustly, under the witness of the gods, in accordance with the laws of England, we have formed a temporary jury at sea."

"By the unanimous decision of fifteen gentlemen, this vicious, savage pirate chieftain and his gang without limits and shame are sentenced to ... death."

"I declare, execution!"

After the verdict was pronounced, Acharin adjusted the heavy weight that was holding down the ship's plank. Villen opened his eyes, fell silently from the side of the ship, and fell into the icy sea of ​​death where countless sharks wandered.

Lorraine put away the documents wearily, and nodded to the captains around him one by one.

"Gentlemen, by your divine judgment, the English will regain control of order and justice on the high seas. We will erect a cross on the first reef of our return journey, and the rest of the pirates will be nailed there and killed with their remains. Promote civilization and dignity for England, alert those outlaws in Northwest Europe, and tell them that the dignity of England should not be violated."

"You are heroes!" He suddenly raised his voice, "I will deliver this sentencing document to the Assizes Court in Southampton, and ask the honorable judge to ratify the legality of this verdict. At that time, the whole of England will praise your sacrifices. !"

Sparse applause rang out, concatenated into pieces, gathered into thunder.

The captains looked at each other excitedly, for they felt real glory in Lorraine's reserved compliments.

"There is still a return." Lorraine raised his hand to suppress the applause, and looked around the crowd with a smile: "We have suffered a huge loss in this battle. Mr. Mindel will represent you to file a claim for compensation to the French, and at that time will also invite the chambers of commerce from Spain and the Netherlands. And perhaps the Prussians and the Portuguese, too, to agree on a new order for the seas."

"I assure you that it will be the new order presided over by the English, and it will be the new order we like!"

The interrupted applause sounded again, louder and more enthusiastic.

Amidst the praise, Lorraine stroked her chest and bent down to the captains in front of her.

"Go back to your ships, gentlemen. I beseech you, lead our victorious force back to... Plymouth."

Exciting orders sounded on the sea, echoing and drifting away.

"set sail!"

"Hold the anchor and set sail! The admiral has ordered, the target is Plymouth, set sail!"

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