Reborn As a Pirate

Seventy Nine Toasts

Henry VIII, who held the chair legs, founded the college, and Thomas Neville, the dean in the early seventeenth century, designed the college.

Stepping into the gate, Lorraine saw a vast Gothic-style courtyard with green grass, a fountain in the middle of the courtyard, and a pointed auditorium towering in the middle.

Yerro introduced to Lorraine that Trinity College had retained an interesting tradition at the beginning of the independent college. On the day of the opening banquet, freshmen must try to run around the giant court when the bell tower rings at noon.

The perimeter of the giant court is 367 meters, which is almost equivalent to a standard stadium, and the noon bell lasts only 43 seconds. Every freshman who completes the challenge will become the most watched star at the welcome banquet.

He suddenly took out his pocket watch and looked at Lorraine with a smile: "Little Drake, today is also your orientation meeting. Don't you want to try to challenge the glorious tradition of Trinity College?"

Lorraine looked at his attire strangely: "You plan to let me wear a tuxedo to challenge a sport?"

Hierro was stunned for a moment, and his smile gradually became awkward: "Yes, the challenge of a group of philosophers, poets, scientists and theologians is not a challenge at all for you. Please, your banquet is in the Neville Court in front of the Ryan Library, We have to go through the auditorium."

Passing through the auditorium and coming to the courtyard, Lorraine saw long rows of square tables in the east and west of the courtyard, and the square tables were full of exquisite food.

Dozens of men and women scattered in the courtyard in small groups, keeping a suitable distance, chatting and laughing in low voices.

Including Lorraine, the Offshore Association has a total of 27 member chambers, 13 of which operate the Cantabrian route.

This number only accounts for half of the members of the guild, but it accounts for 70% of the transportation and combat power.

They are the leaders of the offshore guilds, and the current president, the Roy Chamber of Commerce in Liverpool, is the most powerful.

The Roy Chamber of Commerce is an old chamber of commerce with a history of nearly 200 years. It has 30 ships, two of which are Karak-type destroyers of the same level as the Reindeer.

The Carrack type is the predecessor of the Galen type, also known as the Spanish galleon. With the prosperity of the Galen type sailing ship, it has gradually faded out of people's vision these years.

The two destroyers of the Roy Chamber of Commerce are both old ships over 80 years old. History has proved that they are not worth mentioning except that they can compete with the Galen type in terms of firepower configuration and number of deck layers.

The essence of buffet is social.

Men and men, women and women, the conversation before the banquet is often more important than the banquet itself, and the topics discussed are more real and more representative of the true state of mind of the participants.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Hierro's niece took Carmen away from Lorraine with a coquettish smile, and said to Lorraine: "Mr. Drake, I will take Miss Xavier to meet the noble lady of the guild, don't you mind?" ?”

Knowing what Hierro meant, Lorraine nodded slightly: "Carmen is a free unmarried lady, Miss Mindell, you don't need to ask my opinion."

"Yes." Freya held Carmen's arm and wrinkled his nose, "My girlfriends say that God kissed my eyes lightly, and I can see through everything."

"You can't see through sailors, we are covered with mirages." Lorraine gestured to them, "I hope you have fun."

After politely watching the two girls blend into the ladies' circle, Ye Luo led Lorraine to a corner of the courtyard, a small gentleman's circle.

The Roy Chamber of Commerce, the Splendi Chamber of Commerce, the Saklin Chamber of Commerce, the Samuelson Chamber of Commerce, and the Chambers of Commerce owned by the four presidents are all outstanding offshore guilds. Like the Minder Chamber of Commerce, they are all members of the council. The Roy Chamber of Commerce is the president of the guild.

"Gentlemen." Hierro greeted everyone in the circle, "Let me introduce to you today's protagonist, Lorraine Drake, the president of the Drake Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Tavistock Drake family, A young gentleman in England, but also a brave, strong, trustworthy and excellent admiral."

Lorraine nodded to the presidents: "Lorraine Anason Drake,

I'm just an abandoned son of the Drake family, a sea school dropout, so I don't deserve such praise from Mr. Mindell. "

"Don't belittle yourself, young man." The serious gentleman held the corner of his mouth by the presidents like a star holding the moon, and stretched out his hand to Lorraine, "John Roy, I am the president of the Roy Chamber of Commerce. "

Taking the opportunity of shaking hands, Lorraine carefully looked at his face.

He is about fifty, with gray hair and green eyes. The old gentleman in front of him gives a strong and rigorous feeling. Every strand of hair fits on his head, covered with a wig, and there is no wrinkle on the dress, which perfectly fits England. The traditional definition of man for nobility.

From his tone, Lorraine couldn't hear much welcome. He dismissed such a newborn small chamber of commerce as Drake, and he didn't value Lorraine's fighting will and fighting ability, which Hierro valued most.

This snub made the small circle into embarrassment.

Hierro coughed: "Gentlemen, what are you talking about?"

Odilan Suckling, president of the Sacklin Chamber of Commerce, smiled and joined in: "We are talking about a new news."

"what news?"

"The four fleets of Cantabrian have become closer together. Two days ago, they announced the formation of the combined fleet at La Rochelle Port. Villen Desai became the admiral of the combined fleet, and the French destroyer became the combined fleet. Flagship of the fleet."

Hierro frowned: "They actually solved the problem of loot distribution?"

"It looks, yes." Odilan shrugged helplessly, "A powerful fleet consisting of one Galen-type destroyer, eighteen Brigentine-type frigates, and sixteen mixed-sail Schooner-type armed merchant ships, We have some differences of opinion."

"Disagreement?" Lorraine didn't understand what was worth disagreeing about in this news. "Is the overall combat power of the guild not as good as the first fleet of the four major chambers of commerce?"

"If all the members of the guild who operate the Cantabrian route are gathered together, it will certainly be comparable." Odilan's voice sounded somewhat helpless, "Our firepower far exceeds them. There are two Karak-type destroyers and Thirty-two Brigantine-type frigates, the problem is..."

"The problem is that we don't need to spend a lot of time." John interrupted with a sneer, "Those privateers should not form a combined fleet. That fleet has already destroyed the balance of power in Cantabrian, and the Channel Fleet will never sit idly by. Ignore it. In my opinion, the blockade of Cantabria is coming to an end and everything will go back to the way it used to be."

Lorraine gave John a strange look: "Do you think that at this juncture, the Royal Navy will declare war on the privateers on the Cantabrian route?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" John pleaded guilty to everyone, holding his goblet and a silver fork, and walked slowly to the north of the courtyard, facing everyone.


After the conversation was over, everyone gathered, men and women, lined up in an arc and stood in front of John.

John cleared his throat: "Yerro introduced a warrior for us."

"On the 4th of this month, he fought the Caribou off the coast of Cantabria. Not only did he protect his teammates from escaping with a Brigantine-type frigate, but he also saved his own life. Let us warmly welcome our new Member, Lorraine Anason Drake!"

Applause rang out.

Amidst the applause, Lorraine paced out of the crowd, took John's place, and stood in front of and in the middle of the crowd.

His look doesn't belong.

Hierro reminded below: "Little Drake, introduce yourself to everyone."

"Introduction?" Lorraine chewed his vocabulary, and suddenly started his membership speech, "By chance, my ship cooperated with Mr. Mindel's fleet and defeated the third fleet of the Desai Chamber of Commerce. He also captured Mr. Achalin Desai, the heir in line of the Desai family. From this, I was able to meet Villen Desai."

"He's a madman. Set up an ambush at the negotiating venue, on the Isle of Guernsey, the Crown Dependency of the King of England, with the intention of killing me."

"I can stand here, which naturally proves that he has failed." Lorraine raised his glass and smiled, "Later on the west of Yo Island, I saw Villen again, saw the Reindeer, and fought a battle by the way. "

"The battle was not long. I hit the Reindeer a dozen times with my guns, and the biggest gain was burning her sternsail. She hit me three times, once in the bow, through both decks, and once At the stern, half of the stern cabin was cut off, and a gun below the waterline pierced through two of my watertight compartments, almost causing damage to the keel."

"He chased me for 30 hours, and he didn't give up until the edge of the Celtic Hercyn... This is Velen."

Lorraine was silent for a while: "I have been a person who does not want to suffer losses since I was a child. I have suffered a big loss this time, and I must ask Wei Lun for it. However, it is difficult for the Drake Chamber of Commerce to fight alone. The First Fleet poses a threat, and now that the First Fleet is a combined fleet, it's even harder to create a threat."

"I need comrades."

"I need comrades-in-arms, so I entrusted Mr. Mindel to allow me to join the powerful offshore guild. However, I didn't expect to see a group of nerds in Trinity College, a group of naive middle-aged and elderly people."

"The Royal Navy is involved in the war?" Lorraine laughed disdainfully. "My name is Drake. There should be no one here who knows the navy better than me."

"The current situation is that England and France, the Netherlands, and Spain are at war in the New World. It is only through restraint that Europe can barely maintain the existing, superficial peace."

"No one dares to disregard national interests and start a war, and no one will drag the British mainland into the abyss of war for the sake of our small offshore businessmen."

"Does England need the Cantabrian route?" Lorraine looked at the gentlemen and ladies in front of him with disgust, " need!"

"The vast Atlantic Ocean and the turbulent Celtic Sea are the core routes for goods from Asia, Africa and the New World to flow into the British Isles. England doesn't need Cantabrian at all, we are the only ones who need it!"

"Don't have illusions about the Royal Navy anymore, in the eyes of England, we are not worth mentioning!"

Lorraine raised the wine glass in his hand high: "Gentlemen and ladies, I am Lorraine Drake, please allow me to toast now."

"The first cup, let us pay tribute to those who will eventually be acquired by the enemy, or who will sleep forever in the bottom of the sea...our treasures!"


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