Reborn As a Pirate

Three sea exercises and urgent news

"Drip! Drip!"

"Run, run, boys!"

"You are honorable Plymouth cadets, destined to be great! destined to be great! destined to die at sea! destined!"


"Long live Great Britain!"

"Long live our king!"

In the calm Plymouth Bay, a small Galenic ship was parked at sea, and there were countless teenagers running hard on the deck.

This is the training ship HMS Heir of the Plymouth Naval Academy. The captain, Sir Billy Layton, is an honored captain of the Royal Navy and the most famous devil instructor at the Naval Academy.

Lorraine is his student...

Fifteen-year-old boy, starts training every morning, runs around the deck, fights, climbs sails, slides down from the cable of the observation deck, then jumps into the sea on the bowsprit, and gets lunch from the buoy five kilometers away If qualified, swim back again.

After lunch, they will start relatively easy shooting training, including gunning, gunning, running back and forth on the deck pushing the heavy cannon, jumping overboard, diving, and getting the qualification for dinner on the hoop of the anchor chain.

They couldn't rest after supper, and being sailors on board they had to scrub the decks, tie sailor's knots to every cable, furl and mend the sails, even though the Heir never had a hole.

Can I go to bed then?

In theory, it would be fine, as long as Sir Layton didn't suffer from insomnia and dream about the ship being on fire.

Once he dreamed, the boys would have to splash water on the spotless deck in the middle of the night, and then spend the rest of the night wiping off the water marks to prepare for the repeated training the next day.

"007's life is much more fulfilling than that of 996..."

Standing on the high observation deck, Lorraine looked at the distant shadow of the British Isle with emotion, suddenly untied the turban and wrapped it around the palm of his hand, gritted his teeth, grabbed the cable, and jumped down!


Half an hour later, the wet Lorraine scrambled back to the deck, and slapped a slender strip of sheepskin on Sir Layton.

Jazz put down his pocket watch in disgust: "42 minutes and 16 seconds, little Drake, you are one minute slower than yesterday, didn't you sleep well?"

"Thanks to you, sir, the people on this ship have slept less than two hours for two consecutive days. If you continue to have nightmares tonight, I think I will die suddenly in the cabin."

"Don't try to talk to me, ghost!" Jazz laughed. "Your classmates are still in the water, so you have half an hour to rest."

Sound of nature...

Hearing Tianyin at first, Lorraine thumped her chest and said, "Thank you sir!"

"You deserve it, you just have to remember..."

"My target is not the classmates around me, but the damn Reshawna Nelson." Lorraine turned his back and raised his hand, "Say the same thing three times a day, sir, your insomnia should be cured."


Late at night, people are not quiet...

In the era of sailing battleships, the accommodation conditions of sailors have always been poor.

Because the space of the battleship is limited, in order to save space, most of their bedrooms are arranged on the gun deck with the artillery gathered.

Hundreds of people gathered in the cramped cabin and lay on the floor, surrounded by tens of thousands of catties of artillery.

Once the card wheel on the gun mount slips or breaks due to the shaking of the ship, the an accident.

But it is precisely because of this that the top students are eligible to sleep on the rope bed.

Simply attach the net to the hook and they'll be perched high above the man cannon, wobbly and secure.

Lorraine's bed is a rope bed, and one end is attached to the gun muzzle, and the other end is connected to the outside of the cabin. You can escape from the VIP seat when you turn over.

He lay on the net with his arms under his head, listening to the various gnashing and snoring below him, and looking through the small gun porthole,

Staring out into the deep, hellish night.

Unknowingly, Hai Cao has passed six months.

The gunshots from Lexington came as promised.

In Virginia, in Massachusetts... all along the east coast of North America, the future Union militiamen charged fearlessly against the British colonial garrisons like stragglers, with no apparent intention of retreating, no matter how heavy their losses.

In just a few months, nearly a hundred soldiers died in their country. Such a huge loss finally made London alert.

One and a half months ago, the HMS Lion suspended sea trials and was officially delivered to the Royal Navy.

Elijah rushed to Devonport in an emergency, and announced her appointment on the second day after taking over the new flagship.

According to the time when the fleet left England, he probably had seen the coastline of Kingston by now.

The problem is that Lorraine still hasn't been able to convince him...

The atmosphere of several father-son gatherings in Devonport was not good. Lorraine tried to ask his elder brother Shaq, who was also serving in Devonport, for help. As a result, even Shaq also stood on Alia's side.

On how to persuade a group of stubborn English nobles who love you...

Lorraine was helpless.

Even if the sea exercises will end in another six months, even if he is about to get a formal position and become an excellent officer in the Royal Navy, he is still not yet eighteen years old.

The law in England believes that every young person under the age of 18 needs to be warded, and every life decision needs the signature of the guardian, and resignation is exactly one of them.

So it is very likely that Lorraine will have to serve in the army until he is eighteen years old, and he will not be able to set off until he is a legal adult before he can start chasing the life he wants.

Two more years to go...

After chanting and greeting the laws of England, Lorraine turned over and prepared to sleep.

He suddenly saw wobbly lights on the sea, three long and one short.

Emergency communication from the sea school?

He closed his eyes suspiciously, and fell asleep with doubts in his eyes.

I don't know how long he slept this time, and the third officer woke him up before dawn.

"Little Drake, get out of bed quietly and report to the captain's cabin immediately."


For some reason, Lorraine thought of the emergency communication before going to bed...

"Assault Captain of the Heir, Sergeant Cadet Lorraine Drake reports for duty!"



Outside the towering stern cabin, Lorraine checked her attire one last time.

The leggings are tightly fastened, the buttons are firmly fastened, the turban and the sword are all in good condition, and the military uniform and shirt have no obvious wrinkles.

He took a deep breath, opened the door, and entered the cabin.

Sir Leighton was sitting in front of his small wine table, frowning, with a pipe in his mouth, a small half glass of brandy and a roll of parchment sealed with wax in front of him.

He gently exhaled the smoke: "Little Drake, do you know why I called you here?"

Lorraine stood up straight, without squinting, with a high voice.

"The third officer didn't say anything, so the students don't know anything!"

Jazz nodded in satisfaction: "Guess."

"Students are soldiers, and soldiers have no guesses!"

Jazz became more and more satisfied, he laughed: "Then what did you observe?"

"Urgent communication, sir! The time is between 22:00 and 22:30 at night, because it happened to be a shift change, and Judea greeted your mother when she got up!"

This is not snitching.

Lorraine's expression was so formal that Sir Layton couldn't tell whether it was Judea who was scolding him or Lorraine who was scolding him.

Those who don't know don't blame, and Jazz can't identify the suspect, so he has no choice but not to blame.

He pushed the parchment roll in front of him with a pipe: "The urgent letter from Haixiao, I have asked you to read it by name."

"Yes, sir!"

Lorraine snapped his legs together, and picked up the paper scroll with the crispest movement, first checked that the wax was intact, then held the scroll with both hands and put it at his waist.

"Do you need students to read it out? Sir!"

"School Hai orders, you can decide for yourself whether to tell me, and how much to tell me."

"Yes, sir!"

There are more and more doubts.

With many doubts, Lorraine gently peeled off the wax and unfolded the scroll.

After a few breaths, he raised his head apologetically, and his voice suddenly became low.

"Sir, I may have to disembark early..."

Sir Layton's brow furrowed into a furrow.

"Disembark early?" There was undisguised dissatisfaction in his voice, "You only have six months left for sea exercises, if you disembark early, your grades in this subject will be invalidated, and your official service will be delayed until the next year! Sir, I need a reason."

"My father... the Lion encountered a storm on the way to the New World, and the main mast was broken. The admiral of the New World Fleet, Vice Admiral Elijah Drake... was martyred."

Lorraine's voice trembled slightly, and the scroll in his hand unconsciously clenched into a ball.

"Father is dead, and the family wants me to stop my studies immediately and go back to take care of the funeral."

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