Fear of abuse did not awaken early, but did not awaken at night, but it happened when Kang An took half of the Ark manufacturing process.

"This is something that can't be helped." Li He sighed.

"Suggest to the joint command post to invest in the city of the sky created by small forces. I hope that with the investment of the joint command post, those things can fly out of the atmosphere of Zu'an."

After flying out of the atmosphere, everything is easy.

After all, the Zuan people are mechanical lifeforms. It is easier to maintain and operate a bunch of machinery in a vacuum than to let biological lifeforms survive in a vacuum.

"Understood, Master."

Li He: "Let Yuri stop the research and development of the Wormgate anti-reconnaissance equipment and continue to study the strategic Wormgate project. At that time, the Wormgate can be used to transfer some heavy objects directly from Zuan Star. Anyway, it will be weightless. In the environment, these weights are nothing."

"Understand the master, is there anything else to add?"

"Also... Forget it, leave these things to Al Guanghui guy to worry about."

Al Guanghui: "Finally, I'm done, I'll take a break."

He is lying on a chair like a mechanical fish that has lost energy. In front of me is a mountain of documents.

At this time, El Guanghui's female secretary opened the door with a file and walked in.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency Li He sent a document. Regarding the Ark matter, you need to add no less than 10,000 words, your lord..."

Al Guanghui was numb, he opened the file numbly and looked at it with numb eyes.

When he saw the word Ark, Al Guanghui was suddenly excited.

"Okay... wait, how many words did you say?"

"Ten thousand words, sir."

El Guanghui kept the documents on the ground, because they couldn't be put on the desk anymore, they were all processed there, and they were still on the ground to sort them.

El Guanghui continued to lie on the chair, waved his hands weakly like a salted fish, and said, "Go to the Void Engine and get me some good wine, no money."

The female secretary smiled slightly: "Understood, my lord."

After a short rest, Al Guanghui stood up and faced the wall.

A sentence chiseled out on the wall with a rough technique:

At a height above ten thousand people, there is bound to be the difficulty of dying ten thousand people, and the workload equal to ten thousand people-Victor.

This is one day, when Al Guanghui took a document to find his life mentor, the Pioneer Mechanical, and asked him to help him share the work, the Pioneer Mechanical came to Victor’s office while beating the numb Al Guanghui with his cane while writing. of.

He also warned Al Guanghui: "I dare to take the file to disturb me doing experiments in the future, I will break your five-stage hydraulic leg!"

Although the person who wrote this sentence is suspected of being lazy, I have to say that this sentence makes a lot of sense.

This is probably the relationship between rights and obligations.

People who want to climb to the peak of power, if they don't have the ability to deal with the troubles in this position, and won't sit for too long, it is better not to have this right.

Al Guanghui couldn't help thinking of his old partner, the eighth congressman, His Excellency Bering.

If he were to deal with these documents, what mentality would he have?

Probably like a workaholic, pounce on it ecstatically.

El Guanghui smiled and stroked the blade gun Bering on his waist: "Old friend, I really regret not giving you this position."

After a while, the female secretary walked in with a bottle of wine.

The clear liquor and attractive color are very precious at first glance, and the gorgeous glass bottle also shows that this bottle of wine must have a lot of value in peacetime. In fact, it will definitely not be cheap now.

"My lord, here's the wine."

"Oh, put it there, I'll talk about it after I change the file."

El Guanghui watched the files continuously revised and changed, and he had entered the state.

The female secretary retreated silently.

One month later. The devil sent a team of pioneers to the holy city to deal with the traitors (Victor the Deceiver)

As a result, Victor used the newly-researched resurrection technology to have a fierce exchange battle with the Demon Leading Squad. The Leading Squad has ten people, six hundred goblins and 400 Zuan heavy soldiers. In the end, the devil's pioneer squad cast a psychological shadow.

"Fuck me, faster than my resurrection"

"They are mechanical lifeforms, and the parts can be mass-produced on the production line. Damn, how come the goblins resurrected so quickly? Just now they killed two hundred, and now they are more than five hundred."

"Then we will run out of their raw materials, rely on rely on, reload 401 soldiers, what's the matter, why is there one more!"

"That's probably the wrong group, if it's destroyed."

"The queen said that dark energy is countless times more expensive than cheap steel. The resources consumed by this war are not equal, retreat and retreat."

"Fuck, here again, I can't kill at all, execute the order and retreat."

After a while, the goblin drove out of the garbage collection truck and collected the "corpses" on the battlefield.

These materials can be used after being re-smelted.

Three months later, Connor rushed into the underground holy city like crazy.

Li He, Victor, Ivan, and El Guanghui, the four teamed up to block Connor. The most important thing for the four was to protect the Ark that was about to be completed. For things like Connor, Lee Hyuk can do it alone.

"Evil young man! If you immediately remove the **** from my neck now, I will consider leaving your soul as a lamp, burning it for ten thousand years and then extinguishing it!"

Li He buttoned his ears.

It is really uncomfortable for a beautiful woman to say such deep words.

"That's a necklace, not rubbish." Li He retorted with a sword and a pistol, rolling his eyes.

"You can try to chop off your head." Li He said with a smile.

"Evil junior, I promise you will die in pain!"


"Yeah, I still learn to speak from Connor." Li He spread his wings behind him, and rushed up with a pistol and a sword.

Before the fear of abuse, Lee Hyuk released a supernova, a flash of energy bombardment.

These attacks hit Connor's body, but did not leave any obvious marks on her body.

Xiao Luo: "Has the target evolved into a divine body? It is highly immune to powers of the same level as nuclear divine power."

"The speed of evolution is not slow." Li He said during the charge.

"Asshole, you take it down for me!"

Fear of abuse said to Li Hyuk in Connor's tone.

"Try cutting off your neck yourself, for fear of abuse!"

Li He pierced the abdomen with a shot, because of the blessing of the godless metal, the tip of the gun pierced in.

It is a taboo for God to destroy the body of God by oneself. No **** would do this, and being injured in battle is another matter.

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