Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 822: Behind the big deal

"Classic Cantonese minor tune "Backgammon". Tang Sheng's versatility is indeed well-deserved." Huang Zhan gave a thumbs up admiringly, then turned to the audience and asked the audience, "I'm already so poor, do you have any comments?"

As a result, the response was enthusiastic applause, so Huang Zhan stepped back and smiled: "Then we will appreciate it."

Although Lu Xiuling did not come out with the signature pipa this time, her piano skills are also remarkable, which is shown in her debut work-Qiong Yao's film "Gathering and Scattering Two Yiyi".

As the slender hands swiftly swayed on the piano keys, melodious music sounded, Zheng Shaoqiu, who was dressed in classic costume, and Li Saifeng, Li Zi, and Weng Hong, who were delicate and tender, also entered the performance state.

Tang Huan closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the piano. After about 10 seconds, he put the flute to his lips and started playing the song "Random Red".

Although the TV wall on the stage is closed, the faintness of a Chinese landscape painting seems to catch the eyes of everyone present, and the irritability of falling into the hustle and bustle of the city also calms down.

Sitting in the audience, Hu Weili suddenly realized, "It turns out that this song "Random Red" was also written by Tang Sheng."

This show does not exceed six minutes. When the sound of the flute put away the last sound, thunderous applause erupted from the audience, and composers like Hu Weili and Li Xiaotian who had been involved in a wide range of composers stood up excitedly.


The courtyard is deep and deep, with willows piled with smoke, and the curtains are countless. The Yule Carving Saddle Youye place, the height of the building is not as high as Zhangtai Road.

The rain crosses the wind and the wind is violent in March, and the door covers the dusk, and there is no plan to stay in the spring. With tears in her eyes, Hua Hua was silent, and she flew over the swing in chaotic red.


Huang Zhan yin the song "Butterfly Love and Flower", walked slowly to the front of the stage, and then pointed at Xu Xiaoming who was sitting not far away and smiled: "Brother Xiaoming, why do I see you keep stunned? I remember this show, that is You arranged it."

Xu Xiaoming took the microphone and explained: "The original arrangement for this show was Lu Xiuling for flute playing, Li Saifeng for piano accompaniment, and supporting dancers from Qiuguan and the students of the dance department of Xiangjiang Academy of Performing Arts. Unexpectedly, after Tang Sheng joined in, he cooperated. The effect will be even higher."

"Perhaps, they were singing and singing." As soon as Huang Zhan spoke, he realized that the old problem of his big mouth was guilty, so that he was a bit gaffe.

Bu Wenzhan hurriedly slapped haha, and remedied: "If we praise again, we will probably be described as flattering in the newspapers of tomorrow. Thank you Tang Sheng, thank Qiuguan, thank Miss Lu Xiuling, Miss Li Saifeng, Miss Li Zi, Weng Ms. Hong, and the students from the dance department of the Xiangjiang Academy of Performing Arts. The next show will be refreshing for everyone, because the ugly men get together."

Huang Zhan did not make the slightest exaggeration. The following costume humorous comedy performance, in the lineup, Zeng Zhiwei, Cen Jianxun, Wu Yaohan, and Feng Suifan, after being brought together from the "Fu Xing" series of films, became famous for their ugliness; plus one that can be called Xiangjiang Huang Yunshi, the first female entertainer who dabbled in the form of Dong Duxiao performance, suddenly became "horrible".

Tang Huan returned to the stage and sat down, but his stomach hurts from the amusement. This kind of show is like the two-person turn style sketches that have begun to make their mark on the mainland at this stage. Although some people think that it is difficult to be elegant, they are quite grounded.

After a long period of noise, when Deng Lijun appeared on the stage, the stage finally became serious.

Deng Lijun, who has just passed his 35th birthday, is not troubled by physical health factors of overwork and illness compared to the same period in the original time and space. Naturally, he still has a bright eye. The typhoon is also the signature "I smile when I see you". People are intoxicated.

The influence of this world-class singer is so great that even the Baodao political circle, which is busy fighting for power, covets her, and the harassment makes her unable to live in Baodao permanently.

Fortunately, Deng Lijun also has her own happiness worries. She didn't bother to help those politicians gain prestige—Jin Chang, Jin Gezheng and her mother were "hide and seek". She took the time to stop the disobedient couple in Funan. As a result, They went to the United States to join in the fun of the little playmate Barbara and Jenna’s grandfather, Bush Sr. Bush’s inauguration of the presidency, but he still had a conscience and did not forget to send his birthday greetings sensibly.

In this way, the state of Deng Lijun at this stage has even surpassed the 1984 world tour period. The first program she brought was the same name of the TV series "Stars Know My Heart" that will be introduced to the mainland and will be introduced to the mainland. theme song.

Deng Lijun's soft singing voice and the children's voice of the choir work together to give this song "The Stars Know My Heart" even more touching charm.

In fact, the format of this program also reflects the shifting trend of Deng Lijun's work focus in recent years, that is, while commercial activities have decreased, the workload related to children has been increasing.

After encouraging and sending these children off the stage, Deng Lijun went on to sing another signature Cantonese song-"Walking the Road of Life".

A big singer who has become a Chinese icon, his charm is unstoppable, and people in the circle can't escape. After Huang Zhan approached Shui Loutai to give flowers to the moon, other people also chased the star, and even Cheng Long ran onto the stage. Joined in the excitement.

When Deng Lijun sang the next song "I Only Care About You", Tang Huan finally couldn't hold back, and took a bright rose to the stage personally, and suddenly became the biggest star chaser.

Even Liu Zhirong, who has always been prudent, thanked Deng Lijun for his wonderful performance, and sighed with emotion, "I have worked in the TV station for so many years, and this is the most solemn gift to the superstar."

Afterwards, the show was wonderful-Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda's Dong Duxiao performance was very flattering, mentioning the "polar fever" led by Tang Huan, and the polar bears and Antarctic penguins alone made people laugh; it was also worthwhile. One thing to mention is that the party specifically left room for newcomers to display, including even Yi Nengjing, who has become popular on Baodao and is now in Xiangjiang.

At the end of the party, Zhou Run found himself telling the story of his acting mentality. This double-material actor has been packaged by public opinion as a typical case of "grass-roots struggle to achieve success". I have to mention it every other time. Hong Kong people are willing to listen and watch, so Zhao Ruqiang, the producer of the show, did not hesitate to arrange this inspirational link.

At this stage, Xiangjiang society admires Zhou Runfa's personal success so much, which also reflects the helpless reality of the current social bottom promotion channels are getting narrower and narrower. After all, how could it be possible for such a small place to hold all the fighters to stand out! The total number of resources is ultimately limited.

In recent years, affected by the general economic situation in the world, Xiangjiang has also experienced soaring prices and severe inflation. The sharp increase in the cost of filming movies and TV shows in Hong Kong illustrates this point.

The Hong Kong government, which has been complained by the public, wants to get rid of the situation where fiscal revenue is heavily dependent on real estate. However, the consumption tax that draws on the successful experience of rb has been unable to pass; even if it wants to increase tobacco tax, it has been pushed back by vested interests and expanded. Caiyuan's plan is a complete joke.

The reason why Hong Kong people are so obsessed with Zhou Runfa's personal success is nothing more than seeking a psychological comfort.

Zhou Runfa, who expresses his personal feelings, talked about "less hatred when books are used"-due to the delay in English proficiency, it has delayed the company's opportunity to arrange for himself to develop in Hollywood.

In this way, Zhou Runfa spread a positive social energy, and then, with Cheng Long, led most of the artists participating in the gala, they sang the theme song of last year's Seoul Olympics called "handinhand"-"Hand in Hand". It has drawn a perfect stop for "Mean Asia Fireworks Illuminating the Gifts of Ten Thousand Superstars".


Turning the sky around, various media in Hong Kong praised "Mean Asia Fireworks as a Gift to Ten Thousand Superstars". In addition to praising the "Fireworks" and "Superstars" as the most luxurious in history, they also believe that the quality of the program can be described as a table. Well-cooked delicacies-the richest man of Tang, who has not shown his talents in public for a long time and enjoys the people, is quite amazed when he hits the place.

As a matter of fact, a "Mean Asia Fireworks Shows a Gift to Ten Thousand Superstars" is enough to feed the entertainment gossip industry for a week, and just the interpretation of the pictures of various wonderful moments can be queued for several issues.

For example, the snapshot of Tang Huan offering flowers to Deng Lijun has inevitably become a popular work-people seem to find clues about the relationship between the two in terms of eyes and movements.

Of course, some people point out sourly that in order to practice for the big boss who is about to go to the North Pole, Media Asia TV did not hesitate to create an entertainment event, and various stars also tried their best to please-the richest man. My husband has obtained too much from Heung Kong, but he has given less and less feedback-something as important as the Basic Law. He who should have played a role has been ignored.

Regardless of the curiosity of entertainment gossip or the interpretation of politics and governance, Tang Huan does not bother to take care of it-I just come to Xiangjiang, a flowery world to enjoy it, before going on the expedition of ascetic life for several months, you are willing to toss and do whatever you want You are not here to accompany you.

Ever since, in this unusual first month of the lunar calendar, the paparazzi had a very fulfilling life. As long as they are willing to work hard, they can capture the intimate photos of Tang Huan and the female celebrities, so that there has been a rumor in the market that the richest man must sleep as much as he can before going to the North Pole...

When Tang Huan left for the rb to attend the state funeral ceremony there, a more weird scene appeared, that is, there was a "labor shortage" in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle, and more accurately, many female stars who were regarded as box office guarantees. , Have given themselves long vacations, indicating that from the end of the year to autumn, they need to adjust their work status.

The most exaggerated thing is that Guan Zhilin, who is widely regarded as a "pretty girl", is said to have to concentrate on practicing for half a year. One of the major evidence is the frequent visits to the Wong Tai Sin Temple, which has the characteristic of the integration of the three religions.


Leaving the noisy Xiangjiang River, after arriving at rb, Tang Huan realized that the solemn atmosphere here was actually even more noisy.

After the death of Emperor Hirohito, he was called Emperor Daxing from January 7 to January 31, and then the posthumous title of Emperor Showa was announced on January 31.

On February 24, the Great Funeral of Emperor Showa was held in Shinjuku Gyoen. The weather in Tokyo is cold, and there is continuous rainfall, which is also suitable for the scene.

Emperor Showa, who had never publicly apologized for acts of war during his lifetime, and declared the end of the war rather than defeat, is not generally appealing among the rb right-wing forces who are still very powerful in the corner; plus rb government_府要Take this opportunity to demonstrate the international influence of the world’s second-largest "superpower" in terms of economic strength. How can the various arrangements for the funeral be done by a big deal, and they will naturally be built. Out of this grand scene now.

From the lineup of representatives attending the ceremony, we can see how much rb's face is-the official invitation of guests exceeds 10,000, including foreign guests from 163 countries and 27 international organizations, including 55 heads of state, 14 Members of the royal family, 11 prime ministers, 19 deputy heads and other officials,

The King Juan Carlos I of Spain, the King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, the King Baudouin I of Belgium, the King Taufaahou Tupou IV of Tonga, and the King Hussein Ben of Jordan were present. Talal, Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, King Jigme Singh Wangchuck of Bhutan, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Prince Henrik of Denmark, Prince Philip of England, Prince Philip of Thailand Ha·Waji Lalongkorn can be said to be the royal family from all over the world.

At the same time, United Nations Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar, U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, French President François Mitterrand, Philippine President Coralon Aquino, Indonesian President Suharto, China_Foreign Affairs_Minister and State_President's Special Envoy Qian_Qichen and other representatives also attended the funeral.

Of course, rb was also under tremendous security pressure, so that Bush made an exception and placed the senior in the front row.

The newly appointed President of the United States will also rush to bj on February 25 for a working visit to China.

Tang Huan glanced at Bush's back and couldn't help but shook his head secretly-the honeymoon period is over!

According to some rb officials, the Showa Emperor’s funeral is the largest funeral in the contemporary era. The presence of leaders of many countries means that the outside world recognizes rb’s economic rise.

It's just that the more joyful you are now, the more pain your face will be drawn a year later.

No matter what. rb’s busyness has in fact created a very rare social platform for everyone.

For example, before the Showa Emperor’s funeral, Qian Qichen met with Suharto. This was the first formal meeting between officials of the two countries since the suspension of diplomatic relations between China and Indonesia in 1967.

Tang Huan naturally made good use of this opportunity. First, under the mediation of Samaranch, he met with King Juan Carlos I of Spain to completely improve the relationship between the two sides.

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