Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 1415 The small goal of 10 million pieces

When Wang Qi threw himself into investment.

Xia Yu came to the residence of the Universal Credit Card International Organization in a low-key manner.

This non-profit organization, on April 19, finally completed its work.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Well, let's go, take me to see the results."

After arriving, Xu Chongguang, who was appointed by Xia Yu as the president of the Global Credit Card International Organization, went out to greet him in person.

He was originally the vice president of Jiuding Bank. After Liu Tianci recommended him and Xia Yu sent people to inspect, he was transferred to take on the heavy burden.

"Okay, Chairman, please come with me!"

Xu Chongguang replied respectfully, and then led Xia Yu and others in one direction.

Soon, the group came to a large studio with many employees busy.

"Chairman, please take a look, this is the credit card style template we provide for each bank. There are three types of templates, which can be selected by member banks of each organization."

"On every credit card, our Universal Credit Card International logo takes up only half of the page."

"According to our investigation, at present, each international credit card organization occupies at least 80 positions on the credit card page around the world, and there are very few positions reserved for banks."

"We go straight to 50 percent, which is more friendly to the individual banks and doesn't just advertise our organization."

Xu Chongguang handed it to Xia Yu with three beautifully crafted cards and introduced them.

Xia Yu listened to the report while observing the three cards in his hand.

As far as workmanship and materials are concerned, there is no doubt about it, you can see it at a glance.

In terms of design, it is indeed very beautiful and more friendly to banks, which is conducive to the promotion after benchmarking with other international credit card organizations.

In terms of business, Universal Credit Card International is not the same as American Express, but prefers the operating model of Visa and Mastercard.

Universal Credit Card International itself does not issue credit cards and only cooperates with banks.

Therefore, the main bodies that issue credit cards are all banks.

It's just that the member banks of each organization use the credit card standards of the Global Credit Card International Organization and the global clearing system of the transaction and clearing system.

After using this system, there is an advantage, that is, any bank can do the merchant's ground push business without launching its own machine.

All of this, the Global Credit Card International Organization will do all.

To this end, a machine that supports the global clearing system has also been created, and any bank's global credit card can directly swipe money.

As for the more complicated work in the back, such as transaction settlement between various banks, fund settlement between banks and merchants, etc., it is all done by Global Credit Card International Organization.

In this way, merchants do not need to place several or even a dozen machines of various banks in the store, and small banks will not be restricted from developing credit card business because of the machines.

"There is no problem with the card, just follow this style."

"The most important thing is the global clearing system. Can you guarantee that there will be no mistakes?"

Xia Yu looked at Xu Chongguang and asked cautiously.

Xu Chongguang solemnly assured: "Chairman, please rest assured, the reason why we have only completed the preparations now is because we have put the most energy on the global clearing system."

"In terms of electronic technology, we are not bad. We have already passed the peak test. The international bank inter-bank transaction test will not belong to the clearing system of Visa and Mastercard, which has been recognized by various banks."

"As for multi-currency clearing, this requires human participation, because it involves the exchange rate of each country's currency, and the exchange rate changes in real time, and the system is temporarily unable to monitor the exchange rate of various countries synchronously."

"About this issue, at present, no country in the world can solve it electronically, and it needs to be handled manually."

As Xu Chongguang continued to tell, Xia Yu gradually understood the situation of the Global Credit Card International Organization.

"Technically, it's fine.


"Has the development plan been done?"

Xia Yu changed his focus again.

"Yes, Chairman, do you want to go to my office for tea first? I found a development plan for you. The content of the plan is relatively long."

Xu Chongguang tentatively suggested.

Xia Yu glanced at him, smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's go."

After the group came to Xu Chongguang's office, when the employees were making tea, Xu Chongguang brought the development plan over, and Xia Yu looked at it without saying a word.

According to the development plan formulated by Xu Chongguang.

The Global Credit Card International Organization is preparing to promote the two lines simultaneously.

The first line is to fully promote the global machine, starting from the stores of various companies under the group, spreading it in a large area, and establishing a firm foothold in one step, and then attracting other merchants to join the general trend.

The second line is to cooperate with banks in the organization to launch free card replacement business. Any credit card issued by the bank, such as Visa, Mastercard, and Jesse, can be exempted from all card replacement fees and replaced free of charge. for Universal Card.

The two lines go together, forming a virtuous circle.

And this is just a general development plan.

There are detailed plans for merchant promotion and bank membership promotion.

For example, in the promotion of bank members, the first batch will undoubtedly be all banks under Xia Yu's banner, and then allied banks will also join.

In this, banks in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and other countries have actually been involved.

But the most members are actually banks in Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia.

And Asia is actually the shortcoming of international credit card organizations such as Visa and MasterCard.

Therefore, the first development focus of Universal Card is to fully eat the Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asian markets, so as to gain a firm foothold and also play a role in training troops.

At the same time, taking advantage of the special relationship with the mainland, the Universal Card has become an official credit card supported by the mainland.

There are also international inter-bank clearing businesses. Although there is no focus, the influence will continue to spread. After the first step of strategic development is completed, the global expansion strategy will be launched.

All in all, this development plan is very detailed, and Xu Chongguang did not disappoint him.

Of course, there are still many shortcomings, the main reason is that Xu Chongguang's level is not high enough, unlike Huo Jianning, who knows almost all the strengths of Xia Yu.

If you don't understand the resources of the consortium, there is no way to maximize the use of resources.

However, Xia Yu was not going to say this to Xu Chongguang. Anyway, he had already figured out the plan. After returning, it would be a matter of a word, and it would be enough for companies to take the initiative to find the Global Credit Card International Organization. This is the most efficient manifestation.

Of course, Xia Yu also knows that the ultimate goal of Universal Credit Card is to fully integrate into the user's life, so that the user can become a loyal customer of Universal Credit Card.

If you want to do this, the best way is to completely tie the Universal Card to the user's "food, clothing, housing and transportation" and other fields.

Universal machines can be found in any consumption scenario such as shopping stores, restaurants, buses, subways, taxis, hotels, movie theaters, etc.

As long as it is done well, even if it is not the era of mobile Internet, users of Universal Card can enjoy a cashless life decades in advance.

"Sogo, your development plan is fine, just follow this plan."

"I'll set a goal for you first."

"It's late April now."

"By the end of December this year, we will strive to have 10 million Universal Cards issued!"

Xia Yu put down the development plan and set a huge goal for Xu Chongguang with a smile.

The 10 million target, like a mountain, appeared out of thin air and he was almost out of breath.

But with Xia Yu's slightly hopeful eyes on his face, Xu Chongguang gritted his teeth, struggled in secret, and nodded loudly: "Chairman, I will do my best to complete the task!"


"come on!"

"I'm waiting for your good news!"

"I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

Xia Yu showed a satisfied smile, got up and patted his shoulder, then walked out.

"Chairman, I will send you!"

Xu Chongguang hurriedly followed Xia Yu out, sent it all the way downstairs, and watched Xia Yu's motorcade leave before he turned around with a heavy expression.

Soon, the entire global credit card international organization will be running at high speed.

The machine production line entrusted by Jiuding Electric Manufacturing Group to produce the machine was at full capacity, and various banks also received invitations to the meeting one after another.

Universal credit card international organization began to develop in great strides.

: I'm really sorry, I'm not in good health. I just went to the hospital on Monday, and I have to go to the hospital again on Wednesday.

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