Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 12 Successful Acquisition Part 2

Ding Shengwu is the third boss of "Hong Kong Island Daily", and he has a primary school culture. He came out early to work hard.

Later, after earning a little money in the business, I wanted to climb to a higher level. After being instructed, I bought the "Hong Kong Island Daily", hoping to improve my level through the newspaper.

Maybe everyone has the illusion that they are the protagonist.

Ding Shengwu was full of self-confidence at the beginning, imagining that "Hong Kong Island Daily" could rise in his hands, and then he became famous, achieved his goal, successfully stepped into the upper class of society, expanded his network of contacts, and then his business became bigger and bigger. , and then became a generation tycoon.

It's a pity that the ideal is very plump, and the reality is too skinny!

After struggling for a few years, he slowly accepted the reality that "Hong Kong Island Daily" in his hands could not help him achieve his life goals.

But because of the reason of face, and although the "Hong Kong Island Daily" did not make him a lot of money, it could at least continue to operate, so he let the newspaper continue to exist in his hands.

It's a pity that more than a year ago, the Hong Kong stock market fluctuated violently, and many companies went bankrupt. His business was implicated and there were problems. After a wave of losses, he had to sell his assets to fill the hole. Hong Kong Island Daily News.

At the beginning, he was in a hurry to raise money, and he also hoped to slaughter the fat sheep and quoted a high price, which successively scared off several people who wanted to buy newspapers. This time, the reputation stinks.

After that, he had to lower the price when others were pressing the debt, but at this time, others also understood the situation of the "Hong Kong Island Daily".

For this reason, Ding Shengwu felt helpless.

Fortunately, I received a call from an employee early this morning. Someone made an appointment and wanted to talk to him about the acquisition of Hong Kong Island Daily. Ding Shengwu happily agreed.

No, he was sitting in the office waiting anxiously, drinking three or four cups of tea, and his eyes were always looking out the door, which could be said to be eager to see.

On the other hand, after Xia Yu made an appointment, he went to HSBC first and found that all the money had been deposited into the bank account, so he felt relieved and set off for the location of the "Hong Kong Island Daily" newspaper office.

"Hello, I'm Xia Yu, I just made an appointment with your boss."

Walking into an old store, Xia Yu found the front desk and said.

At the front desk was a girl in her twenties named Li Qian, who was average-looking. Hearing Xia Yu's words at this time, his eyes widened and he was a little surprised.

Li Qian had received an appointment call before, and that person's name was Xia Yu. She didn't notice it before, but now she woke up when she saw Xia Yu. The voice on the phone seemed to be very young.

Although it is unbelievable, Li Qian is not qualified to doubt it, so she should leave it to the boss to deal with it, not to mention that the boss is already waiting.

"Hello, sir, our boss is already waiting for you in the office, please come with me!" Li Qian said with a smile, then led the way, Xia Yu said thank you and followed.

"Boss, Mr. Xia Yu is here." When she walked to the door of the office and found the door open, Li Qian knocked on the door and walked in and said respectfully, at the same time turning her body to reveal Xia Yu who was behind.

Ding Shengwu noticed Xia Yu when he saw the employee coming in, but he was a little stunned when he saw that it was a teenager in his teens.

This made the person he waited for so long turned out to be a child, and even bought his "Hong Kong Island Daily". Isn't this just to play with him?

He still has a lot of important things to deal with, how can he have time to play with a child? !

Thinking of this, Ding Shengwu felt angry in his heart.

But after all, he was in his fifties, and after working hard in the business world for so many years, he still had the most basic courtesy and shrewdness.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, stood up with a smile and made a gesture of invitation to Xia Yu, saying, "Xia Sheng, please sit down!"

"Li Qian,

Make a cup of tea for Xia Sheng! "


Xia Yu said hello and sat down with a smile. Ding Shengwu was a little surprised by his age-inappropriate calmness. A thought suddenly appeared in his heart: "Is he really here to buy newspapers? Or is he a son of a wealthy family?"

Ding Shengwu looked at Xia Yu without a trace, and found that the young man in front of him was well-dressed, and more importantly, he was full of energy, exuding an air of self-confidence, which made his heart relax a little.

After Li Qian finished making the tea and left the office, Xia Yu took a sip of tea, praised the good tea, and then chatted with Ding Shengwu.

Xia Yu did not directly propose to acquire the "Hong Kong Island Daily", so as to avoid showing an impatient gesture for Ding Shengwu to raise the price, but the content of his chats was always related to the newspaper, and the scale was very good, which made Ding Shengwu unable to get angry.

This unhurried attitude makes Ding Shengwu a little elusive about Xia Yu's thoughts, but he still has a vision for people and things, and he has determined that Xia Yu really has the idea of ​​buying newspapers, but how much he wants to buy them? Can't see it yet.

"Definitely a master negotiator!" Ding Shengwu's heart froze, Xia Yu gave him the feeling that he was no worse than those in his forties and fifties, which made him more and more sure of the guess in his heart. The boy in front of him is definitely a son of a wealthy family. After elite education, ordinary families can never teach such a demon boy.

I have to say that Ding Shengwu thought too much. If he knew that Xia Yu was a young fisherman, he would be dumbfounded.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Ding Shengwu has lost his sight. According to Xia Yu's current state, most people will suspect that he is a son of a wealthy family. After all, the temperament from the inside out cannot be cultivated by a grass-roots family.

But who would know that Xia Yu, a sixteen-year-old boy, would have a lot of memories of adult elites in his body!

After chatting for a while, Ding Shengwu couldn't hold it anymore. He had other things to deal with, but he was in urgent need of money. "Hong Kong Island Daily" has not been sold for more than a year. Everyone knows what happened. Yu's attitude is nothing more than wanting to lower the price. He has already recognized it. As long as it does not exceed the bottom line, he will sell it.

After all, he was already prepared to be undercut by others. Who made him want to sell in a hurry? He was inherently weak in negotiation.

"Xia Sheng, I really want to sell Hong Kong Island Daily. I wonder what price you can offer?" Ding Shengwu put down his teacup and said seriously, looking straight at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu took a sip of tea calmly, smiled and said: "Ding Sheng, after all, I have never been in this industry, and I don't know much about these things. I just asked a few friends in the newspaper industry for advice, and they recommended "Ding Sheng" to me. Hong Kong Island Daily, please make a price, if it is suitable, we will talk about it, if it is not suitable, then forget it, there is no benevolence and righteousness in buying and selling.”

Ding Shengwu's eyes narrowed, and he sighed that it was difficult to deal with. Xia Yu was like a fox, he could not take any advantage, and he completely grasped his mentality and did not let go.

Forget it, it’s rare that someone wants to buy it, so it’s better to sell it sooner, the longer the delay, the greater the loss it will cause to him.

"If that's the case, then I'll quote a price. The whole newspaper will be packaged. The minimum price is 300,000 Hong Kong dollars!" Ding Shengwu directly quoted the price. He originally planned to quote 350,000 yuan, but after a confrontation with Xia Yu, he lost a lot of confidence. , directly quoted this price.

Hearing the price of 300,000 yuan, Xia Yu raised his brows slightly, his mind changed rapidly, and he understood that his attitude had played a role, so that Ding Shengwu did not dare to quote too high a price, and Ding Shengwu was eager to get rid of it.

"If that's the case, then we should cut some more prices!" Xia Yu thought to himself.

"Ding Sheng, your price is too high, not worth the price, not to mention that your place is old, and the sales of newspapers are declining every day, the prospects are uncertain, I took a lot of risk to buy it, In my opinion, it's worth 180,000 at most." Xia Yu opened his mouth and cut the price by 120,000.

Hearing Xia Yu's words, Ding Shengwu clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and forced a smile.

"Xia Sheng..."


After some heated conversations, the price was cut to 230,000 by Xia Yu. After that, Ding Shengwu couldn't let go, and Xia Yu gave up.

"Happy cooperation!" Xia Yu stood up and shook hands with Ding Shengwu, who was barely smiling.

After that, Ding Shengwu let someone print the contract and let it go in. Xia Yu signed the contract after confirming that it was correct, and then set off for HSBC together with Ding Shengwu.

After the transfer was confirmed, Ding Shengwu handed over the contract to Xia Yu, and then accompanied Xia Yu to return to the newspaper again. He needed to summon employees to announce the news and complete the handover with Xia Yu.

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