Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 212 Have you heard of constructing the network?


A trace of fear and fascination flashed in his eyes, the boy raised his head to look at Mrs. Mandel, but remained silent.

"Oh hehe, I forgot, I previously gave him an order that he cannot speak when outsiders are present - my little pet, you can speak now, tell my distinguished guest, how do I usually treat you? "

Covering her mouth lightly with her slender hands in black lace gloves, Mrs. Mandel gave instructions casually with a seductive smile.

"Very...very good. Being able to become Mistress Pomona's servant is the greatest luck in my life."

After receiving Mrs. Mandel's order, the boy kneeling on the ground quickly replied.

"Hehe, good boy, sister will give you your favorite 'reward' tonight."

Satisfied with the boy's reaction, Mrs. Mandel smiled coquettishly, and brought her toes wrapped in black silk stockings to the boy's lips, and the latter kissed him almost reverently.

"I am not interested in your personal interests, Ms. Mandel."

Looking at this scene, Anweisi spoke calmly, completely unmoved.

That's it?

Sorry, not perverted enough, I can't turn around for you.

Everyone is of noble origin, who do you look down on?

"Oh, well, little cutie, you should leave first, and wait until my sister's guests leave before serving my sister."

Seeing that Anweis was still calm, Mrs. Mandel didn't care, she just ordered the young man on the ground to leave.

The latter bowed his head respectfully, and then gradually climbed into the small door on the side of the study.

"You see, I respect your opinion quite a lot, and I have let him go. I wonder if you can satisfy a lady's little curiosity and take off the hood temporarily?"

After the boy left, Mrs. Mandel's aggressive gaze returned to Anweis.

As an eighth-level powerhouse, being willing to consider a seventh-level opinion is already a gesture of respect.


After a moment of silence, Anweis slowly took off his hood, revealing his delicate young face.

For the identity of the person in the mirror who has no appearance requirements, Anweis is still used to retaining the appearance of a teenager. He simply adjusted his facial features and eye color to avoid being linked to his real body.

"Who would have thought that under the hood of the man in the mirror, there is such a young appearance hidden."

Also startled by Anvis' charisma, Mrs. Mandel suddenly smiled.

"I suddenly changed my mind, even if you didn't sign a contract with me in the end. When the Ember Organization is besieged and you are hunted down by the Three Kingdoms, I can give you another chance."

"Of course, if you really get to that point, what you need to sign is no longer a master-servant contract, but a master-servant contract.

Become my servant, I can still protect you unconditionally. You know, my 'reward' for my obedient servants is something that many people outside can't wait for. "

"If that's the case, I'll consider it."

Anvis nodded noncommittally, and put on the hood of the magic cloak again.

"Farewell, then, Ms. Mandel."

Watching Anweis's back disappear at the door of the study, Mrs. Mandel's gaze was a little strange, like a poisonous spider watching its prey crawl out of its web.

"Hmph, you can't escape, I'll make you mine sooner or later."

After spitting out a sentence viciously, the blond lady raised her hand. A phantom that was exactly the same as Anweis's appearance suddenly appeared beside her.

"Forget it, I'll save the main body for later as the main course. So now, kneel down and add my toes!"

Looking at this phantom, Mrs. Mandel suddenly became excited and gave orders as if she were speaking to a real person.


But when she gave the order, the phantom did not act according to her thoughts, but stood there without any response.

"what happened?!"

Feeling the illusion of losing control, Mrs. Mandel was suddenly a little suspicious.

"Dear Ms. Mandel, it is not for nothing that I am called the 'man in the mirror' by the outside world."

At the same time, Anweisi's calm voice suddenly echoed in the room.

On the surface of the pupil on the left side of the phantom, a tiny figure in a black robe was silently reflected, looking at the bewildered blond lady.

"Please don't do such meaningless things again, otherwise, some unpleasant things will unfortunately happen between us."

After leaving a final warning, the entire illusion was instantly shattered, causing Mrs. Mandel's spirit to sting.

"Hmph, the man in the mirror..."

Gritting her silver teeth, Mrs. Mandel's eyes flashed a trace of fear, after all, she did not make any outrageous actions again.


After leaving Mrs. Mandel's castle, Anvis thought carefully for a while, and finally recalled the source of the familiarity in the boy just now. It seems to be the elf princess next to Langton, Freya.

Judging from the fate line, the boy is probably a relative like her younger brother.

If this is the case, then considering Mrs. Mandel's identity camp, it is estimated that the other party is one of the villains Langton needs to face in the future.

Due to the drama of fate, when Freya and Langton went to visit Mrs. Mandel together, they might find that the other party was using her brother.

With Mrs. Mandel's character, it is estimated that he will repeat the scene he saw today in front of the two of them.

After thinking about it for a moment, Anvis decided to write a letter to Langton immediately, telling him that a certain brother of Freya was currently in the hands of Mrs. Mandela, and that after a long time, he might have completed the information through training.

As a child of destiny whose strength of fate feedback is second only to Fiona, even if Mrs. Mandel is an eighth-level powerhouse, if there is a conflict with her, it will not be good.

Perhaps theoretically speaking, all forces whose goals will cause the overall turmoil of the Ital Federation are his potential allies.

However, because of her behavior just now, it's better to give her some trouble in advance.

"Excuse me, sir, have you heard of constructing the network?"

While Anweis was thinking, a strange voice suddenly sounded.

A young man dressed as a messenger ran over from the side of the road and handed him a passable flyer.

Anweis stopped in his tracks and took a look at him.

There was a panel floating in front of him, it was a player, and he was a player of the guild under the Silver Blue Club.

"Hello, if you haven't heard it, I can introduce it to you in three minutes..."

"No, I've heard of it and don't intend to use it."

Not interested in what he said next, Anweis waved his hand and left directly.

"Please wait, Your Excellency, the construction network has recently undergone a comprehensive upgrade, and I can't help but give away a connection ring for free, and the network usage fee can also be fully reduced, and there are gifts..."

Seeing Anweis' figure drifting away, the player stopped talking, shook his head, and turned his gaze to the next passing aborigine.

"Excuse me, sir, have you heard of constructing the network?..."

At the same time, before Anvis had gone far, he met another player who was promoting the Construction Network.

Along the way, Anweis met no less than three or four players like this.

"Excuse me, sir..."

When meeting a promotion player again, Anweis finally didn't turn around and leave directly, but asked questions after listening to him silently.

"Tell me, what's going on here?"

At this moment, such scenes are happening in the streets and alleys of all cities in the entire Federation.

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