Wan Feng got up early the next morning.

In the morning and evening of summer fishing, whether there is a harvest depends on the two ends.

Don't count on it at night, Wan Feng is not going to stay in Sancha all day, so getting up early is very necessary.

Wan Jun was carrying the net bag and the bait bottle in high spirits. Wan Feng found a piece of gauze and wrapped a stinky shoe he dug out yesterday while digging earthworms, and wrapped a handful of loose bean cakes soaked in water last night. The pole set off.

From the 42nd Company, walk along the dirt road connecting the highway to Dalinzi Station, then go eastward and walk more than two miles along a field dirt road to Sanchazi. The one-way distance from home to Sancha is about five miles. left and right.

A group of teenagers came to Sancha happily all the way with longing for a good harvest.

Early in the morning, the sun was still on the horizon, and there was no one in Sancha now.

A group of people went all the way to a dam.

Sancha is on the left, catfish pond is on the right.

"Go to the catfish pond." Without any hesitation, Wan Feng walked directly to the catfish pond. Of course he knew that there were a lot of fish in the catfish pond.

The catfish pond covers an area of ​​more than ten acres. It was a small water bay that was expanded by the educated youths who went to the mountains and went to the countryside.

After the educated youth returned to the city, the fish pond became wild and became a paradise for anglers.

"I can't go. If the forty-two of us go to the catfish pond, the group of people from Dalinzi will drive us out later, and if we don't leave, we will be beaten."

"Don't pay attention to him, it's a while before they come to fish now."

After Wan Feng finished speaking, he took it away and walked towards Sifangtai.

Sifangtai is an earthen platform that extends into the fish pond. It was also left by the educated youth back then. As for its function, it is probably used for fishing.

It can be determined that it is definitely not used to feed fish. At that time, it was a problem for people to eat enough. Where can they get food to feed fish.

Wan Feng walked to Sifang Terrace, first threw the stinky shoe tied with a rope and wrapped in gauze into the water, and then threw the bag of bean cakes wrapped in gauze into the water.

Fish can also distinguish smells underwater, and stinky shoes and bean cakes will play a role in attracting fish to gather.

Untie the fishing rod, shoot an earthworm to death, pinch a small piece of it on the fishhook.

Each set of fishing rods has two sledge hooks, one large and one small, about a palm away from each other.

Wan Feng threw the hook into the pond after finishing one reel of poles, and then made the second reel of poles.

The other two rods belonged to Wan Jun, who was also playing with his own rods.

When Wan Feng put the bait on the second rod and raised his head to cast the rod, when he raised his head...

Huh! Where did the first fishing float go?

Wan Feng dropped the second coil of pole in his hand, and stretched out his hand to pick up the first coil of pole.

Two balls of white light shone on the fishing rod.

To fish!

I caught two fish at once, but unfortunately they were all willow roots.

Although it is a small fish, at least the omen is good, and a pair will come up when the hook is opened.

It is very difficult to catch the right fish, and it is usually a symbol of luck. It seems that today's luck can't be wrong.

Wan Feng put on the bait again and threw the hook into the water again. Who would have thought that the float would shake as soon as the hook became watery.

This time the float does not go along the water, nor does it plunge into the water, but moves up and down on the water surface, and the moving speed is very fast.

On the big fish.

According to the fishing experience in the previous life, it is estimated that this is a crucian carp.

"Brother, copy the basket for me!" Wan Feng shouted and began to stroke the fishhook to the shore along the water.

As soon as Wan Jun heard that his brother was going to copy the basket, he became energetic and immediately handed the copy basket to Wan Feng.

The copying basket is a wooden handle tied with an iron ring on the top, and a net pocket under the iron ring, which is specially used to catch large fish.

When the hook was close to the shore, Wan Feng held the rod in his left hand and the basket in his right.

Already saw the black fish ridge still struggling in the water.

As soon as Wan Feng picked up the basket, he buckled it down, and then lifted it up. A crucian carp nearly a foot long was struggling in the basket.

Hold the grass! Such a big crucian carp.

Crucian carp is a relatively difficult fish to catch because its hook is very shallow.

Usually the hook only bites the lip of the fish, and when the rod is lifted a little bit harder and faster, the mouth will be unhooked.

If Wanfeng, the crucian carp, hadn't been brought along the water to the shore but lifted the pole directly, he would have been released 100% of the time.

It's alright, even if you catch such a fish today, it won't be a loss.

"Wow! Wan Feng caught a big fish!" This time, those teenagers who were still hesitating whether to enter the fish pond were jealous, and ran into the catfish pond to Sifangtai.

For a while, the Sifang stage was crowded with people.

Fishing, like gambling, also has an element of luck. In the same place, some people can reap a lot of money, while others can only watch.

The saying that people are more popular than people is deadly can also be used in fishing.

In his last life, Wan Feng was a fisherman with bad luck, and he never caught fish weighing more than half a catty.

Unexpectedly, after being reborn in this life, he caught a surprise for the first time fishing.

Wan Feng was very lucky this morning, he got hooked twice in a row, and his luck will not be bad after that.

This is the time when the fish come out to look for food. If there is no harvest before seven o'clock, it will be the same this morning.

Wan Feng's other set of fishing rods had no chance of being thrown into the water at all, and this one was too busy.

He simply ignored the other rod and just fished with this one.

As soon as the hook hits the water, fish will take the bait, such as white drift, old man fish, catfish, and crucian carp.

Because this fish pond is connected to Jiangchazi, he also caught several riverfish, a oxtail and a Gayazi.

These two kinds of fish are similar in appearance, they are both yellow and somewhat similar to catfish, the difference is that Ga Yazi has a thorn growing on his back.

It stands to reason that the fish in the river are very difficult to catch, unexpectedly Wan Feng caught them all today.

Wan Jun also had a small harvest, and he caught more than a dozen messy fish, but there were no big fish.

Other people who fished on the Sifangtai also had different harvests, and the Sifangtai was full of laughter.

Suddenly, someone yelled, "Shan Guowei and the others are here too."

Wan Feng put on the bait for a long time, threw the hook into the water, and glanced back.

On the dirt road leading to Sancha, more than a dozen teenagers had already arrived near the dam with fishing rods on their shoulders.

Sure enough, it was Shan Guowei.

Wan Feng just glanced at it and turned around.

Hold the grass! Just turning his head like this, why did the float disappear again, and this time the float did not come up like water.

When Wan Feng lifted the rod, he felt that the rod was very heavy.

It was another big fish, but it was definitely not a crucian carp, or it might be an old man fish.

The fish that swallows the hook the most is the old fish, also known as the fat head fish.

The fat-headed fish here is very ugly because it is dark and ugly, and they are all called old-headed fish.

This kind of fish is usually fed to ducks, and generally no one eats it, because it takes a lot of trouble to peel the skin.

This kind of Yu Wanfeng didn't have anything to worry about, he pulled up the fishing rod with just a swipe.

what's the situation?

What kind of thing is this caught?

I saw a black thing on the hook that kept rolling, and the length was more than one foot by visual estimation.

Is this a snake caught?

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