Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 274 Don't care if he wants a bicycle

Luan Feng has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, and after Wan Feng shattered her ideas, she held a grudge.

Thus, the painting style of this tape recorder became like this: two Ye Liangchens curling their lips were pasted on the covers of the speakers on both sides.

It would be interesting if these two Ye Liangchens were facing each other, but the annoying thing was that they were all facing the same direction, and there were two little Ye Liangchens pasted on the two corners of the recorder.

Wan Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the revenge went to the tape recorder, and the whole thing became a Ye Liangchen card.

"Leave this here and keep it safe, but you are not allowed to use it to listen to music!"

Luan Feng was instantly elated.

Based on her expression, she didn't take Wan Feng's words seriously at all.

Do not listen? That's not her character.

Hao Qing became Luan Feng's staunch supporter after only three days, which caught Wan Feng by surprise.

Wherever Luan Feng pointed, she would hit there.

"This man is useless now, Sister Qing beat him out!" Luan Feng was triumphant.

Hao Qing really wanted to do this, Luan Feng was her immediate boss now, especially when she saw Luan Feng handing out so many pants in a day, her admiration for Luan Feng was like a surging river that was out of control.

But fortunately, she didn't have any enthusiasm, and after gearing up for a while, she died down and said a wise word: "It doesn't seem like this is good!"

Although no one told her, she could tell from the expressions of Wan Feng and Luan Feng and the jokes of the people around her that the relationship between her boss and this boy was a bit cloudy.

"Sister Min!" Luan Feng yelled at Jiang Min who had already run back to the sewing machine to install the Virgin.

"Oh, my ears seemed to be damaged when I listened to the music just now, and now I can't hear any sound!" Jiang Min seemed to be talking to himself while sitting on the sewing machine.

"Very good, since the ears can't hear, then make it harder." Luan Feng found two cotton balls and stuffed them into Jiang Min's ears.

Wan Feng had already left the house when they were fighting, and he had to leave without fighting because he had other things to do, besides, staying in the crowd of women for a long time would easily turn him into a sissy.

He didn't want to be a sissy.

"Feng'er! Your son-in-law is gone!"

"It's better to go away! Huh? Go away!"

As he said that, he was about to run out, not wanting to be grabbed by Hao Qing: "Aren't you going to beat him away? Why are you still chasing him after he's gone?"

"Get out of the way and don't get in the way."

When Luan Feng broke free from Hao Qing's entanglement and ran out, Wan Feng had already disappeared into the night.

Wan Feng wanted to find Zhang Hai, but to his surprise, Zhang Hai was not at Liang Wan's house, and Liang Wan didn't know where he went.

The brick and tile factory didn't work overtime tonight. Where did this guy go?

Wan Feng decided to visit Zhang Hai's house.

Zhang Hai's house is not too far away from Liang Wan's house, walk about 50 meters to the right after leaving Liang Wan's house, and it's by the creek.

The dirt road that runs through the village passes behind his house.

Zhang Hai's wife is doing needlework on the kang, and his two children are studying on the table, and Zhang Hai is not at home.

Wan Feng did not enter the house, stood outside Zhang Hai's courtyard for two minutes and concluded that Zhang Hai was not at home.

Could it be that this guy has broken shoes?

When Wan Feng returned to Liang Wan's house,

Zhang Hai had already appeared on the kang of Liang Wan's family, still breathing alcohol. It turned out that this guy came to Wang Xiping's house to listen to his research on fish ponds.

Since Wan Feng calculated that the annual profit of the fish pond is only a few thousand yuan, he has never paid attention to it. A project with a yearly profit of only a few thousand yuan is not worth paying attention to, but he does not object to Zhang Hai's doing it.

Maybe lay a foundation now, and in a few years when the price of fish rises, maybe tens of thousands of yuan can be spent a year.

"By the way, nephew, I'm just going to tell you something. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the leaders of the commune will come to see us. They want to inspect the site and guide us to reform. Do you think we should do something?"

"Don't care if he wants a bicycle." Wan Feng uttered such a sentence without thinking about it.

"You want a bicycle? What kind of bicycle do you want?" Zhang Hai was puzzled.

Pooh! This is where I want to go.

"Guan Commune wants tractors, and then builds industrial blast furnaces. If you want...anyway, you think we can use it and ask for it."

"Then what if people don't give it?"

"If you don't give it, then don't give it. You don't lose anything if you open your mouth for nothing. Isn't it gaining nothing if you give it? Others are secondary. The main thing is to ask for a tractor. Even if it doesn't come, you have to borrow it. Others are worthless when they come, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t come, and if they don’t at this time, they’re idiots.”

Zhang Hai thought about it and thought it was such a reason.

"Then when I get home and make a list, what do you think they will look at when they come?"

"Let them see what we have, the brick and tile factory and the invisible fish pond, you can blow the conch, tell him the small team industry we will build in the next few years, anyway, you can blow as much as you can, dare you Make it bigger."

Zhang Hai began to scratch his head.

"Isn't this bragging? Can bragging work?

"Where do you get the loan if you don't brag at this time? How can you invest in other companies if you don't borrow money?"

"Then what kind of business are we going to do?"

"You just blow it up first, and then there will be. We mainly want to build small industries. If there are industries and some projects, just let you do it."

Zhang Hai did not agree with Wan Feng's suggestion in his heart, and he decided that when the commune leaders came, he would take a step at a time.

"Remember to need a tractor, which is what we lack the most now. Once we have a tractor, we will save more than 2,000 yuan in shipping costs a year."

Wan Feng left here after admonishing Zhang Hai, and he had to go back and tell Luan Feng to keep a low profile these two days.

To Wan Feng's surprise, this prodigal woman really likes the new and dislikes the old, and is listening to his new tape recorder.

When someone told her that Wan Feng was back, this guy frantically turned off this one and played that one, and then pretended to be innocent.

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the leaders of the commune will come to Wahou for inspection. You should keep a low profile here these two days and don't make it bustling."

Luan Feng was rarely serious: "Will it affect us?"

"It shouldn't be too big, but let's be careful ourselves." Be careful to make the Wannian ship. After all, the spring breeze that has been re-opened has not really blown to the countryside, so it is better to be cautious.

"Okay, let's be careful these two days."

Hao Qing looked at Wan Feng and Luan Feng curiously. She was a woman who had been in love before, and vaguely found that her female boss and this young man with supernatural powers were a little unclear.

Wan Feng noticed that Hao Qing was looking at him and asked, "Have you been here for three or four days? Are you still used to it?"

Hao Qing nodded: "Very good, very used to it."

"Where's your partner? What's his name?"

"Zhang Xian, he is also very nice. He told me that working in the brick and tile factory is very interesting."

The newly built huts are still fragrant for three days. You can see if it is interesting after the freshness wears off. There is a saying that you can only see who is naked after the big waves.

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