"Then are you coming back?" Wan Feng asked after Luan Feng had just walked out the door.

"I'm not coming back. I'll go back to grandma's house after I'm done."

"Then are you coming tonight?"

"Aren't you going to your sister's house tomorrow? You don't need to go to the county seat. I won't come over at night. You can just wait for me at your grandma's house tomorrow morning."

Luan Feng retracted her head slightly disappointed.

Wan Feng went home and rode his bicycle to Xiaoshutun.

Xu Bin still guarded the small book stand loyally, and took out the money he had saved when he saw Wan Feng coming.

For a while, Wan Feng hadn't been to Xiaoshutun for more than ten days, and Xu Bin had saved four or five yuan in cash.

Wan Feng didn't take any money, but he roughly estimated that the accumulated glass stubble was only about two to three hundred catties.

Xu Meilin came joltingly, her small face looked like a dog's butt.

"Where's your new dress?"

"Dirty, mom washed it, where are you hanging it?" Xu Meilin stretched out a little orchid finger and pointed to the yard.

Sure enough, her skirt was fluttering on the clothesline.

"Where's your mother?"

"In the house."

Wan Feng took Xu Meilin's hand into her house, her mother was washing vegetables in the house, apparently preparing dinner.

Wan Feng mainly came to find some work for Xu Bin's mother, and now Luan Feng was going out to do some work, so Wan Feng had no reason not to think about Xu Bin's family.

If there was no change like Luan Feng in the middle, Xu Meilin would be the wife he planned to marry in the future. Although his wife would not be married now, Wan Feng felt that he should still have the responsibility to help her family live a better life.

Among the tasks of digging out buttonholes and nailing buttons in the embroidery lock, digging out buttonholes and nailing buttons are a group of jobs, and the other two exist independently.

Retracting buttonholes is a more troublesome job, because there is little space to display them.

Although this work is more troublesome, it does not have much technical content, as long as you don’t mistake the position when digging out the buttonholes. The most important thing is that there are a lot of work. I don't use it often, Luan Feng usually uses fire to save trouble and money.

One penny is earned for one buttonhole, and one piece of clothing usually has five buttonholes, so one piece of clothing costs five cents.

A normal housewife doesn't need to get up early and work late into the night to make buttonholes for ten or eight pieces of clothing a day, and there is no pressure at all.

Of course, Xu Bin's mother couldn't wait for her. After a short period of consideration, she decided to take over the buttonhole job. If she could make ten pieces a day, it would be 50 cents, which was a lot of money.

The task of picking up the goods back and forth is naturally Xu Bin's job.

"Luan Feng, you also know each other. When you went to pick up work for your mother, you said that I asked you to pick it up."

Xu Bin nodded.

"This bookstall will be transferred to you from today. Of course, I still have to collect the cost of the books. I will give you this pile of glass stubble for free. From now on, your dad will find a car to send the glass stubs to Cuitun Drawing Factory That's enough, wait for me to talk to Song Yuancheng."

Nearly 80 villain books Wan Feng took Xu Bin six yuan, and then gave Xu Meilin two yuan, making the little girl so happy that she almost flew up, showing off like holding a red flag, and it was the first time in her life that she had such a large amount of money .

Wan Feng thinks that being able to make others happy is his greatest happiness. Although he had an optimistic personality in his previous life, he was not happy. Neither his life nor his family had the soil for his happiness to thrive.

This time he was reborn, no matter how his fate will be in this life, at least he wants to be happy, not only himself happy but also let the people around him be happy with him.

Happiness is extremely contagious, others say whether it is contagious or not, Wan Feng has no time to observe, but Luan Feng must have been contagious.

This can be seen from her flushed little face standing under the big willow tree in front of her grandfather's house.

Wearing her knockoff sportswear on her upper body, a pair of light gray trousers on her lower body, and a pair of black cloth shoes on her feet, her slim figure gave off an amazing feeling.

Wan Feng was stunned and almost bumped into the wall of Lao Li's house.

"Does my outfit look good?" Luan Feng asked affectionately.

"Didn't you see that I almost hit the wall if you were paralyzed? Ask knowingly."

Although the words were a bit rough, Luan Feng liked to listen so much that she even rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I brought your clothes, are you wearing them now?" This refers to the jacket.

"Wait until your sister's house to wear it. If I wear this one now, I will probably become a monkey watched by others."

"Don't talk about monkeys." Luan Feng scolded.

"It's not fair. You can't stop others from calling monkeys just because your nickname is Erhou. You and them are not in the same family."

Luan Feng giggled and jumped into the back seat of the car.

"I think you're sinking again, maybe you weigh a hundred and eighty catties now?"

"You are talking nonsense again, he is only one hundred and two catties now."

"Oh, one hundred and two catties is a little thinner, and the place that should be bigger is probably smaller. I like a little plumpness."

"Stinking rogue!"

Turning out of the east end and turning onto the village road leading to Xiaoshutun, Wan Feng also sped up a little.

"Have you arranged everything at home?" The two of them might come back in the afternoon, Wan Feng worried that Jiang Min couldn't handle it alone.

"Is there any arrangement, Miss Min can handle it by herself."

This is the answer of a heartless person, Wan Feng can only shake his head helplessly.

"I spread the plans you made yesterday afternoon and evening, and some girls from Wahou and Shanhou took some work back to do it on the spot, and the kid named Xu Bin from Xiaoshutun also came , saying you sent him to do the buttonhole work."

Luan Feng and Xu Bin both sold popsicles during the sports meeting, so they knew each other naturally.

"Did you give it to him?"

"There are only six pieces and I gave them to him. I told him that they must be sent back before dark today."

The two chatted as they walked, and before they knew it, they left the boundary of Jiangwei Brigade and entered Huanghui Brigade, and came to the fork in the southeast and northeast directions.

To the northeast is Benwangjiazhuang, and to the southeast is the road to Huangjialing.

Wan Feng wanted to know the detailed address of Luan Feng's sister's house, so he could choose which way to go.

"Where does your sister's family live in Black Lagoon? How many times have you been there?"

"Xiasun's house, I went there once last year, do you know that place?"

Of course I know, Wan Feng came to this place many times in his last life when he was pulling bricks with his car, and about five miles southeast of Sun's house is the place called Shanglou by the Black Reef Commune.

This is the southeastmost part of the Heijiao Commune, where the Sino-Japanese War broke out a hundred years ago, and there is also a commemorative plaque of Lin Yongsheng.

Wan Feng took a deep breath, that place was not close, back then it belonged to a remote place far from the emperor, so the people there were full of wildness, and almost all the bastards who talked about in the Black Reef Commune for many years came from this area.

How did Luan Feng's sister marry into such a place?

If it weren't for the fact that they live by fishing and are richer than other places, Wan Feng would doubt whether there would be pirates here.

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