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Wang Haibin took an order below the cost price, originally to disgust Li Weidong.

When Li Weidong saw this below-cost order, he would inevitably have a strong reaction, so on the way, Wang Haibin had already thought about all kinds of rhetoric.

For example, the company advocates saving, insufficient procurement funds, financial difficulties, etc., and then you can happily appreciate Li Weidong's deflated or angry expression.

Wang Haibin was even ready. When he left, he said something like "It's not that our purchasing office doesn't give you orders, but that your garment factory is unable to accept them."

But the script didn't follow Wang Haibin's design. Li Weidong didn't touch the order form, but replied "We don't accept low-end orders."

"Low-end order? What is low-end order? What I sent from Wang Haibin is low-end order? I don't even look at the order! Even if it is disgusting, there is no need to be so direct!" Injured, empty, lonely and cold.

The next moment, Wang Haibin immediately put on a displeased expression, and asked sharply, "Director Li, what do you mean? What is a low-end order? Is work still divided into high and low?"

"Director Wang, don't be impatient. Of course, work does not distinguish between high and low, so I said it was a low-end order, and I didn't say low-end work!" Li Weidong smiled, and then said: "The low-end order I said, It’s just an order that doesn’t make much money.”

"You haven't read it yet, how do you know that my order is not very profitable!" Wang Haibin retorted casually.

After Wang Haibin said this, he added another sentence in his heart: If you look at the order, you will find that the order is not only unprofitable, but also loses money.

Li Weidong still looked like he was hiding a knife in a smile, and replied calmly: "Our company's orders, you don't have to look at them to know that you can't make money. If you can make money by doing our company's orders, the garment factory will not be able to make money. No salary for three months."

"Uh..." Wang Haibin was speechless for a while.

The air seemed to freeze for a few seconds, and Wang Haibin finally said, "Director Li, since you said this is a low-end order, I would like to ask, what kind of high-end order are you doing now?"

Li Weidong heard the sarcasm in Wang Haibin's words, he stood up, walked to the cabinet behind him, and said at the same time: "Since Director Wang has already asked, I will show Director Wang the current products of our garment factory. ."

I saw Li Weidong opened the cabinet and took out a leather jacket from it. This leather jacket should have just been waxed, and it was shiny and reflective.

"Director Wang, this is our product." Li Weidong showed Wang Haibin the leather jacket.

"Is this a leather jacket?" Wang Haibin asked subconsciously.

"It's a leather jacket, to be precise, a motorcycle jacket." Li Weidong didn't hide it either.

"It's nondescript, can this thing be worn to work? Will someone buy it?" Wang Haibin pouted.

"Young people will buy it, mainly for fashion. Stars on Hong Kong Island are wearing this now." Li Weidong said, put the leather jacket on himself, put on a cool pose, and asked: "How is it? It's good to wear it, right? Are the clothes more handsome and the people more handsome?"

"This is deliberately angry at me! Hold back, don't be angry!" Wang Haibin thought silently in his heart.

However, in Wang Haibin's opinion, this leather jacket is very spiritual when worn on Li Weidong.

"Director Wang, do you want one? I'll give you the ex-factory price." Li Weidong asked with a smile.

"I don't want it! If I wear this thing back to the company, it will make people laugh to death!" Wang Haibin said with a look of disdain.


Disgusting that Li Weidong's big plan didn't succeed, but he was pricked, which made Wang Haibin return to the purchasing office with a depressed look on his face.

When he got off work, Wang Haibin still felt very distressed. On the way home, he only felt that there was nothing pleasing to the eye along the way.

"What kind of bullshit motorcycle jacket, it's just that kind of non-trivial clothes, and it can still be sold for money? Only a fool would buy that kind of thing!" Wang Haibin muttered to himself and walked to the front of his house.

Before opening the door, I heard a scream like a ghost crying and wolf howling:

"I used to ask endlessly, when will you come with me, but you always laugh at me and have nothing..."

You don't have to guess to know that it is the eldest son Wang Lei who is singing again.

"Obviously I don't have that talent, and I still scream every day!" Wang Haibin sighed helplessly and opened the door with the key.

I saw Wang Lei standing in the living room, holding a mop head as a microphone, following the tape recorder, singing loudly.

And most importantly, Wang Lei was wearing a leather jacket, exactly the kind of motorcycle jacket that Li Weidong showed during the day.

A few seconds ago, Wang Haibin said to himself that only a fool would buy a motorcycle jacket, but he didn't expect that there would be a fool at home.

Seeing Wang Haibin, Wang Lei stopped the provinces and said, "Dad, you're back!"

Wang Haibin asked sharply, "Where did you get your clothes from?"

"I bought it from the market west of the station. How about it? It's very fashionable!" Wang Lei said with a condescending expression.

"How much did it cost?" Wang Haibin asked again.

"100 yuan." Wang Lei still had a very proud expression.

"Just this shit, you spent a hundred dollars?" Wang Haibin felt a pain in his heart.

Wang Lei had an expression of taking a big advantage and said, "This kind of leather jacket can be bought at a department store in a big city for at least 400 yuan, and it's not this new motorcycle jacket. I The southerner who sold the clothes said that the clothes were smuggled from abroad, so they were sold so cheaply. Dad, look at the materials, how good, foreign clothes are just different from ours!”

"Smuggling? Does the transportation company's clothing factory still need to smuggle it?" Wang Haibin looked at the complacent silly son in front of him, and snatched the mop head from him.

"100 yuan, just give it to Li Weidong like this, you still have a face to show off, you bastard, prodigal thing!" Wang Haibin scolded loudly.

On the opposite side, Wang Lei looked blank. He didn't know why his father was so angry.

At this moment, Teacher Cui Jian's deep and rich singing sounded from the tape recorder:

"Could it be that in front of you, I will always have nothing..."

Hearing this song, Wang Haibin became even more angry. He felt that the song was mocking him.

"You have nothing, right? I'll hit you with nothing now!" Wang Haibin picked up the mop head and slapped it towards Wang Lei's butt.

"Dad, don't fight, I'm wrong!" Wang Lei hurriedly dodged, seeing Wang Haibin's anger so much he ran out of the house.


Wang Haibin was so angry that Wang Lei did not dare to go home for the time being, so he wandered around in the family yard of the transportation company.

The smell of cigarettes entered Wang Lei's nose, which immediately aroused his addiction. Wang Lei made a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and put it in his mouth, but found that he didn't bring any matches.

"I have to borrow a fire." Wang Lei followed the smell of smoke and saw two people breathing smoke behind the telephone pole.

Wang Lei stepped forward and said, "Dude, borrow a fire!"

The two people behind the telephone pole turned their heads. They were two immature faces. Wang Lei could see clearly that they were two middle school students who didn't go home after school and were secretly hiding here to smoke.

One of them is Li Weidong's scumbag younger brother Li Weimin.

As expected of a scumbag, he is indeed developing in the direction of negative energy, eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling, and smoking, and he has already learned to smoke.

When Li Weimin saw someone coming to ask for fire, he handed over the cigarette in his hand. Wang Lei used Li Weidong's half cigarette to light his own.

After taking a deep breath, and then spitting out a few smoke rings, the depression in Wang Lei's heart suddenly decreased a lot.

Then Wang Lei looked at Li Weimin, and suddenly felt that there was a shadow of his youth in this young man.

Wang Lei sighed and said, "When I was your age, I also stole my dad's cigarettes all day long."

Li Weimin replied, "I didn't steal my dad's cigarettes, I bought them myself."

"You? Enough pocket money to buy cigarettes?" Wang Lei asked curiously.

"If my mother gave me pocket money, it would definitely not be enough. I even had to figure out how to buy a bag of figs. But my brother is different. He gave me a lot of pocket money, and he could give me a dollar or two at a time!" Li Weimin said, showing off road.

Figs were one of the most popular snacks in the 1980s. A small bag of five cents, although it is called "figs", is actually shredded radish with flavor and sugar. It tastes sweet and salty. If you eat too much, you will feel panicked. In that era of relative scarcity of supplies, it is the best snack.

Wang Lei looked at Li Weidong, who had a rich expression on his face, his face sank slightly, and he asked, "Do you still have cigarettes?"

"There are three more." Li Weimin answered honestly.

"Take them all out and give them to me!" Wang Lei pretended to be vicious.

"Why!" Li Weimin was not frightened, and immediately rejected Wang Lei.

Extorting cigarettes from junior high school students is indeed not a glorious thing, but Wang Lei was also very shy at this time. He spent all the money to buy that leather jacket.

I just heard Wang Lei say: "If you don't give me a cigarette, I will tell your brother about your smoking, and let your brother beat you!"

In the family courtyard of the transportation company, Wang Lei couldn't use it, so he simply threatened. This simple threat is often tried and tested.

However, Li Weimin curled his lips in disdain: "Even if you tell my brother, my brother will not beat me!"

"You didn't learn well at such a young age and secretly smoked here. I don't believe your brother won't beat you!" Wang Lei said.

"I'm my younger brother, my brother loves me the most, he is reluctant to hit me!" Li Weimin had the expression of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"I don't need to be beaten by my own brother? I am also my own son. Why don't I just buy a leather jacket, why am I beaten!"

Wang Lei touched his butt subconsciously, thinking about the way Wang Haibin hit him with the mop head just now, he suddenly became suspicious:

"Am I my father's biological child?"

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