Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 546: Give up the choice

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Firing executives is a hassle, so smart bosses have invented many good ways to do so.

For example, adjusting people to an idle position, such as promotion and promotion, or giving some tasks that cannot be completed beyond their abilities. The principle is to use small shoes to stumble and try every means to force people away.

Naturally, Li Weidong also knows these tricks. When it comes to stumbling on people wearing small shoes, a cunning shopping mall veteran like Li Weidong is naturally good at it.

Li Weidong can completely transfer Zhang Tao's hard-core subordinates from core positions through personnel adjustments, or arrange for idle work, or be promoted and demoted covertly, in short, Zhang Tao will be sidelined.

However, Zhang Tao and his men united to force the palace, and Li Weidong stopped being polite and directly used the most severe methods to send everyone to the northwest.

If a woman is benevolent and keeps Zhang Tao's die-hard subordinates at Fukang Project, they might cause trouble in the future. Directly exiled to the northwest thousands of kilometers away, these people can't do anything even if they want to become monsters.

Li Weidong had unleashed a fatal move, but Zhang Tao was naturally unwilling to submit.

If you compromise with Li Weidong at this time, you will really go to the northwest to endure hardship!

A group of die-hard subordinates gathered in Zhang Tao's office to discuss countermeasures.

"Lao Hu, I didn't continue to speak for you during the meeting because I had no choice. Then Li Weidong made it clear that he wanted to exile me to the northwest together. If I open my mouth, wouldn't I be giving the opportunity with both hands?"

Zhang Tao continued: "If even I am sent to the northwest, who will speak for you? Then you will really go to the northwest to eat sand!"

Zhang Tao first comforted Minister Hu to prevent other old subordinates from becoming disloyal. After all, facing the big devil Li Weidong, only unity has a chance of winning!

Someone next to him asked: "Mr. Zhang, now Li Weidong wants to send us all to the northwest. What should we do? There is no way to resolve this matter!"

"Yes, this is a job transfer, and it cannot be considered a dismissal. What's more, it is to support the construction of the western region. It is to implement national policies and the city will not care about it." Another person said.

"The list has been announced, and it specifically mentions that I was awarded the company's model worker title the year before last. This is forcing me to go! If I, a model worker, don't go, all the employees in the factory will poke me in the back." said a third person.

The person next to him sighed: "Hey, me too. It's really not worth the gain to get an advanced worker and then be sent to the west. If I had known, I wouldn't have wanted this advanced worker."

"When I signed out to receive the certificate, I didn't see you declining. Now that you are going to support the Western Region, you are disgusted?" another person mocked.

"Okay, stop saying a few words!" Zhang Tao snorted coldly, and then said: "It seems that Li Weidong is not going to compromise. He wants to exile you all to the northwest this time. He is determined to break up with us. !

In this case, we don't tolerate him. We have to let him know that without Butcher Zhang, he will really have to eat pigs with hair on them! With people like you, Beverly Engineering Company will really collapse! "

Zhang Tao said this, looked at everyone and continued: "Starting from tomorrow, you will find excuses to ask for leave, and all of you will give up. Those who should recuperate from illness, those who should be hospitalized, those who should be hospitalized, those who should visit relatives, those who should go to other places to go to other places...

When the time comes, send your leave note to me and I will grant you leave. Then stop coming to the company and find a place for me to hide. Put away all business matters, and if someone comes to you to hand over work, make excuses to delay it.

You are all the core backbone of the company's business. I want to see if Li Weidong can run such a large company alone without you! "

Everyone nodded, and the most senior Minister Liu looked like he was hesitating to speak.

"Old Liu, do you have something to say?" Zhang Tao asked.

"I'm worried that Li Weidong will take this opportunity to find someone else to replace our position." Minister Liu said with a frown.

"Even if Li wants to replace you, can he find someone?" Zhang Tao snorted coldly, and then said; "The mechanical engineering industry is not about setting up stalls and selling vegetables on the streets. Anyone can do this. Not only does it require professional skills, but it also requires professional experience.

As the saying goes, companies of our level are not specialized in this industry. Even if they take over related business, they don’t know where to start. Not only will things not work out, but bad things will happen!

Of course, Li Weidong may also promote directly from within and look for people familiar with the business in various departments to take your place. But you guys can't be easily replaced by your subordinates anytime soon, right?

Teaching apprentices to starve their masters to death is nothing new in the machinery industry. I don’t believe that you will leave all the core business to the people below and not leave a single hand to yourself! "

Zhang Tao said with a cold smile and turned to look at Hu, the director of the purchasing department: "Old Hu, if your purchasing department doesn't have you, can the people below you complete the work of the purchasing department?"

Minister Hu shook his head without hesitation: "Of course not. For many procurement projects, I negotiate with suppliers alone. How can those under me know the details?

If they were left to do it themselves, that would be purchasing some office supplies. They can't handle the procurement of important raw materials! If I don't hand it over to them, they may not even be able to contact the supplier, let alone negotiate the price. "

Zhang Tao looked at Director Sun of the Production Department again: "Old Sun, where are you?"

Minister Sun smiled shyly and replied: "Although the directors of the workshops below me are all good at business, they are only proficient in their own business and are not unfamiliar with the business of other workshops.

For example, the workshop director of the final assembly workshop is only familiar with the general assembly business; the workshop director of the structural workshop is only familiar with structural production; the workshop director of the painting workshop is only familiar with painting.

If the general assembly workshop director is asked to be responsible for the structure or painting, they will not be able to familiarize themselves with the business in a short period of time. Even if these workshop directors sit in my position, they cannot arrange the production work of the entire factory. "

"Very good!" Zhang Tao nodded with satisfaction.

In China in the 1990s, the production of construction machinery was still a high-end manufacturing industry. This industry was relatively professional, and not just anyone could be responsible for the relevant managers.

If the heads of each department do not hand over business, it will be difficult for even their subordinates to support the business of the entire department.

Infernal Affairs told Li Weidong about the leave of absence of several department heads.

"How many department heads have asked for leave?" Li Weidong smiled coldly, already seeing through Zhang Tao's little trick.

"Tell me, why did the heads of each department ask for leave?" Li Weidong asked.

"Director Sun of the Production Department asked for sick leave. He said that the weather has turned cold recently and the bronchitis has become serious again. It may turn into pneumonia, so he went to the hospital to hang a sling bottle and asked for ten days of leave."

"Director Hu from the Purchasing Department also asked for sick leave. He said that when he was going down the stairs, he accidentally stepped on the air and sprained his ankle. Although no bones were broken, he is not suitable for walking, so he has to rest at home for a month!"

"Director Liu asked for personal leave, saying that a distant relative was here and wanted to stay at his house for a while. He didn't want to refuse, so he asked for leave to entertain the relative."

"Director Xu's younger brother is getting married next month, so he took leave to go back to the village to arrange the marriage for his younger brother." Infernal Affairs replied.

Li Weidong interjected: "I'm going to marry my wife next month and ask for leave now? Isn't it too early to ask for leave?"

"It's a bit early, but Mr. Zhang has approved it! I have all the leave application slips here now, and asked me to send them to the Human Resources Department for filing." Wu Jiandao continued.

Li Weidong nodded: "Okay, I understand. You go and do your work first!"

"The heads of the main departments collectively asked for sick leave. If this happens, the Fukang Project will not be able to operate normally in a few days. This is a clear choice, and I will join the army!" Li Weidong smiled disdainfully: "This Zhang Tao, but also Do you really think I won’t prepare a backup plan?”

Qinghe Municipal People's Hospital, Li Shouyi walked out of the inpatient department with a sad look on his face.

There is no shortage of such expressions in places like hospitals.

Just now, he paid another 3,000 yuan for hospital fees. For this 3,000 yuan, he borrowed money from relatives and friends. This was the last money he could collect.

Li Shouyi is the director of the production department of the heavy machinery factory and is in charge of the production work of all workshops in the factory.

Not long ago, his mother fell ill and was diagnosed with a tumor in her chest that required surgery.

Medical technology in that era was not as advanced as it is now, and surgery to remove tumors would cost a lot of money.

Now, if minimally invasive thoracoscopy technology is used, the operation time is short, the wound is small, and the recovery is faster. But in 1998, this technology was still available in China.

In China, it was not until 2000 that Peking University Hospital established a minimally invasive thoracic center and began thoracoscopic surgery. Prior to this, such surgery could only be performed through open chest surgery.

Li Shouyi's mother is not young anymore, and having a thoracotomy at this age is inherently risky. Even if the operation is successful, the elderly person's recovery will be slow and it will definitely cost a lot of money.

After all, Qinghe is not a big city, and the doctors at the People's Hospital have limited capabilities, so they proposed to invite doctors from the capital to come and perform the surgery on the old lady, which would have a higher success rate.

However, there is an extra charge for doctors to perform flying knives.

Transportation was inconvenient at that time. People had to spend a day on the way from Beijing, and another day on the way back, plus a day for surgery. It means that it takes three days to open a flying knife, plus food and accommodation.

Therefore, in that era, the cost of asking an expert to perform a flying knife was much higher than it is now. If you were not willing to spend the money, the experts would not come at all.

If it had been a few years ago, when the heavy machinery factory was doing well, Li Shouyi might have been able to spend money to treat his mother's illness.

But in the past two years, the heavy machinery factory has lost a lot of business to Fukang Engineering, and now it can only survive. As the director of the production department, Li Shouyi's salary is not much.

In order to treat his mother's illness, Li Shouyi has spent all his savings and now has to borrow money from others.

After paying the hospitalization fee of 3,000 yuan, Li Shouyi returned to his mother's ward, only to find a familiar face, holding a fruit basket, standing at the door of the ward, looking into the ward.

When the man saw Li Shouyi, he immediately came up to him and said hello directly: "Director Li, is your mother's condition getting better?"

"It's Mr. Wang!" Li Shouyi immediately stepped forward.

This person is Wang Kaiping, Li Weidong's chief financial officer.

After Li Weidong's company developed and expanded, Wang Kaiping also ascended to heaven and became a famous figure in Qinghe City. On weekdays, he mainly stayed in Qinghe and made friends with many people from all walks of life.

Just listen to Wang Kaiping continue to say: "Director Li, I wonder how you have considered the matter mentioned last time? As long as you are willing to come to Fukang Engineering, not only will the position of production director be yours, our Chairman Li will also give you a one-time I’ll give you a settlement allowance of 100,000 yuan!”

As Wang Kaiping spoke, he opened his briefcase and motioned to Li Shouyi to look inside the bag.

I saw that there were ten thick stacks of hundred-dollar bills in this bag, which added up to one hundred thousand yuan.

"I have brought you the money and the contract. If you sign the contract now, I will give you the 100,000 yuan immediately!" Wang Kaiping said.

Looking at the one hundred thousand yuan and thinking about his mother's illness, Li Shouyi sighed helplessly: "Okay, I'll sign it!"

Baishan filial piety comes first. With this 100,000 yuan, he can hire experts from Beijing to perform surgery on his mother, and he no longer has to worry about the cost of subsequent recovery!

Although the efficiency of the heavy machinery factory is not very good, Chen Guofu, the director of the procurement department, is still living a good life.

Even if the company's efficiency is further improved, departments such as the Procurement Department will still have some oil and water.

However, Chen Guofu is also worried about something, that is, his son failed the college entrance examination again this year.

In last year's college entrance examination, Chen Guofu's son failed. After repeating the exam for a year, he still failed to get into college.

Chen Guofu is just a son. Of course he hopes to get ahead, but how can he get ahead with a high school diploma?

Therefore, we must let our son enter college, even if it means another year of review!

However, given his son's current level and the fierce competition in the college entrance examination in Handong Province, even if he reviews for another year, this stupid son may not be able to get into college.

Just when Chen Guofu was having a headache for his son, Wang Kaiping took the initiative to find Chen Guofu.

"Director Chen, I heard that your young master took the college entrance examination this year. How did he do so well?" Wang Kaiping asked.

"Forget it, my stupid son only got 480 points after reviewing for a year. With this score, don't expect to go to college. It seems that he is not good at school!" Chen Guofu said distressedly.

"480 points? That's a lot. The qualifying mark in Inner Mongolia is less than 450 points! If your son takes the college entrance examination there, he might be able to go to a good university!" Wang Kaiping said with a smile.

"Are the scores in Inner Mongolia so low?" Chen Guofu showed an envious expression.

Wang Kaiping immediately said: "Director Chen, I have a way to get a student status in Inner Mongolia. I wonder if you are interested?"

At that time, because the management of household registration and student registration was not as strict as it is now, it was much easier to immigrate for the college entrance examination.

Handong Province is originally a province that takes the college entrance examination, and its scores are among the best in the country. The candidates here competed in dungeons with a hellish level of difficulty.

Compared with some autonomous regions where ethnic minorities gather, the score line is definitely much lower.

When he heard that Wang Kaiping could obtain a student status in Inner Mongolia, Chen Guofu's eyes suddenly lit up. He was willing to make some sacrifices in order for his son to be admitted to university.

Zhang Zilong returned home and was surprised to find a sumptuous meal on the table.

At this time, Zhang Zilong's wife came out with a plate of fish in her hand.

"Did you do all this?" Zhang Zilong asked you in surprise.

"Nonsense, didn't I do it, or did you do it?" the wife said.

"Why do you have time to cook?" Zhang Zilong asked even more surprised.

Zhang Zilong's wife is a doctor. She is very busy at work on weekdays and has to work night shifts from time to time. Because of this, she usually doesn't have time to cook.

Now my wife actually cooks and makes such a table of food, the sun really rises from the west.

"What day is today?" Zhang Zilong asked subconsciously.

The wife smiled proudly and continued, "Congratulations on my upcoming appointment as deputy chief physician!"

"Deputy chief physician? That's a senior professional title! Isn't it difficult to get a senior professional title? How could it be your turn? Didn't you say before that if you want to be evaluated for a senior professional title, you have to publish some papers? Have you done so? ?" Zhang Zilong asked puzzledly.

The wife answered: "I'm lucky. There is a well-known professor in a big hospital in Beijing who is willing to add my name to the paper. It is an advanced topic in the country. If my name is on the paper, I will You are now qualified to be the deputy chief physician!”

"This is not a relative, why should someone add your name to the paper?" Zhang Zilong asked.

"It's up to you!" The wife smiled evilly, and then said: "Husband, someone came to see me today and said that as long as you are willing to switch jobs to Fukang Engineering, my name can be added to that paper!"

"What?" Zhang Zilong was slightly stunned. He felt as if he had been betrayed by his wife!

But the wife continued: "When I get a senior professional title, my salary and bonus will increase a lot! And I heard that the efficiency of Fukang Engineering is quite good, and the salary is also good. If you go to Fukang Engineering, both of us will Getting a salary increase is no better than staying at a heavy machinery factory!"

Zhang Zilong nodded. Although he was not a strict wife, he still felt very psychologically satisfied when he could highlight his role in front of his wife!

The secretary knocked on the door and walked into Zhang Tao's office.

"Mr. Zhang, the chairman would like you to come over," the secretary said.

Zhang Tao held the tea cup leisurely and asked lazily: "Did the chairman say something happened?"

"It's about discussing the affairs of the heads of various departments." The secretary replied.

"Discussing the affairs of the heads of various departments? Several department heads have given up their choices. It seems that Li Weidong cannot bear it and plans to compromise!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Tao smiled proudly and said, "Okay, I got it, I'll be there right away!"

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