Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 215 Trelawney's Powerful Prophecy Ability!

The next day, Dumbledore took Black and Peter to the headquarters of British magic in London. The entrance to the British Ministry of Magic headquarters is in the heart of London, and the actual location is underground.

Wizards can enter as long as they explain the reason.

Dumbledore walked into an unremarkable, tattered phone booth and dialed the number: 62442.

A cold voice came from the microphone: "Who?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

The other end of the microphone was quiet for a while, and the voice suddenly became softer: "May I ask what you want to deal with?"

"Sirius Black is with me."

It is estimated that the operator's mouth can already stuff a goose egg. The news of Black's escape from prison is definitely the hottest news in the magic world recently.

In fact, although the magic world is mysterious, there is nothing new under the sun.

The total number of wizards in the world, including all kinds of wandering and reclusive wizards, is less than one million, which is not as large as the total population of a small city in China.

It is conceivable that there are no continuous things among wizards to satisfy the gossip hearts of wizards.

So a Black jailbreak is no less than throwing a mountain into a pond.

It's not about making waves, it's about literally turning the river upside down.

As everyone knows, all the newspapers are rushing to report that wizards all over the world don't discuss two things about Blake every day, and they seem to be living in the wild in the backcountry and have no access to new things.

In order to hunt down Sirius, the British Ministry of Magic sent almost all the Aurors it could send.

But there is still no trace of Sirius, as if the world has evaporated.

Some wizarding newspapers have begun to question why the Ministry of Magic has been doing nothing for several months, and can only fly around like flies every day.

But what did she hear now? She heard that Dumbledore had captured Sirius Black.

This has to be shocking.

It even occurred to her suddenly that Fudge, who was already in a precarious position as a minister, had always been unpopular, if there was news that Dumbledore had captured Black again.

Then if he wants to run for the post of minister, I'm afraid it will be a piece of cake to kick Fudge out of office.

These thoughts quickly turned in the operator's mind, but before she could answer in a more gentle voice which floor and department Dumbledore should go to, Principal Dumbledore immediately said another sentence.

"Also, I caught the real murderer who leaked the location of the James and his wife to Voldemort and caused their death—Peter Pedrew."

The operator didn't even realize what Dumbledore was saying at first, and then a few seconds later, after she received the message of this sentence, her mind went blank, as if the sky had fallen.

She knew that if Dumbledore's words were true, there might be a major earthquake in the Ministry of Magic, the kind that could knock many people out of their positions.

Some wizards walked past her, wondering why their colleague looked so shocked.

When the elevator in the phone booth began to descend, Peter Wormtail looked up at the shrinking sky and knew he was finished.

He cried out sadly in his heart: "Voldemort, I have had bad luck for eight lifetimes, and I followed you. I have never had a good day."



It was still so quiet, and the news from the outside world had not yet spread.

The little magicians enjoy their peaceful and beautiful life here.

Wednesday, October 27, 1993.

Three days had passed since Black caught Scabbers. (However, the author has stopped updating for half a year, come and blow my dog's head (=?ω?=))

The first class in the morning is divination class.

However, Harry and Hermione drew a line with Trelawney, who pretended to be a ghost every day, very early on.

Hermione thought divination lessons were just clouds in the sky.

She prefers arithmetic and divination lessons,

It is a love of this subject from the heart.

The same as divination magic, arithmetic and divination classes rely on a large number of calculations to calculate the most accurate results. The more relevant information they know, the more accurate the answer the fortune-teller wants to know.

It's a matter-of-fact discipline, no, it's science (???)

Lu Xun said: use science to defeat magic...

The divination class is all about illusory statements.

In addition to the bet that was treated as a joke by others, Hermione was even more focused on studying arithmetic and divination.

So during the divination class, Harry and Hermione didn't go to the dizzy dim house, but sat quietly in the library.

Hermione was buried in a stack of books higher than her head, doing calculations with pen and paper in hand.

There were parchments full of magic formulas scattered on the table, and Harry shivered when he saw them.

The dense and strange symbols look even scarier than calculus, de Broglie equations, Schrödinger equation, Euler's formula, etc. in mathematics.

I am afraid that only the legendary quantum theory can compete with it. After all, the saying "quantum mechanics is not a solution" is not for nothing...

"Hermione, if you study mathematics in the Muggle world, you will definitely become the world's top mathematician." Harry said.

Without raising her head, Hermione said confidently with a smile, "That's for sure. Before entering Hogwarts, my math will always be full marks."


Divination class ends early today.

The Gryffindor students came back from the Divination classroom in the remote North Tower, and they walked through the library, preparing to go to Professor McGonagall's large Transfiguration classroom.

After seeing Harry and Hermione, some people were upset.

Why did Harry and Hermione skip class when they were in class, sitting leisurely in the bright and spacious library.

But Professor Trelawney didn't care about them.

But these obedient students had to sit in that smoky cramped room, staring blankly at the dark residue leaves.

Parvati said suddenly: "Hermione, we have learned more than half of "Putting Through the Fog to See the Future", and now we can see more omens from the tea leaves."

She is showing off.

Because Hermione is a super student with full marks in all subjects, but now she has abandoned the divination class. It is conceivable how poor her knowledge in the divination class is.

It's not too good to hit her in this respect.

To be honest, in Professor Trelawney's class, it's really cool to see Hermione no longer rushing to answer questions.

Hermione raised her head, looked at her, and said in disapproval: "I don't think Professor Trelawney's class can increase my knowledge at all. Her class is just a waste of precious time. If you are willing to listen Her class, then I have nothing to say."

Parvati sneered: "You are jealous of our talent in divination class, you have no idea how powerful Trelawney's prophecy is."

"She predicted in the first class that on October 16, the thing Lavender feared the most would happen, and that thing really came true. You don't know it yet, do you?" Parvati said triumphantly.

"Isn't it? Lavender." She said to a female classmate.

The female student who looked a bit timid nodded, her eyes turned red, and she seemed to be frightened again when she recalled that incident.

Hermione looked a little flustered.

After all, he was a professor at Hogwarts. Although he looked like a liar, the teacher's aura was still very calming.

She didn't expect Professor Trelawney to be able to meet a blind cat and a dead mouse.

Or, Professor Trelawney really has the power of prophecy? Hermione thought anxiously.

But Hermione is not such a girl who would give in so easily. She raised her neck and asked calmly, "You said she was right in her prophecy. What exactly did she predict?"

Parvati had already seen Hermione's strength in the outside world, her face was full of complacency, and she continued to attack: "On the morning of the 16th, Lavender received a letter from her family, saying that a rabbit she raised was killed by a The fox killed him, do you think Professor Trelawney is terrible?"

Hermione was stunned, with a black question mark face: "??? That's it???"


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