Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 74 Digimon is popular all over the country

Li Yun is a seven-year-old elementary school student who loves animation on weekdays. "Digimon" has been very popular recently, and he and his friends like to watch it.

Yesterday, one of his friends brought a new toy to school called Digimon. It is exactly the same as the divine plan in the animation, so it caused a sensation in the whole class yesterday.

All the students in the class surrounded him, wanting to see his toy. Everyone was very envious that he had this toy, and thought it was really cool. Some students also asked him where he bought it, and planned to ask his parents to buy one for himself.

Li Yun was one of them. After he learned that he bought it in Chuhe Building, he pestered his parents to buy it for him that night. His parents couldn't get enough of him, so they finally had to agree to bring him to this Chuhe Mansion to buy it today.

"Father, Mom, hurry up, or the Digimon machine will be sold out." Li Yun walked in the front, urging his parents behind him.

"Okay, don't worry, it won't be sold out." Li Yun's parents comforted. The child who is too lazy to move is so active today, which is beyond their expectations. It seems that the charm of toys is still great!

"Then what if it's sold out?" Li Yun continued to urge, "Zhang Tian, ​​Chen Jie, and Lu Chengke all said they would buy it. What if they finally bought it and I didn't, then How can I play with them?"

Having said that, Li Yun became even more worried, and he ran in two steps in three steps.

The parents behind him looked at him with helpless faces, so they had no choice but to run with Li Yun.

Fortunately, Chuhe Building was not far from their home, and they had already reached the entrance of the building in a short while.

Obviously, Li Yun often comes here to buy toys. When he got to the door, he didn't even froze. Even his parents kept yelling "stop, be careful" from behind, and they didn't hear it at all.

"Auntie, is there a Digimon machine?"

As soon as he arrived at the toy counter, Li Yun couldn't wait to ask, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Yes, kid." The salesperson at the counter nodded, took out a large-screen toy, which was a Digimon machine, and handed it to Li Yun, "My kid, you are so lucky, this is the last one gone."

Li Yun took the Digimon machine carefully and looked at it over and over several times. Well, it's exactly the same as what I saw on TV.

It's so cool to think of Taichi and the others on TV when they used the divine plan to evolve Digimon.

Holding the Digimon machine, Li Yun felt that he would also become a chosen child and venture into the digital world.

At this time, Li Yun's parents came over, and the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking.

"Mom, this is it, I want this." Li Yun immediately said after noticing his parents had arrived. At the same time, hold the Digimon tightly in your hand, and it seems that you will not let it go.

"My guest, you are so lucky. This toy has been selling very well recently. It has been sold out in just two days since it came out. This is the last one. If you come later, you probably won't be able to buy it." said the salesperson.

"Listen, I told you to walk faster." Li Yun said to his parents when he heard this, and at the same time, he also had a "dangerous" look on his face.

Li Yun's parents looked at Li Yun with a look of love,

It's hard to say anything about him, and finally he had to say: "Then we bought this, how much is it?"

After getting his Digimon machine, Li Yun played it on the way home. The pets inside have to hatch from eggs. Fortunately, he asked the friend who bought this toy yesterday, so he is quite familiar with the operation after a while.

Eat, walk, sleep!

But Li Yun played while walking, so he walked quite slowly. He has been behind his parents all the way, and he was almost two people when he first came.

"Li Yun, hurry up, play with toys when you get home." His mother kept urging along the way.

"Okay, okay, I'll walk faster." Li Yun agreed with all his mouth, but he didn't show any intention of speeding up on his feet.

In the end, it took twice as long to dawdle before returning home.

As soon as he got home, Li Yun immediately got into his own room, lay on the bed, and played the Digimon machine with full concentration.

Time passed like this while he was playing, and he didn't know how long it took in the end. In short, his mother came to remind him three times, and the last time he even said that he would smash his new Digimon machine. Li Yuncai Go take a bath and sleep obediently.

"Tomorrow, I can take the Digimon machine to school."

Before going to sleep, Li Yun thought excitedly that he could also show off to his classmates and accept their envious eyes like that little friend.

Li Yun woke up early the next morning.

On weekdays, he needs his mother to yell several times before he can get up, but today is different, he got up on his own initiative, washed up, and under his mother's surprised gaze, he took his schoolbag and digital Tyrannosaurus machine went to school.

"Look, this is the latest Digimon machine that I just bought yesterday."

As soon as he arrived at school, Li Yun couldn't wait any longer. He threw down his schoolbag and took his Digimon to show off in front of his classmates.

"We have it too." Who knows, his friends took out one by one after seeing his Digimon machine. Judging by the way it looks like, I should have bought them yesterday.

"how so."

Li Yun muttered in a low voice, he wanted to show off at first, but who knows why the whole class has it.

However, he still has the personality of a child, and he quickly put this loss behind him.

The Digimon machine has a battle function, which can be used to fight with other people's pets, so Li Yun and the others immediately started the battle, wanting to see who is the best, and at the same time played role-playing.

"I am Taiyi, this is Yagumon. You are Ahe, and your pet is called Garurumon. You are Koshiro, and your pet is called Beetlemon."

One of the leaders of their group of children opened his mouth to assign roles. He seemed to have a high prestige among the children. All the children nodded without objecting.

"Look at my super flame!"

"Look at my demon tiger flame!"

"Air cannon!"

"Flying Wing Lightning!"


"Mr. Ou, this is the sales survey of our Digimon machine this week."

In the office of the marketing director of Bandai Games, a secretary-like person handed a report to Ou Cheng.

Ou Cheng nodded, and after he went out, he opened the report.

The report is about the sales of the Digimon machine in the first week. This report is not only related to the future of the Digimon machine. At the same time, it is also related to Ou Cheng's own future.

Digimon is actually quite controversial in the company, and quite a few people disagree with the release of this toy. It was only because Ou Cheng was the one who agreed the most that the boss of the company finally made up his mind.

If the sales volume is not good this time, it is conceivable that those who have been thinking about their position for a long time will probably use this to attack themselves.

However, the super high ratings of the animation last time reassured him a little. However, the final situation is still in this questionnaire.

Thinking of this, Ou Cheng couldn't help swallowing, and carefully opened the investigation report.

"This, this is!" Seeing the number inside, Ou Cheng's eyes widened. He couldn't believe his eyes, "7.86 million! It's only the first week!"

This figure is a high sales volume that Bandai has never had since it started making toys. Ou Cheng believed that if the people in the company knew this number, their jaws would drop in shock.

It is a miracle that the toy that I was not optimistic about actually sold this amount.

Thinking of what kind of expressions they would have, Ou Cheng felt dark in his heart.

However, he also knew that the high sales volume was not only due to the toy itself, but also due to the power of Chen Ze's comics and animations.

Thinking of this, Ou Cheng had some guesses in his heart. Chen Ze, who is already so powerful at this age, how far will he reach in the future? Whether to be close to Li Mingyang or to sit on an equal footing with him, even...

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