Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 56 The upsurge brought by animation (2)

Zhao Bin took two classes, and the whole morning passed like this. His school implements semi-closed management, and basically all students will stay in school for lunch.

Therefore, noon is the busiest time of the day, and most students will play and run around on campus at this time. After all, they are only middle school students.

But since the animation "Slam Dunk" came out, the whole school was empty at noon, and everyone finished eating at a fast speed, and then trotted back to the classroom.

Because every noon, the school specially stipulates that students can use the classroom TV to watch TV, and every noon G satellite TV will replay "Slam Dunk", so the students of the whole school go back to their classrooms at this time as if they had made an appointment watch TV.

"Run in the sunlit streets, passing by as usual. There is no reason for you to dream, nothing to bind your hands."

At 12:10, the theme song of "Slam Dunk" sounded on time, and everyone in the classroom was quiet, watching TV with their eyes wide open. Zhao Bin stood at the window outside the classroom, looking through the glass at the situation inside.

"These little bastards, they were not so quiet when I was in class." Zhao Bin muttered in a low voice, a little jealous in his heart, and secretly surprised by the appeal of "Slam Dunk".

The last time a comic was so popular across the country was more than ten years ago. Zhao Bin thought that in the golden age of Huaxia comics more than ten years ago, there were a large number of masterpieces at that time, and countless comics that were worshiped by later generations were all completed by cartoonists at that time.

Platinum-level animations and national-level animations can be found everywhere, and their grandeur is not comparable to what it is now. But in such a grand occasion, there was still an absolute king. He was Li Mingyang, who was called the messenger sent by God to the world at that time.

Zhao Bin remembered when he was a child, at that time, they were also obsessed with Li Mingyang's animations.

What was shown on TV today was a few episodes of bad Mitsui making trouble in the basketball club, although all the students present had already watched these episodes. But at this moment, seeing the vicious look of the gangsters led by Mitsui, especially Tetsuo, their hearts still tugged.

"No, don't hit Rukawa Kaede." A girl couldn't help but screamed after seeing Rukawa Kaede being attacked by Tetsuo and fainted on the ground, and at the same time, she quickly covered her eyes with her hands.

"Good fight, let's see if they dare to be so crazy. Sure enough, Sakuragi is the most reliable at the critical moment." A boy clenched his fists and shouted. land.

"Yohei is so handsome, I want to find a husband like him in the future!" On the TV, Mitsui was beaten by Yohei, and Yanghei forced Mitsui to say that he would never come to the basketball club to make trouble again. A girl saw this scene and thought silently in her heart.

"It's not easy for Mitsui." The boys in the class muttered in low voices when the TV was on, and the girls nodded in agreement. At this moment, it is time to replay Mitsui's high spirits when he won the championship when he was in junior high school, and he loudly said after he entered high school that he would lead Xiangbei to dominate the country.

"I want to play basketball and dominate the country in the future." The boys in the class thought of it one after another.

In the end, the TV showed the last episode of Mitsui's uproar in the basketball club. Coach Anxi walked in slowly from the door. After Mitsui saw Coach Anxi, he couldn't bear the thoughts in his heart anymore, knelt on the ground and cried, "Teacher, coach, I want to play basketball."

The background music "Until the End of the World" written by Chen Ze sounded, coupled with the picture on TV, it really made people feel like crying.

Zhao Bin thought of his high school years, why there was no "Slam Dunk" back then.

His class is full of thirteen and fourteen-year-old children, of course they don't understand the reason for Mitsui's crying, but he can also feel the stirring and desolate feeling.

I don't know when which class started first, but everyone sang "Until the End of the World" along with the TV. It was still chaotic at first, but then it gradually became a chorus.

In this way, in such a summer, on a sunny afternoon, countless students may never forget this moment in their lives. The whole school sang such a song loudly along with the singing on the TV.

This is one of the trends caused by "Slam Dunk".

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the class time officially begins.

Zhao Bin still has a physical education class in the afternoon, but not now, he is resting in the office at the moment.

He has developed a habit since he was a student, and he will not be energetic for an afternoon without a lunch break. But now that he has become a teacher, he doesn't have time to take a lunch break like he did when he was a student.

So in the afternoon, when there is no class, he will go back to his office to take a nap.

On weekdays, I can fall asleep all at once, but today I couldn't fall asleep anyway. The song that shocked the entire campus at noon kept echoing in his mind, and he suddenly wanted to meet Chen Ze, the author of "Slam Dunk", and see what kind of brain he was, who could draw such cartoons.

This kind of influence is no longer rare in this era. It can completely wrestle with the influence of comics that have been recorded in history, and most of them will not fall into a disadvantage.

He thought of Li Mingyang, the most influential cartoonist at his age, who is the absolute number one cartoonist today. His animation influence at that time did not seem to be so great. Will this Chen Ze surpass Li Mingyang in the future?

At three o'clock in the afternoon, after Zhao Bin rested for a while, his physical education class arrived. His school is only a small school, so he is both a math teacher and a physical education teacher.

After Zhao Bin changed into his sportswear, he walked to the playground. At this time, all the students in his class had gathered here. For junior high school students who are academically heavy, physical education is equivalent to entertainment, and of course they are very active.

Zhao Bin walked up to the students, said a few words casually, and asked them to borrow sports equipment to play by themselves.

In the past, in this kind of physical education class, football was the equipment that was borrowed the most. However, since "Slam Dunk" became popular, boys' favorite sport has changed from football to basketball, and basketball has naturally become everyone's favorite equipment in physical education class.

There are sixty of them, almost thirty boys. After borrowing three basketballs, they were divided into six teams and started playing.

In fact, Zhao Bin sometimes has the urge to go off to play basketball by himself after watching the animation. But he is not a student after all, and he has never touched basketball in the past. When it's time to end, if you are abused by your own students instead, it will be too ugly.

So he could only hold back the itching of his hands and stood by to watch them fight.

At this time, he discovered that there was another boy in his class who didn't end up either. Instead, he stood on the sidelines with his hands folded, his clothes draped over his body, and he looked at the stadium with a serious face. That way, it's really a bit of a master's demeanor.

(Whether there is a recommendation ticket, we have a perfect start and a perfect process this week, and of course we have to have a perfect ending, right? So, students who have a recommendation ticket, don’t hide it. Vote for me. The group number is 294906747. I made a vote in the group. If you have a favorite comic, if you want it to be included in my novel, just add it and vote!)

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