Capital One Trading Room.

On the big screen, people's eyes are green with the dense green, and there is only a little red in the center.

Shen Jiannan naturally recited the Rumeng Ling.

It's also really fitting.

Green is fat enough, red is thin enough, but green is fat, red is thin.

On the side, William was full of slander.

That old man, it makes people sad to think about it. With a drop of more than a thousand points, I don’t know how many people have to turn off the lights to eat noodles at night.

At the close of the market in the morning, many people's eyes were full of death, which made people blame themselves. It's good that the boss is an asshole, and now he is still interested in talking nonsense here, which is simply not a thing.

But as a subordinate, the boss is in a good mood at this time, so how can he mess around if he doesn't flatter him.

"The green one is fat, the red one is thin, the green one is fat like a pig's head, and the thin one stands out. If Li Qingzhao is still alive, he must be a big short."

"William, your explanation is wrong. The point is not here. Do you know, do you know? It should be green, fat, red and thin. Listen to the key point, whether you know it or not, and it should be."

"Boss, I knew about the blowing flute on the Phoenix Stage, ugly slave, I also know." After a pause, William said coquettishly and enchantingly: "There will be a gust of wind and rain in the evening, washing away the flames. After finishing the reed , but light makeup on the water chestnut flower. The crimson gauze strands are thin ice skin, and the snow is greasy and crispy. Laughing Tan Lang, the gauze kitchen pillow is cool tonight."

"Go away! I don't know how to do it."

"Hey! I also ask the boss to enlighten me."

Shen Jiannan was very satisfied.

At this time, if no one came to talk to him, wouldn't it be very boring for him to sing by himself.

"William. Look at the negative line in the morning. It is actually a butcher's knife just raised. It is thick and has no front. A negative line has pierced all the technical lines below, you know?"


William shook his head tactfully.

"The market is panicking now, and the bulls are running for their lives just like defeated deserters. Therefore, it should be green, fat, red and thin, and it can only be green, fat, red and thin. Do you know? At this time, it is natural to take the opportunity to expand the results of the battle."

"Boss, you mean continue to increase your position?"


There was a cruel smile in Shen Jiannan's eyes.

It fell by 1,400 points in one morning. Such a drop is like a sharp knife cut from the sky. There is nothing that can stop that kind of indomitable knife edge.

Now, no matter what the Ministry of Finance has planned, it is also helpless in this horrible trend.

The market price is driven by funds, and the buying funds are because they are optimistic, but now, the market has lost confidence under the shady securities that broke out in the Yomiuri Shimbun.

This is a crisis of trust. If the Ministry of Tibet intervenes savagely now, a bad operation can drag the whole Neon into the bottomless abyss.

"But what if the Great Tibet Province releases water?"

"You mean yen?"

"Well. If the Ministry of Finance suppresses the appreciation of the yen now, it will be very bad for us."

"Ha ha!"

Shen Jiannan laughed wildly.

If the yen weakens, it will indeed be unfavorable to the capital holding a large number of short positions. Recently, neon technology stocks and industrial stocks have been strong. The logic is that the export industry is still strong. It has turned into a deficit. Once the Ministry of Finance is determined to suppress the rise of the yen, it will be super positive for the stock prices of major industrial technologies.

However, the Ministry of Finance has to be willing.

In the original trajectory, it took six years for the neon stock market to fall all the way to 7000 points, real estate plummeted by more than 80%, but the yen also appreciated all the way to 74 in the past few years, doubling its value from the same period last year.

This is already very telling.

The yen industry is too strong, and there are too many yen, which seriously threatens the status of the dollar and the U.S. economy. The threat of the Soviet Union is no longer, and the neon is too strong.

Now, Yizhong Yasuno has no choice at all, and Nihong has no choice. He can only evaporate the currency first to ensure that Nihong will not be the enemy of the world.

"William, the ass decides the head. Standing in the position of Yizhong Kangye, what he has to consider is the survival of the country, and what is the current predicament. He can't die like a man, even if he is unwilling."

"Then how much should we increase the position?"

"Six hundred hands."


William took the order to leave, and Shen Jiannan walked to the glass curtain wall overlooking the entire city of Osaka.

The weather is very good. Standing high in the sky and looking far away, the blue sky and white clouds are everywhere. People can't help but feel very open.

Shen Jiannan laughed unconsciously, he was very satisfied with the finger he flicked out.

On the original track, the Ministry of Finance played the card of restricting housing loans and then played the card of the securities market, using the independent trading system of the over-the-counter market to slow down the impact of currency contraction on the market. This speed bump makes the securities market The impact force has been weakened a lot.

Later, the news broke out that the Ministry of Finance ordered the four major brokerages to subsidize large customers. However, at that time, the news of the Ministry of Finance's restriction of housing loans had passed for several months, and the market had digested a lot of negative impacts in the slowly declining trend. .

It is different now, two negative effects erupted one after another, the positive deceleration turned into a super negative in an instant, its destructive power is not as simple as one plus one.

Shen Jiannan himself doesn't know how terrifying it is, but he is sure of one thing, the trend of the neon market will only be worse than the original track.

Banking, securities, insurance, trust.

Now that banks and securities have problems, it depends on how those peers play the last card in their hands, and how the capital of the Ministry of Finance takes the move.

A kind of deep anticipation made Shen Jiannan open his arms, looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, he whispered.

"Ball is over."

The battlefield tests faith, and the market tests faith.

On the battlefield, if the commander runs away, no matter how good the troops are, they will collapse in an instant. This is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that the soldiers found that the person who killed them was their most trusted commander. The sense of betrayal and fear is enough break anyone.

At 12:30 noon, the market opened again.

In an instant, the banking, real estate, and brokerage sectors, which had led the decline in the two cities, once again experienced huge selling.

No one is willing to be someone else's fish, and no one is willing to be sold as fish by the person they trust the most.

stop loss.

Contrary to each other.

Many ignorant investors who don't understand anything also think of the concept of stop loss.

If you make a mistake, correct the mistake now.

The bulls turned into bears.

When small and medium-sized investors who hold securities choose to sell, the bargaining chips in their hands seem to raise an unwilling resistance.

Limit down!

The first limit-down stock appeared.

Trinity Securities.

Under the densely packed large and small orders, Sany Securities was pressed to the floor and rubbed back and forth.

A drop of twenty-eight percent.

Confidence is very fragile, and it is reflected in the market, which is called the linkage effect.

The price limit of Sany Securities seemed to have opened up the most feared scourge in people's hearts, and the stocks of all securities companies were immediately sold off violently.

Yishan’s limit down, Nomura’s limit down. In less than ten minutes, securities copyrights were all down.

Then, there are real estate stocks that have fallen by more than 40%.

Daiwa House Industry’s lower limit, Hokkaido Construction’s lower limit, and Yamano Construction’s lower limit. All real estate stocks were pressed to the floor without even resisting.

Securities crash, real estate crash, under the transmission mechanism, immediately linked to the bank.

The Tuozheng Bank was immediately sniped, and it also fell into the green ocean amidst the massive sales orders that could not be counted by the naked eye.

In less than two minutes, Tuozheng Bank sealed the lower limit.

Panic ensued. As soon as Takusho Bank was blocked by the lower limit, Hyogo Bank and Pacific Bank were also sold off hugely. Within ten seconds, they were completely blocked.

The entire banking sector, except Mitsubishi Suyou Bank and the Bank of Tokyo, all fell by the limit.

The violent fluctuations have slowed down, because as the major weights have taken turns to lower their limits, the Eastern Stock Exchange has reached the point where it cannot fall.

But no one cheered, and a sense of desperation spread through the exchange.

Tokyo, Stock Exchange.

Beishan Hechuan looked at the big screen where the storm had stopped, his eyes were full of ashes.

He is broke.

A month ago, he bought 100 million shares of Tuozong Bank with housing financing of 30 million yuan. The moment Tuozong Bank was closed for lower limit, it meant that he went bankrupt.

A feeling of absurdity welled up in my heart.

Takusho Bank, located in Sapporo, existed before World War II and has a history of nearly a hundred years. Its weight ranks tenth in Neon.

The banking industry is the most stable industry in all business fields in the world.

But it still goes down.

Beishan Hechuan reflected a piece of green, his eyes were full of green despair, his fuss was blank, if he had any thoughts, it might be only two words.

Limit down!

Limit down!

Limit down!

In a daze, Beishan Hechuan walked out of the exchange, stood downstairs and took out the cigarette on his body and smoked it vigorously.

Usually, he habitually and self-disciplined only smokes a cigarette at most three puffs, but now, he has forgotten.

Not long after, the ground was full of burnt cigarette butts.

It's over!

The house is gone and the money is gone!

He glanced blankly at the clear sky, the sun was very good, but Beishan Hechuan couldn't feel any temperature when the light shone on his body.

Cold, a kind of coldness penetrating into his heart made him tremble.

It's all over!

After twenty years of hard work, nothing is left.



Yes, or no.

In a daze, Beishan Aichuan entered the elevator room alone.


The rooftop is here.

Very spacious and open.

Standing on the rooftop, you can feel the beauty of the blue sky and white clouds more clearly. A strong wind blows with heat, and the fresh smell makes people feel refreshed.

But Beishan Hechuan couldn't feel these things.

All he knew was that he was finished, and that he could never go back.

In a daze, he stood on the edge of the rooftop, glanced at this bustling city with infinite nostalgia, lowered his head, closed his eyes and jumped down.

"Hoo hoo!"

Beishan Hechuan couldn't help laughing as the strong wind whistled in his ears.

"Damn bears, I'm going to turn into a ghost so that you won't be reborn."


Beishan Aichuan, who fell to the ground, smiled strangely.

He seemed to see himself transformed into a ghost, the ghost most feared by the bears.

Three fifteen.

The Eastern Stock Exchange closed at 23561.35.

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