Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

Chapter 42 Depends on Acting Skills

When Shen Jiannan said to close the position, Lu Shu didn't know how he felt.

Especially complicated.

There is reluctance, sigh, and hesitation.

Half of the 600,000 is more than 300,000.

If you want to hand over so much money to someone at once, it will be extremely complicated for anyone to change.

The most important thing is that Lu Shu is very uncertain. He doesn't know whether Shen Jiannan will continue to cooperate with him after taking the money.

Countless times, he thought about keeping Shen Jiannan by his side, no matter what means he used.

It is possible to double the profit in a few days, and this is probably the only way to open a money printing machine.

Tangled and engaged in countless ideological battles.

In the end Lu Shu gave up.

Because every time he thinks of those indifferent eyes, he instinctively feels a kind of fear.

Such a person is simply beyond his control.

Even if he managed to control the person, it would be a nightmare for him to find a loophole and run away, and if the status quo was maintained, it might not be possible to continue to cooperate.

Near the HSBC Bank in Sheung Wan, Shen Jiannan sat on a wooden chair basking in the sun boredly.

It was as if he didn't know what Lu Shu was thinking.

Half an hour later, Lu Shu walked out of HSBC Bank with a leather bag.

Lu Shu felt very relaxed.

Only after he made a real decision did he realize how afraid he was of Shen Jiannan's indifference.

Although the temptation is great, his intuition after half his life in the rivers and lakes tells him that this kind of person must not let him have the possibility of becoming an enemy.

Walking to the bench next to Shen Jiannan and sitting down, Lu Shu directly handed over the leather bag.

"Sir, three hundred and twenty thousand are in it. You count it."

Shen Jiannan, who was half leaning on the bench, laughed. He took the purse and unzipped it. The face value is one thousand Hong Kong dollars, and the paper slips are stacked to the brim.

Too lazy to count them, Shen Jiannan directly took two stacks out of his purse.

"The 20,000 yuan is the expenses for me and Peng San to go abroad and the expenses for boarding and lodging with you."

Lu Shu's heart sank suddenly.

Shen Jiannan's attitude of drawing a clear line made him feel a little bad.

Barely forcing a smile, Lu Shu said.

"It's all small things, forget it."

"Take it. I don't like to owe people anything."

Lu Shu's forced smile couldn't hold on any longer, and he said after considering his tone several times.

"Sir. Can we continue to cooperate?"

"Ha ha!"

Shen Jiannan laughed nervously.

The smiling Lu Shu was a little confused, and the smiling Lu Shu was a little confused.

After a long time, Shen Jiannan stopped smiling and said with a smile that was not a smile.

"How do you want to cooperate."

Same problem in different environment.

Lu Shu was still very dissatisfied with Shen Jiannan's arrogant attitude when he first came to Hong Kong, and now he still doesn't understand why.

With such a speed of making money faster than robbery, Shen Jiannan's arrogance is not arrogance at all.

Without any hesitation, Lu Shu said decisively.

"Thirty to seven points, and if there is any profit, you will be seven and I will be three."

Shen Jiannan remained silent, with a half-smile still on his face.

"Twenty-eight. You eight and I two."

This time, Shen Jiannan had a different reaction.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth, skillfully took out the lighter in his pocket and lit it, took a deep breath and felt the feeling of the smoke wandering in his lungs.

After a long time, the smoke was spit out silently in a loop.

Shen Jiannan smiled.

"I don't know if you've heard of a fund. It's similar to buying shares. It probably means that many people subscribe to a fund and then find someone to operate the fund. In the past, there was a guy who was a fund manager. Later, the fund he managed was in a stock market crash. Ninety-eight percent of the losses were lost, and the customers who subscribed suffered miserably, but the guy who managed the fund made almost 500 million."

Lu Shu was a little dazed, he didn't understand what Shen Jiannan was talking about at all, and he didn't know what Shen Jiannan meant by that.

"Do you know why the fund lost everything and made almost 500 million in his own account?"


"Ha ha!"

Shen Jiannan laughed inexplicably while talking nonsense.

Smiling, he looked into Lu Shu's eyes and said seriously.

“Old Lu, I thought you would keep me here today.”

For some reason, Lu Shu's hairs stood on end after hearing this sentence, as if he was being watched by unknown things while walking at night.


A loud snap of the fingers.

Lu Shu's eyes widened all of a sudden.

Not far away, Peng San, who was supposed to work in the comprehensive department of the Urban Management Bureau, Police Station, Taxation Bureau, and Industrial and Commercial Bureau, came over.

And behind Peng San, there are more than a dozen guys who don't look good at first glance.


Boundless fear and fear.

Lu Shu didn't even dare to think about the consequences if he had that thought today.

He didn't know how Peng San, who had just arrived in Hong Kong not long ago, became a gangster, and he didn't understand why Peng San still recruited so many people.

But he understood one thing.

Shen Jiannan was waiting for him today, waiting for him to make a mistake.

Fortunately, he didn't make a mistake in the end.

Looking at Lu Shu with a pale face and no color on his face, Shen Jiannan raised his eyebrows and said sincerely.

"Old Lu, congratulations that you didn't do anything stupid. So I decided to give you a chance to continue to cooperate. Buy my fund with one million shares, and I'll give you 1% of the shares."

After a pause, Shen Jiannan added.

"Of course, I won't lose our fund to make money for myself like that cheating fund manager. I've always been ashamed of that kind of guy."

Lu Shu was about to cry but had no tears.

He knew that the Hong Kong society was arrogant, but he never knew it was so arrogant.

Now, even if he wanted to, he couldn't agree.

Only then did Shen Jiannan seem to realize that Lu Shu's expression was wrong, so he quickly explained.

"Old Lu. I didn't mean to force you. Look for yourself. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

Who the hell believes what you say.

Looking at Peng San and the young and Dangerous boys around him with unkind eyes, Lu Shu smiled wryly.

"One million shares is fine, sir, how much money do you want to contribute?"

Shen Jiannan didn't say anything, and pointed to his head with his finger.


Lu Shu really wanted to scold him for being shameless, this is an empty glove white wolf addicted to it.

Just looking at those people around, Lu Shu could only complain.

"Okay. I'll think about it."

"Is this something to consider?" Shen Jiannan said as if taken aback.

"Otherwise, what should we do? Open every nineteenth?"

"That will definitely not work."


After Lu Shu left, Peng San sat next to Shen Jiannan.

"You're so boring."

Shen Jiannan was really boring.

Everyone could see that he was teasing Lu Shu just now, and Lu Shu was obviously also showing off his acting skills.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is all boring.

If Lu Shu made a decision that he should not have made today, then today would not be boring at all. Breathing out a smoke ring towards the sky, Shen Jiannan threw the purse to Peng San with a flick of his hand.

"There are 320,000 here, you keep 10,000 for me, and take another 10,000 for your little brothers to drink tea."

Peng San really wanted to scold someone, but he didn't know who to scold, as if a fart was being held back from his mouth.

After a long time, he finally ignored the fart and squeezed out a few words from his mouth.

"What about the three hundred thousand?"

"Tomorrow morning, you will send people to these places."

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