Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

Chapter 33 Amplified Emotions

Of course Shen Jiannan is not crazy.

He just takes it for granted.

It would be very polite for him to need Lu Shu's help before he went abroad, but now in his eyes it would be very rude for Lu Shu to need his help.

This is the reason why I will go crazy when the situation is stronger than people.

Take it for granted.

March 5th.

Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

A huge integrated LCD screen hangs in the center of the trading center, and hundreds of traders in red vests sit on the trading seats.

"Ring ring ring."

"Into new technology, 500 shares."

"Papa papa!"

"00231, sell one thousand shares."

"Papa papa!"

"Anda, sell three hundred shares."



Amidst the phone calls, shouts, noises, and the clacking of keyboards, one after another, small white notes were flying around in the sky.

It's a bit like a vegetable market, or more chaotic than a vegetable market.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, no one will believe that the securities trading center known as the wealth center looks like this.

The faces of the traders did not have the legendary coldness, but they all had uncontrollable madness, excitement, or depression.

Because they are playing with a devil that no one in the world can resist.

The devil is money.

"Up, up, up"

"Fall, Fall, Fall"

"Haha, it's really promoted."



Outside the isolation area of ​​the trading center, countless people shouted frantically at the big screen in the center.

Some people call up, some people call down.

Whenever the numbers on the big screen changed, some people laughed uncontrollably on their faces, and some scolded their mothers unbearably.

Ups and downs mean that huge profits or losses are made in just a few seconds.

3645, 3655, 3648

The entire hall was full of excitement and madness. Driven by the devil of money, people's adrenal glands swayed excitement and tension without money.

It is more exciting than taking drugs, and there will never be a decline period of drug effect.

Emotions are highly contagious, so Lu Shu was also very nervous. When he saw the people around him shouting and the numbers on the big screen changing wildly, he became nervous uncontrollably.

Because he didn't know whether Shen Jiannan asked him to go long or sell short, because he didn't know whether he would lose or gain after opening a position.

Trying to hide his nervousness, Lu Shu said to Shen Jiannan who was holding a piece of paper and looking at it.

"Mr. Shen, let's buy or sell short."

Long or short?

This is not to be considered.

In the history of the Hang Seng Index, it has always been on an upward trend, so that the peak value has risen to more than 34,000 points.

Can you make money by doing more?


Although the Hang Seng Index will rise all the way to more than 30,000 points in the future, there will inevitably be countless repetitions in it. If you go long rashly, it is no different from gambling.

Putting down the printed Hang Seng historical trend chart in his hand, Shen Jiannan asked with a smile.

"Brother Lu, have you been to Bolland Street for so long in Hong Kong?"


Lu Shu was speechless.

Of course he has been to Bolan Street. He took Shen Jiannan and Peng San for a walk two days ago because he subconsciously chose the most familiar place to go around.

But what time is he talking about romance for no apparent reason now, and Lu Shu feels more and more that Shen Jiannan is a psychopath.

Shen Jiannan knew exactly what Lu Shu was thinking.

So he sympathizes with Lu Shu. After all, the stock he has been playing for a year is still a green vegetable in the state of wheat seedlings.

"Brother Lu, let me tell you something, if you want to make money here, you can't be a lady."

After thinking about it, Shen Jiannan said again.

"That's not right. If you want to make money here, you can be a lady, but you can't be those ladies standing on Bolan Street."

"Because here it's not about making more money the more you do."

Lu Shu's eyes moved.

He found that Shen Jiannan's words were rough but the reasoning didn't seem to be rough.

"I have the money to get the money, so don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Shen Jiannan didn't bother to pay any attention to the boss he should hold in his arms, and carefully studied the trend chart in his hand.

Within three trading days, the highest point of the Hang Seng Index has been fluctuating ten points at 3670, while the lowest point has been around 3600, which means that if you buy, you can either buy near 3600 or buy above 3670.

"Up, up, up"

"Fall, Fall, Fall"

Amidst the frantic shouts, Lu Shu didn't realize that his nervousness was gone.

He had an indescribable illusion.

It was like, like Shen Jiannan in front of him was out of tune with this world.

Why do you feel this way?

Soon, Lu Shu realized why he felt this way.

The surroundings are chaotic, whether they are onlookers, traders or traders in the field, whether they are rich or poor in clothes, everyone has different expressions on their faces. There was excitement, there was excitement, there was madness, and there was frustration. Almost everyone's emotions are written on their faces.

This is very abnormal.

If it was normal, everyone's emotions would not be so obvious. But here, the emotions in people's hearts seem to be infinitely magnified.

Amplified emotions.

Lu Shu didn't realize this. He didn't realize that people's emotions were infinitely released under the stimulation of the devil called money. But he realized another point, why he felt that Shen Jiannan was out of touch with this world.

Shen Jiannan's smile was too weak, and his eyes were too calm.

His indifferent smile and calmness were not seen in anyone around him.

"Because here it's not about making more money the more you do."

Lu Shu seemed to understand something, and seemed to understand everything.

Naturally, Shen Jiannan couldn't know what was going on in Lu Shu's mind. He looked at the messy crowd around him and only had one thought in his mind.

So many fresh chives!

There have been many trading masters in the financial history of the United States for more than a hundred years, but no one has ever reached the peak by relying on high-frequency trading. .

History cannot be wrong.

The reasons for failure are not the same, but the reasons for success are the same.

But it is obvious that the people shouting frantically in the arena are all high-frequency speculators.

However, judging from the final results of history, none of the high-frequency speculators finally reached the pinnacle.

The market is a sword.

If you don't succeed, you will become a leek.

"Haha, promoted. Promoted.!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the trading center became very crazy, and even the red vests in the trading center stood up and shouted.

On the big screen, the Hang Seng Index suddenly skyrocketed, rising 30 points in a second.

Shen Jiannan felt a little regretful, the best chance would be if the Hang Seng Index reached its lowest point in three days, but now, he still had to enter the market.

"Brother Lu. 3670 Zado five hands."

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