Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 822 We found a traitor!

"Huh? Why aren't you curious?"

But then, the development of "The World God Only Knows" was completely different from the story that fans had expected.

They thought they would see a feast of blood, but they didn't expect it to be a love story.

Or to put it another way, it’s a strategy story for girls!

"The Big Devil didn't explain that this is a fantasy story. It's all made up by your imagination." No one on the Internet knows anyone, so there are some hindsight.

"It's all the devil's fault. Who made his previous "When the Cicada Cries" hurt so many people's hearts?"

Fans were intrigued by this new subject matter - is it feasible to apply the techniques in real life?

Some fans have a negative attitude towards this: "Although the story is very interesting, it feels a bit taken for granted. The game is just a game, it is too unreal. Even the top masters of shooting games may not be sharpshooters in reality. If In the end, if the author hadn't tricked Keima, I can't think of a reason why that girl would be captured by Keima in an instant."

"The person who said such a thing is obviously a single person." Fans with a negative attitude immediately received tons of critical damage from opponents.

He sent an emoji like a DM girl flipping the table, it was obvious that he was being talked about.

Then someone said: "It is undeniable that between shooting game masters and ordinary people, when shooting in the same situation in reality, game masters obviously have an advantage. The quality of the game also depends on the quality of the game. Nowadays, there are some Training, is there a practical simulation electronic system? And drone operation... Aren't those just games? The only difference is that the quality of those games far exceeds ordinary games, and the options that can be fake and real are not all set casually. . It is closely related to the character's personality, environment, etc. Of course, the production is simple, and there are too many inferior ones now. These are not for reference. As a reference, it is naturally the founder of "God Only Knows". The creator of "World", Big Devil. Big Devil is well-made, and every option has a profound meaning behind it, especially "l-days", which is an option set from a psychological perspective. Let the players decide by themselves Analyzing the character is also about analyzing one's own heart. The character's personality settings come from life. These are real realities and are not fictional characters. Since the game can be conquered, from the perspective of psychology and communication , this choice is the best way to make a character with this kind of personality feel 'happy' inside - happiness is equivalent to favorability. When the happiness is accumulated more, the favorability is more. When it reaches a certain value, it is the strategy. Success. Therefore. People who fit this personality, in the same situation, will definitely be conquered by the same means! Just like the attack on the girl in the story. The girl was isolated because of her talent.

And she herself is too gentle. This kind of situation happens in every place in the world - the beauty of a tree must be urged by the wind in the forest. This kind of thing has been clearly stated by people in ancient times. In this loneliest and most vulnerable time, someone suddenly recognized her talent and showed her unwavering support! Why wouldn't she be moved by it or like it? If we just use the heroine as the first perspective and hide Keima's inner analysis and actions, then this will be a touching campus love story with youthful budding! "

That person’s analysis. It has been recognized by many people.

It’s just that the comic is not from the female protagonist’s perspective, but from the male protagonist’s perspective. People saw a lot of things they shouldn't have seen, so the feeling of touching was greatly reduced - the touching of this story. It doesn't come from that, it's not a simple love story.

"So as long as I learn these skills, can I also..." Someone started to get excited.

"But Keima is very good-looking." Someone immediately shattered his illusion.

"What nonsense are you telling the truth!"

Only with matching hardware can you run the software. Even the dm software of Tianman cannot be run using a computer from decades ago.

All in all, this is a society that values ​​appearance.

Very harmonious.

Illidan watched "The World God Only Knows". He was not stupid, but just a little timid. From that phone call, he learned that she, whom he had a crush on, also liked him.

If I could muster up the courage and try to confess my love once, what would be the situation now?

But the world is not like that. There is no such thing as s/l’s skills.

As God said, reality is a garbage game full of bugs!

But, is this the end for him?

not yet!

Keima, a good-for-nothing who only plays games and has never even held hands with a girl in real life, was able to successfully conquer it! Isn't he good at it?

Although he is not as powerful as Keima, his level is not low!

Keima does have the advantage of being a pretty boy, but he also has his own advantages - at least his crush once had a crush on him, which at least shows that he is not totally without the slightest possibility!

This misunderstanding occurred because of an accident.

But also because of this accident, he understood the feelings of his crush.

He didn't know whether to hate the big devil or to thank the big devil, but he knew that he had one thing to do now - take the initiative!

Keima told him with his actions that if you give up, you will definitely fail, but if you take the initiative, you may succeed!

Illidan made the call.

He also needs to clearly convey his feelings to the other party.



"Have you watched "The World God Only Knows"?"


"What I want to tell you is that it is impossible for me to hate you, because I like you very, very, very much. I like you so much that I can't sleep, and I will like you forever!"

Illidan talked for a long time, telling all the memories that had been buried in his heart for many years, whether they were sweet or bitter.

The person on the other side listened quietly without interrupting or hanging up the phone.

After finishing speaking, Illidan fell silent and listened quietly. For a long time - it seemed like many hours had passed, and it seemed like it was just a moment, the other person said something.

Illidan's heart stopped beating at that moment. He burst into tears from laughter. He wished he could jump up and stand between heaven and earth and roar. He finally heard the words he had been dreaming about in his dream for many years.

The next day, Illidan made a post and he became a trending topic again.

But this time it is not people's sympathy, but people's hatred.

"Thank you to the Great Devil. If it weren't for the Great Devil, there would be no misunderstanding between her and me. Without misunderstanding, maybe we would be like two parallel lines, running parallel forever. Thanks to "The World Only God Knows", it contributed to it Me and her!”

The post is short but the content is huge!

A while ago, I was still accusing the devil of being unable to find a girlfriend, but now it suddenly turned into a bragging post.

Is it hype?

The Big Devil needs no hype.

Could it be that "The World God Only Knows" really has that magical power?

The hearts of countless people suddenly became hot and hot.

"We have a traitor in our midst!" The outstanding members of the fff group burst into angry shouts. The fff group listed "The World Only God Knows" as the "Book of Darkness", which means a curse that induces the outstanding members of the fff group to fall into darkness!

All fff groups are prohibited from watching "The World God Only Knows", and they are even prohibited from practicing it. Once discovered, burn, burn, burn!

However, how can the throb from human nature be suppressed? The stronger the suppression, the stronger the explosion will be!

And the "Book of Darkness" also has another code name that only some people will understand - the Dark Bible!

He Chen also noticed the discussion among fans of "The World God Only Knows" about the feasibility of applying the skills in picking up girls in reality.

That person's analysis gave He Chen an inspiration.

If it were simply described from Keima's perspective, it would indeed give fans a sense of taking it for granted. They always feel that if the author hadn't allowed the girl to be captured, Keima would not have been able to capture it successfully.

But what if it’s multiple perspectives?

To make this story more exciting - this kind of intention stimulated He Chen.

The activity with Illidan is only the first choice. The selection of future targets will be voted by fans, and the one with the most votes will become the next story.

Although this is the case, it does not mean that the ones left in the end are the worst, because the first episode only gives a background introduction to everyone, and people only have their first impressions of them. For a character to truly become fleshed out, it needs a wonderful story to fill it in. Some characters whose first impression is ordinary may have very attractive stories.

In short, everyone’s story is different.

Starting from the second heroine's chapter, He Chen made changes to the story. Just like the title chapter and the solution chapter of "When the Cicadas Cry", He Chen presented two perspectives. The first perspective It is described from the perspective of the heroine. Because it is the first perspective, there will be a more delicate description, which not only makes the character more fleshed out, but also enhances the fans' sense of involvement. The second perspective is the normal perspective of "The World God Only Knows", which is Keima's strategy perspective.

In the former, what people see is a beautiful love story.

The latter allows people to see another side of the strategy story.

One is beautiful, the other is indifferent.

The two perspectives give people a strong contrast, just like the opposition between fantasy and reality.

"If this is the case, wouldn't Keima be a scumbag?" Mamiko has no good impression of Keima. (To be continued)

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