It's a different world, but China is still that China, and the New Year is still that New Year.

As the most important festival among the Chinese, it represents the end of an old one and also heralds a new beginning.

For most people, this is another ordinary Spring Festival, family reunion, watching the party, listening to the nagging of the elderly, and watching the children playing.

The same is true of He Chen's house, but his grandparents went early, and He Chen didn't even have any impressions. He only saw black and white photos of the old man when his parents went to visit the grave every Qingming.

Therefore, in such a big family, the four people seemed a little deserted, but there was no shortage of warmth.

"Dad! I offer you a toast!"

Father loves to drink, so He Chen took out a bottle of white wine and two glasses, and filled them both for his father and himself.

"...When did you learn to drink?" He Xian frowned slightly, but Chen Ping's voice was aroused: "Old He, why are you spoiling the Chinese New Year? This is not a school, and your son is not your student... Besides, Xiao Chen has grown up, so why don't you two drink some wine?"

"Okay, okay..." He Xian said quickly, with a self-deprecating smile, he also suffered from an occupational disease, and couldn't help but say a few words when he saw students drinking.

He looked at He Chen again, vaguely remembering how his son stretched out his little hands and cried loudly when he was still in his infancy. Now that he has grown taller than him, he can even drink with him.

He Xian picked up the wine glass and looked at his son with confident and sharp eyes, as if he finally had something to let go of in his heart.


"Mom, Feifei, you also use drinks instead of wine." He Chen greeted, mother cheerfully picked up orange juice, He Feifei also held yogurt, and looked at the wine glass greedily: "Can I have a taste of wine?"

He Chen gave her a chestnut on the forehead and said, "Little girl, what kind of wine are you drinking? Go drink yogurt while you're at it."

He Feifei was angry and pouted: "I'm not young, I'm going to high school soon!"

The cute appearance immediately drew joyful laughter from the family.

He Chen toasted: "Dad, Mom, Feifei, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

He Chen drank it all in one gulp, and his mother took a sip, then stood up and said, "Do you two want to eat? Elbows, beef, peanuts?"

"Come here!"

He Xian also got excited, and let out a long sigh of satisfaction: "Good wine!" Then he looked at the wine bottle and asked He Chen, "Where did you get this wine?"

Looking at the wine bottle, it has been a few years old, without packaging, and it is the kind of bottle that was only available on the market a long time ago.

"Brought it from a friend!"

He Chen thought of Ye Jun, he accidentally learned that Ye Jun had treasured Moutai for 50 years, and his father liked to drink, so He Chen spent a lot of effort to snatch it from Ye Jun.

He Xian nodded, without asking any further questions, the two had another drink.

"He Chen, you have grown up and you have your own business to do... I can't help you with this."

He Chen looked at his father, graying had already appeared on his temples.

"Society is very complicated. I hope you will pay attention to it in the future. Don't do illegal things. Don't forget your original goal. No matter how difficult it is, you must live a dignified life! As a parent,

The only hope is that the child can live a good life, that's all! Look no further! "He Xian's voice was very heavy.

He Chen touched his nose and smiled brightly: "Dad, don't worry, I was taught by you!"

The two clinked glasses again and drank in one gulp.

"Hey! Drink slowly. You're in a hurry to get drunk just at the beginning? Today is the Spring Festival, and no one is allowed to get drunk before 12 o'clock!" Mother's concerned voice came from the kitchen.

"Today is the Spring Festival, I'm still drinking with my son, I'm happy, can you control it?!" He Xian rarely resisted Chen Ping's order, and winked at He Chen: "Son, let's go!"

Like a child who hasn't grown up.


He Chen's throat was clogged. In two lifetimes, it was the first time he drank with his father, and it was also the first time he saw his father like this.

Rubbing the corners of his eyes, he poured half a glass for his father.

"We drink slowly, as long as you want to drink, we have plenty of time to drink!"

The two ate the appetizers made by Chen Ping, exchanged glasses, and the family watched the party. There was nothing new in the programs, just a few jokes, but watching it with family members, no matter how boring the program was, He Chen would still find it good.

He Feifei was lying on the sofa, holding the computer in her arms, looking at the computer for a while, watching the party for a while, and kicking He Chen on the other side of the sofa with her smooth little feet.

"Brother, why haven't you updated yet, didn't you say it's just tonight?"

After half a year's serialization of "Pokemon" Muyin, it marks the end of the past year.

From a comic book that was looked down upon by others, to a manga that is now well-known and has a group of steadfast readers, and is gradually becoming well-known.

It's just the beginning, a seed!

And this year, He Chen will let this seed germinate and bloom in the spring breeze of the Spring Festival, so that the fragrance of comics will spread all over the land of China!

He Chen looked at the time, suddenly there were bursts of firecrackers outside the house and the siren of the awakened car, the TV screen also switched, and the host counted down the time.








The bell of the new year is ringing!

"Ah! Updated!"

He Feifei's cry of surprise suddenly sounded, and was suddenly drowned out by the roar of firecrackers.

He Chen smiled slightly, watching the beautiful fireworks exploding on the TV.

"A new era, here I come!"

Dmfun's website, the "EVA" comment area, is extremely popular.

"EVA" is updated weekly, and the update speed is very slow. After He Chen finished the unprinted chapter of "Pokemon", "EVA" still maintains a weekly update.

The current progress of "EVA" is only a quarter of the way, and a part of the world structure is only faintly exposed. Very few people can see it, so the popularity is still extremely sluggish.

Those who come to the comment area here are all chatting about the topic of "Pokemon", hoping to attract the attention of the Porter God, stop serializing this boring comic, and continue to update "Pokemon".

Poncho: Happy New Year!

V fan: Well, it’s the Chinese New Year, it seems that the master has given up on “Pokemon”.

Loreira: I think that person’s analysis was right. The ending is only Muyin. There must be other chapters in “Pokemon”. is in conception.

Yi Ti Ruo San: Anyway, Happy New Year! I also wish you a happy new year, and hope that you can create more and more good comics!

Sunset: Why are you SBs still in a daze here, the master has updated it!

Poncho: what?

V fans: updated? !

Loreira: You're lying!

Yi Ti Ruo San: I don't believe it! You have lied to me several times!

Sunset: Fuck, I've finished reading it all, it's a brand new story, just as exciting, I'll lie to you to die! By the way, you guys have been chatting here for a long time, but haven't you noticed that the line at the top of the page has changed?

in a minute.

Sunset: ...

five minutes later.

Sunset: Mother Xipi, I despise you all without saying a word after running away!

At the same time, hundreds of bored readers clicked on it, ready to go to the comment area to refresh their New Year blessings.

But when they clicked on the website, Hao Ran found that the cold homepage with only two comics before suddenly had something more.

Are you dazzled?

Did you read it wrong?

A similar voice appeared in everyone's minds. It wasn't until they dubiously entered it and saw the familiar Pikachu and Xiaozhi that they realized that it was not a dream!


God of porters has been updated!

"Pokemon" sequel Chengdu Alliance!

And the front page also hangs the words signed by the porter.

"Dear everyone, happy new year! Thank you for supporting me all the time! I can't repay you, but I can only offer you this Chinese New Year gift on this occasion of Chinese New Year! I hope you like it!"

"A new year, a new chapter, I hope everyone can embark on a new journey with me and open the door to a new era!"


Countless people were so excited that they could only howl at night to calm their agitated mood.

In the past, they watched Xiaozhi's journey as spectators, but now they feel as if they are standing with Xiaozhi and Pikachu, they are companions!

They didn't notice one thing until they calmed down completely.

Next to the "Pokemon" Chengdu League chapter, there is a brand new work that has not been seen at all.


The name sounds like a work with exactly the same theme as "Pokemon", and the author is still a great porter.

But the painting style, characters, and "Pokemon" are completely different.

Actually released two works at the same time!

Counting "EVA" which is still being serialized, the porter actually serialized three works at the same time!

Does this look good?

Will it be as boring as "EVA"?

Do you have a cute pet like Pikachu?

Is there a villain as funny as Team Rocket?

Is there such a grotesque world?

After reading the first chapter of "Pokemon" Chengdu League, people were still unsatisfied, and clicked on "Digimon" with curiosity.

PS: Please recommend! Ask for collection!

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