Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 326 Special Chapter The Meeting of Two Generations

In the blink of an eye, the playback of "Ultraman Geikage n" has reached the middle stage. Xing Yuyuan, who inherited Gaiying's fighting body, is active on earth as a second-generation human body.

But Tsutomu Shinsei has always been curious about where Rō Koshizaki, who had come to this world to fight before, went.

Hoshi Ugaki was on his daily patrol, and Eikei Iwata was sitting in the passenger seat next to him. The Crete deliberately slowed down and drove past. When passing somewhere, Iwata's eyes always stayed on a house on the street.

Xingyuyuan asked curiously: "Senior Iwata, that is..."

"Ah, it used to be the residence of a friend. Later he moved away and we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Xin Xing was stunned for a moment. He had watched the eight episodes of "Ultraman Geekage" from beginning to end. Now he was trying to think back. Wasn't this the home of Yuesaki Rō?

Did he move away after defeating his final enemy?

The transparent screen in front of the helmet suddenly lit up, and then Takihiko Fujii's voice came: "There is a special energy reaction in the T2 area. Go and investigate."

The two looked at each other and said at the same time: "Understood!"

The Cretan car turned sharply and sped up suddenly. The scenes on both sides quickly retreated, and suddenly stopped in front of a house. The red dot on the communicator flashed, showing the huge building in front of him.

"Is there this building here?"

Xing Yuyuan scratched his head and opened the car door first, took out his gun and pointed it in the direction of the door, and asked with some confusion. In his impression, this place should be just an ordinary residence.

"No, it should have suddenly appeared recently." Iwata Eikei walked slowly into the dim building.

The first floor was empty. Not only was there no one there, there weren't even any items on display. The two of them walked up the stairs, one after the other, alert to possible emergencies.

At the top of the stairs, a strange man in black clothes with a sharp mouth and yellow eyes suddenly rushed out and punched Xing Yuyuan in front of him.

Xing Yuyuan quickly pulled the trigger, and the red laser landed on the opponent before the punch hit. The strange bird-like creature fell backwards and fell to the ground. After struggling for a few times, it lost its movement.

"I have found information on the same race in the archives. They are Lebbusters. Be careful with their shrinking guns."

Iwata Eikei glanced at the stationary spaceman on the ground and automatically judged the result through the communicator.

"At the cost of many people being shrunk, the Lebxians completely annihilated the Earth. They developed a method of recovery through the captured shrinking guns."

Hoshi Ugaki nodded, Iwata Eikei conveyed the known intelligence to the combat command room, and then the two continued to go deeper.

Iwata Eikei leaned against the wall and glanced sideways, but was forced back by several linear rays of light.

EPU's uniforms can indeed resist attacks to a certain extent, but if given a choice, no one is willing to risk their lives on whether they can block it.

Xing Yuyuan used a communicator to link to nearby surveillance cameras, but none of the cameras inside the building could capture it.

He took off the device on his belt that recharged the Anaji gun, opened the top piece, lightly pressed the button inside, bent down and stretched out his hand to throw it out. .

The originally stable energy gradually became chaotic and exploded within a few seconds. After counting silently for five seconds, the two stood up and rushed out at the same time. The red lasers from the muzzles of the two Anaji guns fired one after another.

The three Lebukians fell to the ground one after another, and the two of them were about to go deeper, when their steps suddenly stopped, and the clear sound of footsteps came into their ears, indicating that more Lebxians were approaching.

Xing Yuyuan turned around and wanted to hide back at the stairs, but there were also footsteps below, but what was different from the front was that,

He pressed his chest, where the Spark Prism lay. As long as he transforms into a cover shadow, these enemies can be easily defeated, but...

"What's wrong, Ugaki?" Iwata Eikei's voice sounded, and Xingyugaki put down his hand as if nothing had happened.

"Nothing, just a little worried

No, you can't transform in front of the vice-captain. Xing Yuyuan muttered firmly to himself, took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the Anaji gun in his hand.

At the moment when the footsteps in front were approaching, a figure suddenly rushed past them at an extremely fast speed and bent its elbow on the abdomen of the front Lebian.

The body, which was as tall as a human but much heavier than a human, flew backwards for several meters before landing on the ground and rolling around a few times. The figure from behind looked like a man, but his back was turned to them, and his face could not be seen.

Xing Yuyuan could only see the man's right hand stretched forward, his palm tilted to the upper left, and his left hand clenched into a fist at his waist, assuming a very familiar starting position.

Xing Yuyuan was stunned on the spot. The opponent's starting moves were more proficient than his, and his punch and kick fighting methods were all the habits of Ultraman Geying.

The four repelled Lebikians retreated in embarrassment, eight eyes looked at the man at the same time, and eight rays of light were fired at the man whose face could not be seen.

"Be careful!" Xing Yuyuan blurted out, but Iwata Eikei breathed a sigh of relief as if he thought of something, and didn't even try to do anything.

The man raised his right hand, palm forward, and countless rays of light stopped less than one meter in front of him, and then exploded one after another.

Under the cover of the light, the four Lebxians fled here in a panic. Amid the smoke, a figure could be seen turning around and walking towards them.

"Long time no see, Rongqing."

"Sure enough, it's you, Lang." The two raised their hands and held each other's hands. The days of fighting side by side were always indelible memories in their hearts.

"You are still at the combat post." Yuezakilang said jokingly, "You are not afraid of any accidents."

"I'm older than you, but I'm not beaten to the point where I can't hold a gun." Iwata Eikei lightly punched Koshizaki on the shoulder.

Koshizaki Lang didn't answer anymore, turned to look at Xing Yuyuan, looked at it and said: "Is this the successor of Gai Ying?"

Xing Yuyuan froze on the spot. The secret he was determined to hide just now was exposed by the other party.

"I...I'm not..." he hurriedly waved his hand to deny.

"Gai Ying told me before he left that because he was worried about another crisis on the earth, he left behind a fighting body."

Yuesaki Lang raised his finger and pointed to the inner pocket of the EPU clothing: "It's right here, Spark Prism."

Iwata Eikei also looked over in surprise. He didn't expect that this team member who joined later would be the successor to Ultraman Gaikage's power.

"I thought it was you who was the cover-up this time, Lang."

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