After understanding the situation, Xie Kai really began to sympathize with Liao Dongfeng.

Zheng Yucheng and others must have their reason for doing this, but Xie Kai didn't have much to say.

"But Lao Zheng, the Hangfa Power Plant is also a highly confidential unit. The canteen is contracted out and recruiting people from outside in order to save costs. This is not good for the confidentiality department." Xie Kai reminded Zheng Yucheng.

The old man shook his head, "The contractor is not from outside, but their own unit. If they can't even do this job, Liao Dongfeng should stop doing it as soon as possible."

The old man’s hilltopism is very serious.

The two did not discuss this matter anymore.

After a meal without a long break, dozens of people sat in the conference room in the headquarters office building of the power plant.

"As for the large press, the main beam has been cast and rough machining has begun. The quality problem of the main beam has been effectively solved. Other projects of the large press are progressing in an orderly manner, and the production plant on Qin Fei has been completed. The installation of the large-scale compressor has already begun. Within one and a half years, the large-scale press can be built and put into production.” Zheng Yucheng first introduced the progress of the large-scale press. “The bottleneck that originally restricted our engine technology can be said to have been resolved. It's..."


There was warm applause.

Whether it is turbofan-8 or turbofan-6, it can be regarded as a successful development.

After all, small batch production has started and the previous technical indicators have been reached. The reason for discontinuation is that the supporting projects were dismantled on the one hand, and the engine was useless, and on the other hand, it was a technical defect.

People's engines can fly for thousands of hours at least before they need to be overhauled.

The domestically developed gadget has run for hundreds of hours and has reached its limit life span and can no longer fly.

"The turbofan-8. Before we took over, we had already carried out three batches of 12 units in small batch production. Up to now, the engine is still installed on the Boeing 707 for test flight. The previous production is basically scrapped... …" Sun Hong said with a heavy tone.

Zheng Yucheng looked at him, "After we took over, didn't we again undertook the production test task of 4 sets, do we want to continue the service life test?"

"It's already in production. It was originally intended to wait until the large press is completed, and use new technologies such as integral casting of turbine disks and integral casings, and forging titanium alloy blades to improve service life..." Sun Hong said.

Without clarification, Xie Kai knew that the slow progress of the large press had dragged down the progress of the engine's research and development.

At the beginning, he mentioned that Zheng Yucheng, Wang Guilin and others began planning to establish an engine factory. Unexpectedly, they had such great courage and directly issued the test production task of 4 engines again.

This is another tens of millions of funds to go out, plus subsequent experiments, etc., worth hundreds of millions.

"Where is Turbofan-6?" Zheng Yucheng asked.

"Let Jiang talk about it." Sun Hong looked at another thin old man.

Jiang Chenyang, a not-so-famous but well-founded engine designer dug from 606, has a background of studying in the Soviet Union.

Zheng Yucheng introduced to Xie Kai some of the main persons in charge here.

"The problems faced by the turbofan-6 are the same as those of the turbofan-8, and it has been in the stage of improving the design and testing of components..." Jiang Chenyang introduced the situation of the turbofan-6.

Xie Kai knows that the turbofan-6G engine has a thrust-to-weight ratio of 7.05.

The service life...

Through the introduction of the two project team chiefs, everyone has an understanding of their own situation. Many people think that as long as the big press is solved, it can improve a lot of performance.

Xie Kai knew that it was definitely not just such a thing.

Otherwise, the problem of aviation heart disease will not limit the entire country for decades.

"In terms of materials, especially alloy materials that are resistant to high temperature and high pressure, is there a breakthrough?" Xie Kai's question is very common, but everyone is silent.

The basic material is the key.

Otherwise, no matter how good the design is, the materials cannot meet the basic requirements and cannot be realized.(Read more @

Jiang Chenyang has never seen Xie Kai. He still despised Xie Kai originally. He only thought he was the child of a certain 404 executive, and he followed Zheng Yucheng to the first place.

At this moment, I couldn't help but look at Xie Kai a few more times.

"Not only to solve the design problem, the material problem is a hurdle that we cannot bypass. For turbofan engines, the temperature of the turbine inlet is directly related to the performance of the engine." Xie Kai said, "Under such circumstances, I think Ask everyone, how to solve the material problem?"

Xie Kai's questions are getting sharper and more direct.

The design ability of the engine is important, as is the basic material.

"Xie Kai, regarding materials, are we not doing research there? In addition, we are also preparing to cooperate with the Institute of Materials Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences...for the new engine research and development, we are also preparing to jointly develop with 606, 624, 614 and other units... "Seeing that Xie Kai's problem embarrassed the two chief workers, Zheng Yucheng hurriedly stood up and acted as a good person.

Basic issues such as materials are faced by all scientific research teams in the country, and Zheng Yucheng does not want to invest more in this.

That is a bottomless pit.

When everyone heard Zheng Yucheng talk about the new engine project, they looked at Zheng Yucheng with doubts.

Xie Kai was angry and didn't want to bother Zheng Yucheng.

He is actually very clear about everyone's mentality, and he will talk about the emergency first.

This is the mentality of not paying enough attention to the above and not enough funding, which will eventually allow domestic engines to achieve breakthroughs in decades.

"When designing, we must take into account the material problem. If there is no one, we can ask the Material Research Institute to get it. The turbofan-6 engine, let's set a small goal. A thrust-to-weight ratio of 7 is considered qualified." Xie Kai looked at Jiang Chenyang and said casually.

As soon as this word came out, the whole meeting room exploded.

"How is this possible! Even the push-to-weight ratio of 6 has not been reached yet."

"That is, after so many years of work, the research was completed with great difficulty, and the technical standards have not been fully finalized yet..."

"Insufficient funds, insufficient experience, and poor technical foundation. This is not something that can be done in a short time."

Jiang Chenyang didn't speak, and his face was not good.

Why is Xie Kai pointing here?

"The technical requirements I'm talking about don't mean that the original thing, the engine developed before, has a thrust-to-weight ratio of less than 5.8, right? What is the use of it? Is it possible to lower the standard for our fighter project and support the engine? ?" Xie Kai's tone became a bit heavy. "Either, as required, the thrust-to-weight ratio reaches 7 and the four engines of this batch reach this level, or the project is abandoned."

Xie Kai's words shocked everyone.

Zheng Yu Chengdu didn't know where his fire came from.

How do they know that when Xie Kai thinks that these are big heads, Turbofan 6 is still continuing the previous technical standards. This kind of thing does not have to be used by fighters, and the money invested can be said to be a waste of money.

As for the use of Super Seven items?

Super 7 is used in trainers, and the cost of turbofan six is ​​a bit high, and when used in fighter jets, the performance of turbofan six is ​​insufficient.

"Comrade Xie Kai, at this time, the production of several new engines has to be completely adjusted, and many tests have not been completed." Sun Hong frowned and said.

He thought that Xie Kai was looking awkward because of the cafeteria.

"Improved models of engines are now only undergoing component tests, and the whole machine installation test has not yet been carried out. To be used in aircraft, a lot of work is required..." Jiang Chenyang explained to Xie Kai.

He didn't question Xie Kai's lack of understanding of engines.

Their new design, an improved turbofan-6 engine, has a thrust-to-weight ratio close to the one proposed by Xie Kai.

The material problem is solved, and the strength problem is solved. This problem can be solved as long as the temperature and air flow entering the turbine disc are increased.

The theory is very simple, a few sentences, but it requires breakthroughs in many fields such as design, materials, and manufacturing processes.

"Then use these four engines for the whole machine test!" Xie Kai said without hesitation, "I said at the beginning that in the area of ​​aero engines, our entire 404 is at no cost! No matter how much money is used, it costs. It takes a lot of time to smash it out. I don’t want us to have a new type of fighter designed. As a result, because of the lack of engines in China, we will go abroad to accompany smiling faces and buy them in a low voice..."

This is one aspect.

As for the aero engine, we have to invest desperately.

Xie Kai's fire is entirely about the conservative behavior of Zheng Yucheng and others.

"Before purchasing their aero engines in the Soviet Union, we originally hoped to get a better AL-31 engine, which is not the most advanced by the Soviets, but they didn’t mention it. Even their RD-33 engine does not add thrust. Only 50 kN and 81.4 kN in afterburner, the fuel consumption rate is 2.09, the theoretical thrust-to-weight ratio is 7.87, and the delivered thrust-to-weight ratio is 6.62. It is such an engine, and the price is 2.3 million US dollars!" Xie Kai's tone , The more I speak, the more sad.

These data, if you only look at the push-to-weight ratio, there is no problem.

Look at the fuel consumption rate again and you'll know.

Therefore, the MiG-29 was rated as the short-legged king. One engine could not support the MiG-29 to go to the sky, and two, the fuel consumption was too terrifying.

Everyone does not know that the final purchase price of the RD-33 engine is only half of the 2.3 million US dollars, but they know how difficult this negotiation process is.

because there's none.

Even more because China can't make it.

If you can't figure it out, it's normal to be blackmailed.

"200 RD-33 engines, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, have been bought and the money has been given! Are we going to continue doing this?" Xie Kai's words silenced everyone.

No one dares to pat their chests and stand up and say that we should build a better engine ourselves.

If the strength is not as good as the human, you have to bury the skull and strengthen the strength.

"So, we must continue to do it, no matter how difficult it is. It doesn't matter whether others understand it or not. I don't want our new model fighter to be designed, waiting for the engine, and I don't want to negotiate with foreign countries to purchase the engine again!" Distressed.

Many times, he was aggrieved.

"Director Zheng, what is the budget invested by the headquarters regarding the engine?" Jiang Chenyang stood up and asked Zheng Yucheng solemnly.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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