"Leader, wait any longer, once the temperature rises, the entire mold will be scrapped!" Seeing Shen Hong hesitate, Tang Zhisheng said, "I'll stare!"

"I go!"

"Let me go."

Several people around Shen Hong said enthusiastically.

Zheng Yucheng wondered, "What are you going to do? The temperature rises, just cast it directly!"

"You look at the mold, can you still see the position clearly?" Jiang Ming asked Zheng Yucheng.

Zheng Yucheng saw that the air around the mold had become distorted. From a distance, it was impossible to see the specific situation.

"Didn't you have practiced before? If this continues, it will be deadly!" Zheng Yucheng is really anxious. "Now the high temperature around at least a few hundred degrees, thousands of degrees of molten steel are poured into the mold, and a lot of heat is dissipated..."

If Zheng Yucheng doesn't understand technology, the current situation must continue.

Shen Hong could not give a clear order.

In this case, no one can bear it.

Tang Zhisheng and others were also unable to give orders, so they asked to go by themselves.

If you have a problem, even if you die, it is much better than ordering someone else to die.

"This is the price we need to pay for our basic inability. I hope this is the first and the last time!" Minister Shen's eyes are already moist. In such a high temperature environment, no one can tell whether this is tears or sweat. . "Comrade Guorong, you are the chief engineer of the big press, you come to dispatch!"

"No, leader, I'll go!" Obviously, everyone knew what Shen Hong was going to do.

"Leader, our 80,000-ton press still needs you to take charge of the work!" Zheng Yucheng was also anxious.

In order to be uncertain whether it can be cast successfully, who can afford to sacrifice an industry minister?

"The second group, come in!"

"Boiler No. 1, hoist, Boiler No. 2, get ready!"

While several people were arguing, Xie Kai's voice rang.

He carried the person to the door of the workshop, and he returned, clearly hearing the argument of the crowd.

Whether before or after rebirth, Xie Kai's heart has never been so shocked at this moment.

Likewise, it has never been so peaceful at this moment.

If the technical ability is strong and the funds are sufficient, in this case, it is possible to design an automatic monitoring system and an automatic casting system. There is no need for people to risk their lives to do this.

He snatched the walkie-talkie in Shen Hong's hand and gave the order in a crying voice.

The order was issued, and the second group of technicians in fire-resistant suits who were waiting on both sides raised their hands to indicate that they were ready.

Under the command of Xie Kai, the crane hook on the No. 1 furnace with the hook hanging down began to sag evenly, lifting the extremely red molten steel in the furnace, and slowly rising.

"Hoist No. 2 furnace!"

"Hoisting furnace No. 3!"

Xie Kai's heart became calmer and calmer, "Logistics support team, stand by!"

As the ladles were hoisted up, the temperature of the entire workshop rose sharply, and the heat wave continued one after another, and the command team, which was still tens of meters away from the mold, was almost unable to bear it.

The high temperature emitted by the molten steel melted at thousands of degrees has made the entire workshop an alchemy furnace for the Supreme Master.

The carriage dangled the red ladle, moving steadily and slowly.

All the way to the first casting position above the mold.

Drive No. 2 is in place.

Two technicians in fire-resistant suits used gestures to tell Xie Kai where the ladle is relative to the pouring point, and Xie Kai used the walkie-talkie to direct the operator who was unable to see the position of the mold in the air at a height of more than 20 meters.

Looking toward the middle from the position of the driving operator, the entire space is distorted.

The two technicians at the observation position fell one after the other. Without waiting for orders, the personnel from the logistics support group guarding the side rushed up, carrying people and evacuated outside.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Similarly, there was no order, and the third observation group rushed up after waiting.

"Leader, it's up to you!" Xie Kai was a little weak, and handed the walkie-talkie to Shen Hong, and then he collapsed...

Zheng Yucheng and others were anxious, hugged Xie Kai, and rushed outside...

"The casting begins!" At this time, Shen Hong has no retreat. The members of the observation team have reported that the highest temperature of the mold has exceeded 950°C. If it continues, it will be scrapped.

Even the molten steel, if it is not cast, basically has to be scrapped...

The 80-ton steel ladle hung by the two cranes that have reached the position has been slowly descending, almost at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, respectively, at one end of the mold, leaning toward the molten molten steel that was so hot.


A cloud of white mist rose up around the mold.

The third observation group fell...

When the flushing molten steel touches the mold, it follows the shape of the mold and moves toward the other side at the bottom...

After the casting is completed, the two cranes continue to move forward, and the other two waiting cranes move over. While the two cranes dump the molten steel, the cranes that have finished casting have already hoisted two more ladle.

After that, the No. 3 and No. 4 carriage retreated back, and the No. 2 carriage, which had been hoisting the ladle again, had begun casting...

Repeatedly, 7 ladles, a total of 435 tons of molten steel, were cast in just five minutes.

"Quickly, get on the train and get them off..." When Shen Hong finished saying this, the whole person became relaxed. "Evacuate all."

The air above the mold has been completely distorted.

I can only see a rectangular red object continuously dissipating heat there, causing the air above to be distorted badly...

"Brother, you finally woke up, you scared me to death..." Xie Kai just opened his eyes and heard Sun Juan's crying voice, "You are not a person with a high level of consciousness, you have to develop some style. !"

As Sun Juan said, she quickly and gently punched Xie Kai's chest with her fist.

"Doctor, doctor, Xie Kai is awake..." Mo Qi's voice was crisp and hoarse.

"Why are you here?" Xie Kai's throat was dry and weak, and it was extremely difficult to move.

"We just arrived at the panda base, and before we saw the panda, we received a notice saying that you were injured. The car from the power plant sent us here directly from Dujiangyan..." Sun Juan explained in a hurry. You are so worried about me... and Moqi."

"It's okay, your brother, I am not enlightened, I am ready to carry forward the style." Xie Kai said laboriously.

At this time, a group of people poured in at the door.

Even Shen Hong asked people to come in with a hanging bottle.

"Did you succeed?" Xie Kai asked hard.

In the past, he could not understand what those national defense science workers who gave up everything, endured hardships and worked hard in the field of national defense science and technology were doing.

Because only if they work hard, this situation won't happen again.

"The current situation is good, much better than previously estimated, but it is still impossible to judge whether it is completely successful or not. The final rough machining is required for flaw detection..." Shen Hong was weak and could barely stand under the support of people.

"Someone..." Xie Kai couldn't ask.

He is afraid of sacrifice.

Shen Hong couldn't give orders because he couldn't bear the consequences.

"No one has sacrificed, they are all dehydrated, heatstroke, and they are all in this hospital now." Minister Shen Hong was unable to speak, Zheng Yucheng explained hurriedly.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? This is the ward, so who, Lao Shen, why did you run out? How many times have you emphasized hospital discipline? And a few of you, don't you take the hospital rules and regulations seriously? Get out! "

Before Zheng Yucheng asked about Xie Kai's situation, a clear and stern voice sounded from behind.

The big guys who are usually invincible, like a mouse meeting a cat, have weird faces.

"Old Shen, hurry back to your hospital bed and lie down, you need more rest!"

"Old Zheng, yes, don't give me a hippie smile, otherwise you don't want to come in anymore, go out quickly, I want to check the patient..."

"You two, what do you think? It's not an order, can't let people disturb him?"

Under Xie Kai's gaze, a small round-faced female nurse pushed the trolley into the ward.

"Well, the sun is pretty good today, I will go to the sun to supplement calcium..." Zheng Yucheng said solemnly.

"I have an appointment with Jiang Ming to play chess..."

Even Shen Hong didn't say anything, made a face to Xie Kai and slipped away.

Xie Kai was a little surprised. There was nothing special about the little nurse in front of him. How could he scare a bunch of old men!

It seems to be about the same age as myself.

It is to measure blood pressure and heartbeat. Xie Kai asked the little nurse that they were also indifferent, and finally left a sentence, "It’s okay, you are in a much better condition than old man Shen. You can be discharged after two days of water loss. ."

"Then what, comrade nurse, don't let the doctor show me?" Xie Kai was speechless.

Are nurses so good these days?

What did the doctor do?

Anyhow, I am not a patient.

"You are not a difficult disease, it is heatstroke and dehydration. The doctor is very busy, so take a good rest." After speaking, he turned and left, and scorned the two women who seemed to have done something wrong next to him, "If you let them again Come in, don’t want to stay inside."

"What's the situation?" Xie Kai asked them in shock.

"This little nurse is a double child. He has always been strict. If their dean lets him hold the handle, he won't be able to get it off..." Sun Juan explained, "Brother, is she pretty? I'll inquire about her personal situation. It's..."

"..." Xie Kai can only pretend not to hear.

"He is the daughter of the second factory director." Mo Qi's eyes were a little red and swollen, and he smiled, but gave people a feeling of pity.

Xie Kai looked at Sun Juan, then at Mo Qi, and couldn't help being speechless to the sky.

Xie Kai, who was weak and dehydrated, fell asleep again. When he woke up again, Zheng Yucheng in front of the bed was staring at Xie Kai with big eyes. Those eyes made Xie Kai a little hairy.

"Old Zheng, I'm not interested in men..."

Zheng Yucheng ignored Xie Kai, and a smile appeared on his face. "I never found out that your kid can have a day to develop style. Comrade Xie Kai, I want to interview you. What did you think at the time? I have always cherished my life. You who are so greedy for money, what prompted you to rush in to save people desperately, and what prompted you to disregard your reputation and give orders for death?"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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