During the honeymoon period between China and the United States, many military cooperation projects.

Many aspects are involved.

But in the end, none of the projects were completely completed, except that some technologies that were not considered advanced were introduced.

Seeing how many people nodded, Xie Kai sighed, "How do you think about it?"

"We have to deal with them seriously and strictly. We can't control their people, but our people cannot but deal with them. Otherwise..." Zheng Yucheng said, "During this period, the entire management committee is planning these things."

"Yes, but we are not a military project after all, this matter is a bit difficult to handle. The other party's people, we simply can't handle it." Wang Guilin also sighed.

Zhang Huazhong kept his head down and said nothing.

"Brother Zhang, what do you think about this matter?" Xie Kai knew that this matter should not have much to do with Zhang Huazhong.

Otherwise, Zhang Huazhong will not be here either.

"When such a problem occurs, it is because of my poor management. No matter how the base handles me, I will accept it." Zhang Huazhong said hurriedly.

"Now is not the time to deal with opinions." Xie Kai said, "Is Liang Xiaolong involved in it?"

"I don't know yet. But the role he played here is not glorious. At present, several key figures with evidence have a lot to do with him, and he got in." Wang Guilin told Xie Kai, "This is also to blame for our negligence. The sales of 359 tanks are good. The workshop has always provided modification plans. He said that it needs to add people. As long as the list is submitted, we did not look at it. It is all in the base, and There is no too strict review."

"Then 363 workshop?" Xie Kai was puzzled. The two workshops had not much contact, or even a competitive relationship.

Both Zheng Yucheng and Zhang Huazhong were a little embarrassed.

After explanation, Xie Kai knew that because there were not many projects on the 363 side, even when Wang Hao and others were here, it was Zheng Yu who became a stimulus to Xie Kai.

Wang Hao and others don't know anything about armored vehicles, so they need to understand the most advanced technologies in China.

In view of this situation, Wang Hao and the others were just playing under the guise, and Zhang Huazhong and others were the ones who really worked. Zheng Yucheng arranged for him to be the workshop director. He had selfish intentions, and he opened more conveniences.

The main purpose of armored vehicles is to cooperate with tanks to transport infantry in coordinated operations. Therefore, the two workshops usually have more contact with each other.

Liang Xiaolong never reported these situations to Xie Kai. At the beginning, he often went to Xie Kai. Xie Kai didn't pay much attention to it, and he rarely got involved in workshop management. From the beginning to the present, the entire base has not A clear focus.

This is something that Xie Kai only realized recently, and is still considering whether to study management major.

Now that such a thing occurs, it is also a problem.

"Why hasn't Liang Xiaolong come yet?" Xie Kai was a little embarrassed to see a few people, and couldn't continue the conversation.

If Liang Xiaolong comes, there will be a topic.

"I ran away yesterday afternoon, and the inner guard is currently chasing, and all the commuter trains stopped last night!" Wang Guilin's words made Xie Kai even more speechless.

The feelings Long Yaohua came here were not just for his business.

Just take it along.

"I didn't find anyone from the defense regiment? This kind of thing should be more appropriate for them to dispatch. The inner guard is not good at tracking." Xie Kai sighed.

The internal guard is only responsible for the internal security and confidentiality of the base.

"So Long Yaohua is here, and we have no right to mobilize people from the garrison regiment. Now the garrison regiment is upgraded to a brigade and is under the direct jurisdiction of the military. All kinds of things are not easy. Even external training, etc., can no longer be done. Accepted..." Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai. This kid is good at everything, just don't care about everything, otherwise, the current situation will not appear.

Xie Kai This is the second time I heard that the garrison was upgraded to a brigade.

"Does the above take this seriously?"

"The effects of special operations have come out." Wang Guilin told Xie Kai, "Even if you are there now, it will not be easy."

"I'm going. Anyway, I'm a consultant, and it doesn't matter if the salary is not paid..." Xie Kai really felt a little weird.

Demolition of a typical bridge across the river.

"If you agree to Long Yaohua's request, follow him and enter the military academy, you should be able to get your salary now..." Zheng Yucheng said with a smile.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Xie Kai looked at him and rolled his eyes, "Even if I enter the military academy, what level can I give me? Lieutenant? Is it possible? Not as much as the base pays me. By the way, how much is my salary now?"

Xie Kai really didn't know how much salary the base paid.

Anyway, the salary is received by the old lady.

He has never used a penny himself, even if he goes abroad, Tian Li will do everything.

Money, for him, is really useless, so naturally someone will deal with it.

"Perhaps the special operations brigade has been dispatched now." Wang Guilin sighed as he saw the two men pull further and further, and brought the topic back.

"The special operations brigade was dispatched without helicopters, and it was useless. Those Z-5s were about to fall apart a long time ago. Especially since the establishment of the special forces, various airborne training and flying frequencies have been higher." Xie Kai sighed.

The most important thing for special operations forces is mobility.

Otherwise, it is difficult to search a larger area in a short time by relying only on the legs.

"Don't worry. Since the above has been upgraded to a brigade, the equipment and expenses are not under-given. The domestic S-70 helicopters imported from the United States were generously given to five. The five delivered at the end of last year were all adjusted It was given to the special operations brigade for normal airborne training." Wang Guilin said.

"Black Hawk? That's a good thing!" Xie Kai really didn't know that there would be such a big handwriting on it.

Of the S-70 Black Hawk helicopters, 24 were bought across the country, all of which were used to solve the supply problem in the plateau area.

The unit price of each aircraft has reached 6 million U.S. dollars, which is much higher than the price of active fighters.

Xie Kai didn't expect that the above would be so generous, and he invested five in the special operations brigade.

"So, if you want to chase now, at least five of them will be dispatched. Liang Xiaolong and others are going to escape, only those few directions. It is impossible to the west. The railway to the east has outposts along the way, maybe Sex is not great; the highway to the east is also not great.” Zheng Yucheng said.

Xie Kai was a little surprised, Zheng Yucheng could actually understand this.

"Needless to say, it's all the feedback from there. If there is no accident, you should have caught someone by now." Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai and said with a smile.

More than 20 kilometers to the east of the base, there are rolling mountains.

This is different from the bare mountains around the base, which have sparse vegetation.

However, like other desert areas, there is still a lack of water.

In the sky, a helicopter with a slender body and slightly pointed nose, which is much more graceful than the bulky and sturdy helicopter of the Z-5 helicopter, is conducting a low-altitude search flight close to the top of the mountain.

In the shadow of a hill not far from the helicopter, Liang Xiaolong with a haggard look looked at the helicopter in the sky desperately, holding only a black briefcase in his hand.

Inside, it contains the core technical data of the 359 tank fire control system, as well as the core technical data of the new generation of Qianwei-2 air defense missile.

The person on the other side said that as long as he obtains these materials, he can help him arrange the status of American citizenship...

However, now, everything has turned into a phantom.

The helicopter in the sky has been hovering for at least half an hour on the top of the mountain where he is hiding.

Although he didn't let anyone down, Liang Xiaolong knew that someone should already be on the top of the mountain.

"Burn, only there is no evidence, at most they suspect!" Liang Xiaolong finally made a decision.

Although the ignition will attract the attention of helicopters hovering in the sky, he has been walking for nearly 20 hours last night, but he has lost his way.

In this hot summer, if there is no water in the Qilian Mountains, it is not to die of thirst, but to feed the wolves.

Even, the sound has been heard in the ears.

"You have to hurry, otherwise it's completely finished." Liang Xiaolong thought about the consequences when he started doing it. Before, he only provided a little information tentatively, but there was no problem.

Xie Kai didn't go to workshop 359 for a few moments. He just started to report. When he got behind, Xie Kai even asked him not to report.

Later, I heard that Xie Kai had a fallout with the base management committee, and Zheng Yucheng and others were afraid to find the 359 workshop, so he became more and more unscrupulous.

At 404, even an object was not found.

And the United States promised to give him everything, at least, half a million dollars in funds!

Five hundred thousand, which is 1.5 million when replaced with soft sister coins, which is money he can't earn in a few lifetimes.

With money, what is it?

Everything is now a phantom.

Anyway, I took more than 100,000 yuan before, enough for my parents to provide for the elderly, my brother in the family went to school, and married a daughter-in-law...

The premise is that he cannot be caught by the base for evidence.

Quickly opened the briefcase, pulled out a large bag full of materials from it, and took out a match in his pocket.


The match head was painted on the side of the match box with pyrophoric agent and folded.

Liang Xiaolong's hand began to tremble.

The more nervous he was, the harder it was to strike a match. After five or six of them were broken, he took a deep breath, and he just struck the match and hit the document directly.


"Don't move!" After the crisp gunfire, several soldiers with oil paint on their faces and brown desert camouflage appeared in Liang Xiaolong's sight.

At this time, Liang Xiaolong was not as nervous as before. Seeing the materials burn, he calmly put more materials on the fire.

Several soldiers rushed to this side quickly, Liang Xiaolong looked at the more and more burning materials, but laughed...

"Puff!" A heavy kick hit Liang Xiaolong's abdomen, but the other two soldiers slammed their feet on the burning materials, but in the end, there was not much paper left.

"Tie it up!" The soldier who kicked Liang Xiaolong down, almost squeezed these words from his teeth.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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