"After all, they have done preparatory work for several years. Without this project, most of their preparatory work was done in vain."

"The main reason is to worry about time." Wang Guilin hopes that Xie Kai can stay under their noses.

Not to control Xie Kai, but to prevent Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan from snatching people from them. Once Xie Kai enters the eyes of more people, the competition will become more and more fierce.

Many times, people in the base management committee are discussing that Xie Kai should be hidden. It is best to let the outside world know nothing about him.

But they found that Xie Kai was too late, they were too old, and Xie Kai was too young.

If you want Xie Kai to take over successfully when they retire, you must start to pave the way for Xie Kai and let Xie Kai fully demonstrate his abilities, tell the people at the base, and tell the superiors that he is capable and qualified. Take charge of the future of 404.

The advantages of doing this are obvious; the disadvantages are also more obvious.

Which unit doesn't want to become prosperous?

Such a person, even if they appear in other units, may not care at first.

When it comes out, others will naturally come to grab it.

Foreign monks can recite sutras, which is applicable to any Chinese company.

Xie Kai, who is now worrying about the plan of the core group of old guys in the base management committee, doesn't even think about it.

He thought that when he returned home, he could have a good rest, sleep, and then get up, there would be a sumptuous dinner waiting for him.

The base made a lot of money in the second half of this year, and the small days are very prosperous. Since the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, every night on the train from Jiayuguan to the base, all kinds of new year goods purchased from all over the country have been continuously pulled into the base.

People in all units, except for the busiest ones, are constantly sending out all kinds of goods for the New Year at the end of the year.

Rice noodles, oil and salt, are enough for people in the base to eat for a month or two. Bacon sausages are not uncommon; all kinds of dried fish and seafood brought back from the sea are not less distributed.

Even the peanuts and melon seeds candies that everyone is reluctant to buy, but every employee gives them thirty or two catties, so that everyone can make them with energy.

Especially in the last few days, fresh fish that the base can't usually supply, etc., are also distributed by each family!

The entire base is immersed in a festive atmosphere.

Life at the base is getting better, everyone no longer worries about food and drink, so some of the most basic major events of human development began to be arrogant.

Usually the units in the base adopt a rotating holiday system, and many people can’t make time together. During the three days of the Chinese New Year, everyone in the base has a holiday. Therefore, blind dates, which are not in line with the social trend, have become more frequent in these three days. Up.

In the same unit, if both men and women see it right, they will naturally digest it internally.

If you don't look right, you can only wait for the opportunity to ask your brother units and digest them inside the base. If the base can't digest it, then they can only find a way.

Other units don’t know that the 404 base has a special leave called blind date. If a single young worker’s home introduces someone, the base will not only give ten days of leave, but also reimburse the return fee. Of course, this has to be Only in phase.

It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll continue to give it away next time, but the travel expenses won’t be reimbursed. Otherwise, everyone will take the opportunity to spend the money from the base to ask for leave to go out and play, and it’s meaningless to take advantage of the public house.

As the base has allowed relatives to come in and visit relatives in recent years, in line with the principle of keeping the fat water from flowing out of the field, the blind date has become more concentrated during the New Year holidays.

The main reason is that the relatives of single females outside the base have blind dates with young and promising young workers inside the base. Single women inside the base will be drowned by saliva if they have a blind date with a bachelor outside...

In the past few years, the efficiency of the base was not good. Let alone internal digestion, a large number of single young women have flowed out, causing the young workers of the base to sigh, and the leaders have nothing to do.

Your family can’t afford to pay their wages. Whose daughter comes to marry and suffer from starvation and cold?

It's good now, the base is a hot day, the monthly wages are paid on time, bonuses are increasing, and various benefits are not old or young.

Since then, there has finally been an increase in single women visiting relatives.

Don't mention the regrets of those young female workers who had a hard time at the base a few years ago and married themselves outside the base.

Take a look at other dual-employed families. They send out double portions of everything. You can't use them all by yourself. Pick up the ones you can put away and give them to your hometown relatives, or take them as gifts. Just don't mention it if you are envious of it... …(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

These have nothing to do with Xie Kai.

When he became a member of the blind date army, the relationship became stronger.

This kind of thing was something he had never thought of.

When he came back from the base headquarters, he saw a few women sitting at home, and a girl with short hair in a white down jacket sitting shyly listening to a few women chatting with his elder mother, nodding his head in response from time to time, the first time it was Turn around and bugger.

But she was discovered by the old lady sitting on the sofa facing the door.

Ever since, Comrade Xie Kai's sorrow began.

"... Comrade Xiao Xie, you see that you and our gang of old ladies don’t have a common language. It’s the first time Yixin came to the base. How about you take her out, or take her to play with your little friends? Er, she has no friends at the base, and she will transfer to your class in the next year..." Seeing Xie Kai embarrassed, sitting with Liu Xu with a wavy hairstyle, a big red scarf tied around her neck, and a red windbreaker. The woman said with a smile.

Zhou Rong is an accountant in the Finance Department of the base headquarters.

Xie Kai didn't know how many times he greeted the female relatives in this woman's family.

"Sister Liu, what do you think?" Seeing Xie Kai lowered her head and did not speak, and the short-haired girl in the white down jacket lowered her head blushingly and kept silent, but occasionally looked up at Xie Kai, Zhou Rong said.

"My mother is not such a person!" Xie Kai knew that Liu Xu would not interfere with his personal freedom, he was also a college student in the 1960s.

Liu Xu looked at the girl next to him, then looked at Xie Kai, with a smile on his face, "It's okay, young people can't talk to us. Xie Kai, you take Yixin out for a stroll, and get familiar with the environment... "

"Mom, I have something else!" Xie Kai was startled by the words of his old lady.

Is this still my own mother?

"What's the matter with you? All day long. Go ahead, don't bully Yixin, or the old lady's rolling pin will have to drink blood..." Liu Xu suddenly became angry.

"Mom, we have to make sense. I haven't done homework!" Xie Kai really couldn't find a reason.

I'd never come back if I knew it.

"You do a fart homework, Sun Juan and Luo Feng have done it for you..." Liu Xu stood up and was about to get the rolling pin immediately. "going or not?"

"Go!" Xie Kai said nothing, gritted his teeth and agreed, then rushed to the door.

Is this your own mother?

I have said that I am only a sophomore in high school, and I am still a child.

But before the words came out, they were interrupted by Zhou Rong's old woman.

"Wait, bring Yixin with..." How did Liu Xu not understand his son.

Xie Kai was helpless, standing at the door, waiting for Chen Yixin, who was wearing a white down jacket and short hair, to come out with her head down, and then walked downstairs without looking back. Her heart was tumbling, far more than the Soviet "West-81" military exercise. The shock to the leaders of various countries was still great.

In his heart at this moment, a million tanks carrying 125 guns rushed and ran over it was incomparable.

"This kid, isn't he usually courageous, why are you still shy about this?" Zhou Rong said with a smile.

Xie Kai heard this and walked faster.

Chen Yixin followed him, keeping her head down, her hands in her gloves sweating nervously.

"Xie Kai, your relative?" Just came downstairs and asked the woman who had a good relationship with his mother.

"What vision do you have, people's small object..." someone next to him said, "Liu Xu is also really anxious, because his son is so small, he is just looking for someone..."

"You have to find someone as early as possible. Our base looks good now, who knows in the future. Look at how many young workers worry about marrying a wife. There are not many girls on the base, and many of them are married..."

When Xie Kai heard these comments, he wanted to turn his head and threaten them, chewing his tongue and smashed their briquettes stove, or smashed their glass or something, and finally had to escape quickly.

Chen Yixin's blushing face immediately became even redder when she heard these comments.

There were people who knew each other everywhere, and in desperation, Xie Kai could only go in the direction of the Shazao Lin.

This is so special that Mozi saw it, how to explain it?

The old mother is also true, even if she is anxious to hug her grandson, she can't be like this, right?

"So what, you know, our age, the partner is a puppy love, will be shot!" Chen Yixin has been following Xie Kai three steps behind, neither of them talked, unknowingly, they walked there. The jujube tree outside was gone, Xie Kai stopped, and Chen Yixin almost ran into him.

Both sides couldn't help stepping back a few steps.

Xie Kai thinks it's better to speak clearly.

This girl is pretty.

It's a pity that Xie Kai's mind is all on the cabbage, and there is no time to deal with the object now.

"I'm not an ordinary girl, you can't scare me with a few words..." Chen Yixin raised her head, staring at Xie Kai with big eyes, her face blushing, but not as nervous as before, "My mother said, you have been since childhood. Like to tease girls, Aunt Liu said just now, you have been naughty and mischievous since childhood..."

The old man Xie Kai's heart is about to collapse.

What does this little girl mean?

"Our task now should be to study hard and make progress every day." Xie Kai can't cope with such a girl at all.

His emotional intelligence is too low.

Chen Yixin nodded, "Yeah. Aunt Liu said, your academic performance is good, let you help me with tuition in the future, you usually don't go to school or do homework, you can get an average score of 93, I don't study well..."

"I cheated. I stole the paper in advance." Xie Kai said seriously.

The little girl's thoughts are too much.

Finally, I circled the cabbage so that other pigs couldn't reach it. As a result, there was a fire in the backyard.

I'm going to die.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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