Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Six hundred and thirteenth chapter noisy

Rebirth: Wealth and Fortune 613 Author Golden Warrior Full text count 2444 words

Qin Feng found Bai Hang. "You want me to go to Brazil?" Bai Hang was taken aback. Qin Feng nodded. Bai Hang thought for a while, then shook his head! "What's the matter? I'm afraid Boss Yan won't agree?" Qin Feng asked. Bai Hang smiled. "I'm free, but if I leave Boss Yan, I will help you. I don't care, and he can't do anything about me. But Qin Feng, you will be in a lot of trouble. Boss Yan is not a generous person." " Bai Hang said seriously. "He wants to know that I will help you, Qin Feng, Boss Yan will let you know how stingy he is!" Bai Hang patted Qin Feng's shoulder, "So, I can't help you. Besides, I don't want to Leave the capital. After living here for so many years, I have long been used to it." Qin Feng shook his head helplessly. "However, I have a recommendation candidate!" Bai Hang said with a smile, "Do you still remember the Hulan hero? In a few days, he will duel with me. It's the Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time, you can persuade him to come. He is more suitable than me!" Qin Feng frowned slightly. "This Hulan hero is very principled, ruthless, and carefree. He is very suitable for you. Unlike me, he is lazy and unwilling to do many things. Another point, I will do it , not as ruthless as him!" Bai Hang said. "But I still need someone who is willing to help me, it's trustworthy!" Qin Feng sighed. "It's very simple. I will help you when the time comes!" Bai Hang said with a smile, "Help you convince him!" Qin Feng was puzzled, how could Bai Hang persuade him? However, when Qin Feng asked, Bai Hang didn't say anything, just let him see when the time comes. In Qin Feng's anticipation for the Mid-Autumn Festival, school started again. This time, it is also Qin Feng's junior year. In the blink of an eye, it's my third year in college. And this year, there is one biggest difference from previous years, that is, Qin Feng is serving as a temporary associate professor this year, teaching electronic music courses. "Qin Feng, this is your class schedule. At present, there are only two electronic music classes a week, both of which are elective courses!" Dean Fan personally sent Qin Feng the class schedule. "En!" Qin Feng nodded. "If the effect is good, 1-2 classes will be added in the later stage. Moreover, your temporary associate professor will be made a full-time member!" Dean Fan said. In fact, if Qin Feng was not really too young, he was only 16 years old this year, and he would have given Qin Feng an official title. After all, the best is the first! "Thank you, Dean!" Qin Feng thanked. In the first formal class, Qin Feng was indeed a little nervous. After all, this is being a teacher. And I guess I am more than 16 years old, but I teach classes to people who are generally around 20 years old. This feeling is unprecedented. When Qin Feng pushed the door and walked into the classroom, it was full of people. Crowds of people. "Papa~~~" Applause came. "Teacher is so handsome!" A familiar voice came. Qin Feng was embarrassed. Shen Manli was yelling there! "Teacher is so cool!" Yi Hannuo also shouted enthusiastically. "Wow~~~, welcome to the youngest teacher in history!" Another group of familiar voices came. When Qin Feng saw it, his face was black. That was Wang Leilei and the others. This group of Tsinghua students ran over from Tsinghua University to take classes at the Conservatory of Music. But I also accidentally saw Li Jian who hadn't seen him for a long time. Of course, there are many acquaintances. For example, Jiang Jin and the others were also there, sitting in the front row with a smile on their faces. It can be said that basically all the acquaintances Qin Feng knows have arrived and come here to attend lectures. Qin Feng scratched his head. This is a little embarrassing. "Professor Zhou, this is Qin Feng's first class. Have you taught him your experience?" Dean Fan also watched outside. "No!" Old Mr. Zhou also came, "He is so young, so he is not afraid of failure. Besides, he has seen so many big scenes, so why not just go to class, what are you afraid of!" "Uh, it's my first class today, so, I didn't prepare any textbooks or lesson plans. But, I prepared a little game and a little gift." Qin Feng said with a smile. Everyone is curious. What is this for? "In this way, everyone automatically forms a team. We arrange them according to the English alphabet. Everyone can form teams freely, up to 26 teams!" Qin Feng said. Everyone quickly lined up as promised. "Okay, now, I will start to play a short rhythm, and then everyone will compete in the lottery. Raise your hands to answer. If you make a mistake, this team will lose the right to answer this round.

That's right, there's chocolate to eat! "Qin Feng smiled, and took out several large bags of chocolates from the bag he carried with him. All the students were dumbfounded. Are you giving out chocolates in this class? But obviously, everyone is very welcome. A class starts like this. Many teachers outside were a little stunned. This is too novel. "Isn't this trying to please the students! A teacher commented. "Can I still eat sugar in this class?" Is this plausible? "A teacher shook his head. Dean Fan looked at it and didn't know what to say. This is indeed too weird. At least, it is a bit weird in terms of the current domestic teaching system. But it must be admitted that after this class is over, all students Everyone had a great time and had a great time. Of course, the chocolates that Qin Feng brought were all eaten up. "Goodbye, teacher! "All the students sent off Qin Feng loudly. In two days, the second class will be even more serious. When Qin Feng enters, the whole class will not be able to hold people. The crowd is full, and they all come here for the name. "You want some chocolate? "Qin Feng went in and asked." Hmm! Hello teacher! Everyone nodded. "Unfortunately, today, there is no chocolate." "Qin Feng shrugged, "But, today I want to tell you about the courses of this semester. My exam is different from other subjects. There are five exams in total, starting from the fourth week, every two weeks, with different credits each time, and the final exam accounts for 30% of the total grade. "Everyone blinked. This is very novel." Then, I usually check attendance. Attendance counts for 10% of the total mark. "Qin Feng said lightly, "If anyone's attendance reaches 100%, I will send a bag of chocolates at the end of the semester. Everyone was surprised again. "Teacher, you are blatantly tempting us to come to class!" Some students shouted. "No!" This is sweet temptation, not naked temptation. I am not Venus! "Qin Feng interrupted, "Okay, today's class. I won't discuss any theoretical knowledge with you. Today, let's understand the charm of electronic music from dancing! Alright, everyone, move the desks away, make room, and let’s cheer up~~~" This novel way of teaching stunned the whole school and all the teachers. Well, are you here for class, or are you here? Bring the students to play together! Do you have such nonsense! Many teachers have complained to Dean Fan. However, Dean Fan can only suppress these accusations. After all, this is a TV Yin, at present, in China, only Qin Feng can teach. As for Qin Feng, is it appropriate to make such a fuss? Dean Fan thought about it, and replied in unison: Let's see the results at the end of the semester.

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