Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Chapter 356 Hands Are So Soft

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Why didn't I think of this before. This management company is not only in the music industry, it can also be in the film and television industry, or even not in the entertainment industry. Such as football agent, basketball agent and so on. These are all available.

"Nuo Nuo, what you said is really good, your idea is great. Thank you, you helped me solve a big problem!" Qin Feng excitedly held Yi Han Nuo's hands.

It's not that Yi Hannuo has never held hands with Qin Feng before, but it was all superficial and limited to formalities. She had never had any disturbances in her heart towards Qin Feng before.

After getting along for a long time, she found a feeling of home here. Let her have a place of refuge in this world, and she is no longer alone. For Qin Feng, her heart is full of various thoughts.

Especially, ever since she secretly kissed Qin Feng that night, all kinds of distracting thoughts about him have filled her heart. This night, sometimes I would dream of her kissing Qin Feng in my dreams. Every time, it would make her lose her mind.

Now being held by Qin Feng like this, the inner fluctuation is even greater.

From the forehead to the depth of the neck, it was completely red. If it was summer, then Qin Feng could see that Yi Hannuo's whole body was crimson.

Qin Feng let go in embarrassment.

"Too excited, too excited! But I really appreciate your idea. I will repay you!" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"No need, I didn't do anything!" Yi Hannuo's voice was as low as a mosquito chirping.

Qin Feng laughed.

"Well, when my agent company is established, I'll give you 10% of the shares as a reward for your ideas!!" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, no, no, I didn't do anything, you don't need to do it at all. Besides, I don't spend anything now, I spend all of your money, and I owe you a lot of money, you don't have to pay I have more." Yihannuo waved his hands again and again.

But I don't know why, but I feel a little disappointed in my heart.

"Okay, don't refuse. Sometimes, an idea is worth more than anything else." Qin Feng smiled.

Afterwards, Qin Feng started to call Uncle King and shared his ideas.

"This is fine.

With your contacts now, it is possible. In particular, the entertainment industry in the mainland has just started, and many of them are not standardized. It is very promising to use Xiangjiang's management methods to manage brokerage companies in the mainland! "Uncle King nodded after listening.

The current entertainment circle in the mainland is still in a poor and white stage. Although there are some entertainment stars, all industries, including the operation of stars, are very shallow. It can't be compared with Xiangjiang at all.

But the mainland market is very large. It's just that not many people in Xiangjiang are aware of this at present. They are still intoxicated by the prosperity of Xiangjiang, and they don't realize that a real era is coming.

After 1997, Xiangjiang returned, and the mainland began to rise in an all-round way. These are what King saw in the Mainland after he came to the Mainland. The potential in the Mainland is too great.

How big a market can Xiangjiang have?

Indeed, the current average salary in Xiangjiang is indeed far higher than that in the Mainland. The average salary in the mainland is still two to three hundred, but in Hong Kong it is more than ten thousand Hong Kong dollars. This gap is too large.

This is something that many Xiangjiang people are very proud of. It is also where they look down on the mainland. But they didn't notice that the wages in Pengcheng and Yangcheng had already risen, and the wages here had already exceeded a thousand.

Although it is far from comparable to Xiangjiang, this momentum is terrifying. In particular, the mainland has a huge population of more than one billion people, which Xiangjiang will never be able to catch up with.

There is a limit to the income of Xiangjiang people, and the upper limit can be seen. However, the mainland currently has extremely great potential.

"So, Uncle King, it's impossible for this Qixi Fairy to become a star just for money, so you have a lot less income. Therefore, I decided to invest, set up a brokerage company, hire you as CEO, and give you 30% of the shares !" Qin Feng said with a smile, "I don't know what you want?"

"What? You hired me as CEO and gave me back 30% of the shares?" Uncle King was astonished.

This Qin Feng's handwriting is too big. And it's too rich.

"Of course, do you agree? I will not interfere with the management of the company. You have the final say." Qin Feng said with a smile.

After Uncle King was stunned for a long time, he nodded again and again.

"Qin Feng, I'd be a fool if I didn't agree. But isn't this share too much?" Uncle King knew very well how much business opportunity there might be behind this. He's just contributing, and he can get so many shares without paying any money, which makes him very uneasy. I feel like I'm taking too much.

To be a man is to rely on your conscience. Uncle King is obviously the very conscientious kind among managers. Of course, the brokers of this era are all fine. He treats his artists like family members. In a few years, the interests will increase, and the managers will squeeze the artists under their banners, not a win-win situation.

"If you think it's okay, come here, let's sign a contract, and then find a place in the capital to set up a brokerage company." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll come here when I'm done. I'm still working on the first charity school for the Qixi Fairy. It's being built in a mountainous area on the Taihang Mountain side. As you said, we must ensure quality and quantity, and we must also ensure long-term teaching quality. This It's not an easy job." Uncle King sighed.

Although the local government is still very supportive of the mountain people. Although they don't have much money, they are all willing to contribute. No wages are required, as long as you can manage a meal, they can work from sunrise in the morning to sunset.

This group of simple mountain people moved him very much. It can be said that after spending more than two months in his heart, the prosperity and impetuosity that he originally had in the entertainment industry were washed away.

This group of people is so simple, so honest, and so eager to let children learn and change their destiny. Therefore, Uncle King originally used this as a means of publicity to operate, but now he really wants to build a good school for the children, and can provide good teaching quality for the children around him for a long time, and change their life. destiny.

Therefore, the school he built not only has everything in a modern school, such as spacious and bright classrooms, neat student dormitories, classroom dormitories, complete textbooks and lesson plans, teachers' salaries at the market average price, and the ability to guarantee the daily life of students and teachers. School canteens that must be nourished.

All these, he is meticulously carrying out, never allowing any mistakes in the middle. Of course, he also created a sculpture for all the schools, that is, the sculpture of Qixi Fairy, which means that this is the school of hope donated by Qixi Fairy.

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