Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Chapter 2188 The eyes of the masses are sharp.

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The citizen credit system requires long-term construction.

Now that everyone has an overall plan, there is no need to discuss it anymore.

The problem now is scalpers.

The problem of scalpers has been the most troublesome since ancient times.

You simply can't handle it.

The benefits are exciting.

With such huge profits, scalpers have the foundation for their existence.

Although there are relevant punishment measures, for scalpers, punishment is not enough to cut off their determination to sell votes.

So, how to solve it?

If this online medical appointment system is also captured by scalpers, it will be a huge loss, it will be too annoying, and it will seriously damage the image of Yingcheng.

"Isn't there a real-name system?" Qin Feng asked in surprise.

Since this is all real-name and confirmed with ID cards, how can there be scalpers?

"Master Qin, you don't know how treacherous those people are. They randomly reported their identity, and then when they came over, they said they reported the wrong identity. What should you do?" said the leader of the commerce and trade bureau on the side.

He has seen this kind of thing much more.

What does it mean to be unruly? This is what it means.

He finds every opportunity to tease you and make you hate him so much, but you can't do anything about him. Unless you forcibly punish them.

But that would cause a lot of trouble.

Scalpers also fall into this category.

The things they committed were not serious, but their impact was huge.

Moreover, they will always have various reasons to justify their actions.

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

This is indeed a headache.

Because this matter of reporting the wrong ID card will always happen occasionally.

Especially for some elderly people, it is normal for them to report the wrong ID card.

What will you do when you arrive?

You can't help but let an elderly person who makes a mistake or is not articulate enough report the wrong ID card number and be unable to see a doctor.

If so, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

In particular, under the instigation of scalpers, it might be a group incident involving the elderly.

That's trouble.

Qin Feng thought for a while.

"We can't ban this. We can only increase publicity." Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "The key is to make scalpers unprofitable."

"How to do it?"

"Isn't the only way for scalpers to occupy a large number of appointment slots in a short period of time? That would force people who really want to see a doctor to buy an account from them and see a doctor in advance," Qin Feng said.

Everyone nodded.

This is also the only thing scalpers can do.

This is also the basis for scalpers to make profits.

But how to stop it?

Relying on their personal power, scalpers can hire a large number of people in a short period of time to help them queue up to buy tickets. In this case, what else do you do?

Qin Feng grinned.

"This online medical appointment system has two channels. One is the Internet and the other is the phone." Qin Feng said slowly, "First of all, let me talk about the Internet. This is where I am best."

At Harvard, Qin Feng specialized in IT networks.

This will be the trend in the future, so Qin Feng is very clear about network security, network communication and other means.

"As far as the Internet is concerned, if the scalpers want to seize a large area, in addition to enough ID cards, they also need a computer. I can limit the number of reservations for a computer by locking the MAC address. ." Qin Feng said, "Of course, it is not ruled out that scalpers use multiple computers to buy tickets at the same time. Therefore, I can also lock the MAC address of the router or hub in the local area network where they are located to restrict their reservations."

The MAC address is the network card address of a computer, router, or hub. It is unique and independent in the world and cannot be copied, just like an ID card number.

As long as Qin Feng blocks it and limits the number of reservations,

Then naturally, you can avoid scalpers from making reservations and occupying quotas in a short period of time.

“But what if the scalpers move to another place?”

"This aspect is very simple. If you have an Internet account, everyone who logs in to the Internet account will leave traces. I only need to write software to classify the MAC addresses of these users, and then get the registration information from the network service provider. Internet user information can be distinguished," Qin Feng said.

"Of course, this alone is not enough. We also need the cooperation of the police. I hope that Yingcheng will introduce a special policy to combat scalpers and impose a certain amount of criminal punishment on scalpers. Then, I hope that the police and the hospital will jointly set up a The Office of Combating Cybercrime is specifically designed to combat this kind of scalpers, and at the same time, it also protects the hospital’s network system,” Qin Feng said.

The hospital's network system is naturally still under construction.

But in the future, Qin Feng hopes that everyone can log in to the hospital, check their medical records, and make appointments directly for medical treatment.

In this way, patients can make appointments in advance to see a doctor or even make an appointment for surgery when they are far away.

Moreover, if a patient falls ill in another country and seeks medical treatment elsewhere, he or she only needs to log in to his or her personal medical system to check the patient's past illnesses, making it easier for other hospitals to treat him or her.

There is no need to carry a medical record with you.

Naturally, this requires network protection.

"In this regard, we will introduce a policy to combat scalpers within three days." Zhang Fuyin said.

If this were a previous prefecture-level city, then Zhang Fuyin really wouldn't have much to do. But now that Yingcheng is a Zhili Special Administrative Region, it's different.

He can formulate relevant bills based on the actual situation in Yingcheng.

Qin Feng nodded.

"As for the phone, it's very simple. Just lock the number of people to make an appointment directly. In that way, the scalpers can be greatly restricted from booking tickets. At the same time, a reporting hotline is provided. If there are scalpers who use public phone booths to make reservations, then Reporters will be rewarded. In this way, a phone call reward of 100 yuan will be borne by the scalpers, which is more than the fine." Qin Fengxiao said.

Everyone nodded.

"We need to mobilize the power of the masses." Qin Feng chuckled.

You know, the problem of random parking has never been effectively solved. After all, the number of people in relevant departments is always limited.

But then, how was it solved? Very simple, mobilize the power of the masses.

Open an APP directly, and then you are welcome to report and get rewards.

Anyone who sees others parking illegally can take photos and upload them. As long as the review is passed, you can immediately get a reward of half the penalty.

In this case, the phenomenon of car drivers parking randomly will soon be reduced a lot.

For the relevant departments, not only can the phenomenon of random parking in the city be easily controlled, but it can also generate additional fiscal revenue with almost zero expenditure.

Why not.

The eyes of the masses were sharp.

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