"Hey! Hello Old Tom. Wei Shiqi waited in the car, this is a slum, there are many thieves, if there is no one in the car, the car may be stolen, Wei Heping came to the underground workshop of old Tom.

"You... You are? Old Tom went back to the basement workshop, just lying on the bed, heard someone talking to him, and looked at Wei Heping with drunken eyes, he didn't know this yellow man.

"I want to buy these stones of yours, how much do you want?" Wei Heping didn't care about Old Tom's questioning, and directly said his intention.

"Oh! What do you want? Just take it, don't want money. Although Old Tom was dazed, he was also a little scared when he saw the young man Wei Heping, in case he asked for money, this young man killed himself, and then robbed the money for the stone carving he had just sold, it would be too cost-effective.

"I'm not going to ask for your stones for nothing, I'll give you two hundred dollars, and tell me, where do these stones come from?" Wei Heping took out two hundred dollars and put them on the table in the workshop, and picked up two uncut spirit stones on the ground.

"Lower grade spirit stone!" Wei Heping felt the aura in the stone, and was overjoyed, if he could find the source of the spirit stone, it was estimated that there would be a medium-grade spirit stone there, and the aura in these two spirit stones was close to the concentration of a medium-grade spirit stone.

Old Tom saw that Wei Heping really gave money, and hurriedly said, "I picked up this stone in the northwest mountains. "

Wei Heping has looked at the map of the United States, and knows that the place that Old Tom said belongs to a part of the Appalachian Mountains, and he went to the Appalachian Mountains when he was in the Qi refining period, but at that time, his cultivation was too low, and the distance for his divine sense to check was limited, so he didn't find the spirit stone.

"Okay! Thank you Old Tom and good luck. Wei Heping turned and left the basement, he didn't give Tom any more money, sometimes too much money might not be good for Tom Sr.

Just walked out of the old building, saw the fire flashing next to the car, a smell of meat came, obviously Wei Shiqi was destroying the body, it is estimated that someone saw this luxury car, and wanted to hit the idea of this car, and now it is close to evening, and the people who live here have long been afraid to go out, only some black people who like to commit crimes at night come out to find excitement.

"Let's go!" Wei Heping didn't ask Wei Shiqi, killing people was just a common thing in his opinion, not to mention that Wei Shiqi was not an ordinary person, and she had no pressure to kill people.

The mountain range of Appalachian Mountains is northeast and southwest, with many forests in the mountains and extremely beautiful scenery, and the middle part is low, which is a low hill and shallow valley area.

Heading southwest from Newark to the Tlanton Highway, then past Elizabeth and Peterson, to the northwestern mountains of Appalachian is not a very far, about an hour's drive.

At eight o'clock in the evening, arriving at the foot of the mountain in the northwest, Wei Heping got out of the car, and after letting go of his divine sense, he was overjoyed, "Wife, come quickly!" Got it.

Wei Shiqi raised his hand to put away the car, and the two of them got up and down to a simple road, where there was a pile of quarried rocks, maybe these stones were unusable, or it could be other reasons, this mining site has been abandoned for a long time.

Wei Heping found a few melon spirit stones from this pile of stones, and raised his hand to pick up these spirit stones.

"Dig a small hole first, then plug the hole, and dig a bigger one when you get inside, so that no one will find out." Wei Heping took out a flying sword, cut a hole, and took the lead in getting in, Wei Shiqi then followed, and used the stones dug out by Wei Heping to block the hole, and people outside would not find it if they didn't pay attention to it.

Cutting open a piece of ore, Wei Heping felt the aura in it, it was a low-grade spirit stone, and he was overjoyed, and hurriedly let go of his divine sense to check this ore vein, and found that the upper layer of this small hill was a low-grade spirit stone, and the middle layer was a middle-grade spirit stone, and it was already a high-grade spirit stone at the bottom of several zhang deep.

"Wow! That's a lot of spirit stones! Husband, we're rich, hee-hee! Wei Shiqi's divine sense also checked the veins of this small hill, and when she saw so many spirit stones, she was even more happy and cheered.

Originally, she practiced martial arts, and she was not very sensitive to aura sensing, while martial arts was to refine the body, boil her own muscles and bones, and stimulate the potential in her body.

This is also the case for many martial artists who practice martial arts, who lack qi and blood in their later years, and rely on some precious medicinal materials to maintain their lives, and unless the martial arts break through to the highest realm, they will ascend after reaching the martial arts void.

In addition, the warrior will have the saying of Sangong before he dies, and Sangong is the most painful and tormenting, some people need to suffer for three days and three nights, and some people shorten their bodies after death.

Wei Shiqi already knew the final outcome of cultivating martial arts, but with her ruthless energy, coupled with the influence of her grandfather, she had long put these consequences aside, and only thought that she would become strong in the future and do more things for the country.

Since saving Wei Heping, the two have been in the sinkhole for five years, and during these five years, they have been facing the same person every day, and it is inevitable that they will fall in love for a long time.

Wei Heping was also moved by Wei Shiqi's risking death to save him, if he encountered this situation in the cultivation realm, he would have been swallowed by that Jindan stage demon beast, there would be no monk risking death to save him at all, everyone was cultivating, one less person would have more resources, and the monks were all selfish and self-interested.

"Wife, you dig with a spirit hoe, it's too slow to use a flying sword, and besides, a flying sword is not a tool for this, and it is not as fast as digging with a spirit hoe."

"Okay, I'll try." Wei Shiqi took over a spirit hoe that Wei Heping had just refined, "Bang Bang..."

"This spirit hoe is so useful, huh! I quit! Hum! Wei Shiqi became happier the more she digged, and when she looked back, Wei Heping was standing aside and watching her work, like a mine overseer, almost with a leather whip in her hand.

"Hey, hey! I'm digging! I'm digging! Wei Heping smiled brightly, took out another spirit hoe and dug it up.

"I want to be lazy! I'll sue you when I get back. Wei Shiqi saw Wei Heping start digging the spirit stone, so she picked up the spirit hoe on the ground and continued to dig.

There are not many lower-grade spirit stones in the first layer, there are about tens of thousands, and soon the second-layer medium-grade spirit stones are dug up, and this layer has the most middle-grade spirit stones, about hundreds of thousands.

Wei Heping had never seen so many spirit stones on the earth, and he was very excited about the dozens and hundreds of lower-grade spirit stones he had found before, and now that he saw so many spirit stones, he seemed to have found a small spirit stone mine in the cultivation realm, and he was not surprised.

After the two of them dug continuously for three days, Wei Shiqi first felt that the true yuan in his body was consumed too much, so he put down the spirit hoe and sat down cross-legged to practice the exercises.

Wei Heping is now at the peak of the ninth layer of foundation building, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the Jindan stage, the true yuan in his body is dozens of times thicker than Wei Shiqi, and the true yuan consumption is much less than Wei Shiqi, and he continues to wield the spirit hoe to dig out pieces of spirit stones.

Digging spirit stone mines in the cultivation realm has a special mining slave mining, and these mining slaves are almost all members of the disciples of other sects who have been captured or captured.

Each sect has its own spirit stone vein, guarding the spirit stone vein is the fat difference in the sect, and it is also an opportunity to fill the private pocket, of course, there will be risks, once the spirit stone vein is captured by other sects, it will either be killed, or become a mine slave.

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