As soon as the girl said these words, the atmosphere in the world fell into a terrible stagnation.

Shan Muyu originally only wanted to destroy the arrogance of these newborn calves and teach them a lesson, but now when she heard the girl's words, her face changed, and she narrowed her eyes and asked in a cold voice: "Are you listening?" who said it?"

The man was startled by Shan Muyu's cold face, and he couldn't react for a moment: "What?"

"Who told you that my artist is planning to release a single?"

It's no secret that An Ruixin is going to sing, but whether she will release an album or a single has never been announced to the public.

An Ruixin knows that as a newcomer, she should not show her too much, so apart from her daily work, she keeps a low profile in both her daily dealings with people and her itinerary, so as not to be caught in the dark.

Even when she released a single this time, she just practiced non-stop in the small practice room arranged by Ji Chengyi. She didn't make a reservation for the recording studio this morning until she was almost done practicing.

Otherwise, with her current status, even if she occupies this recording studio for a few days, Ji Chengyi can arrange it all for her.

But now this group of people know everything, everything is clear, but they are still blocking the door.

What they said about releasing an album in a hurry was aimed at An Ruixin herself.

" it important to tell me? Isn't this the truth? Are you still afraid of being told?" As soon as the girl said this, the face of the companion who was stopped behind her changed slightly, and hurriedly pulled her sleeve to tell her not to said.

However, the girl couldn't feel the painstaking efforts of her companion at all. She pulled her hand out and snorted coldly: "It's what it is. What kind of song does an actor sing well? Just release a single and the whole world has to give it to her." Can it be done? Our album is more important, what happened to us? The big names are amazing, they can just open the back door and bully us newcomers.”

"Bullying newcomers?" Shan Muyu was really annoyed by this little girl, "What a big hat? Why are we bullying newcomers? Just because we don't give up this recording studio? Please use your brains before speaking. This recording studio was originally used by us this morning, and you ran over to grab it yourself, so why do you say that we bullied you? Let it go? Who gave it to whom? "

"No, I..." The girl choked, trying to find an excuse to refute, but Shan Muyu didn't intend to give her this chance.

"Not what? Your album is in a hurry, so we have to give it to you? What robber logic? Don't we rush if you are in a hurry? Okay, let me give it to you today, tell me when you will officially record the album, that day I will Also take someone to let you go to the recording studio, shouldn't you also give it to us? If you don't give it to us, you will repay your kindness and bully others."

After all, the girl was young, she was blocked by Shan Muyu's few words, and she blushed and shouted: "You are simply being unreasonable!"

Shan Muyu sneered, and did not separate from her, anyway, everyone present could see who was making the argument.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, the girl gritted her teeth, and angrily glared at An Ruixin who was behind Shan Muyu who had been silent all along.

An Ruixin was also shot while lying down, and the corner of her mouth twitched. Before she could speak, a familiar male voice suddenly interjected, breaking the deadlock between the few people.

"Since you're in such a hurry, and you don't have the strength and confidence, then there's no need for you to release this album."

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