This plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake was originally prepared for Grandpa Ji. Grandpa Ji likes to eat sweets, but his physical condition does not allow him to eat too sweet things.

Most of the pastries sold outside are very sweet, so An Ruixin tried to make some by herself, with less sugar, but the taste was not worse than those sold outside.

Grandpa Ji likes to eat the snacks made by An Ruixin very much, and from time to time he will ask him to make one to satisfy his cravings, just like a child.

However, today, he, an old kid, might give way to this real kid.

The child's eyes lit up when he saw the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and he leaned closer to the plate, his little nose arched like a piggy, so cute.

"This dim delicious!"

"Of course it's fragrant when mixed with sweet-scented osmanthus, but don't eat it all before taking the medicine, or you won't have it." An Ruixin endured it, but in the end she couldn't hold it back, and reached out and pinched the child's nose .

Immediately, he got up and took the child's hand and walked to several bodyguards: "Now, go back with your bodyguards, or your family members will be anxious when they find out that you have disappeared."

This time the child did not resist, and obediently took the leader's hand.

The head of the bodyguard in black cast a grateful look at An Ruixin, and hurriedly led the little ancestor back.

Unexpectedly, after only a few steps, the child broke free from the man's hand and ran back holding the plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake An Ruixin gave him.

"Young master!" The bodyguards were taken aback, thinking that he wanted to run away again, but just as they were about to chase, they saw their young master running to the girl before him and stopped.

An Ruixin was also a little surprised, and asked, "What's wrong?"

As soon as the words fell, the child had already moved over and kissed her on the side of the face.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but An Ruixin always feels that this child has a milky smell, which is faint and nice.

Before An Ruixin recovered from the child's sudden kiss, she heard the child say something in his crisp baby voice: "Sister, I like you, and I will marry you when I grow up." Be a wife."

"Pfft..." An Ruixin couldn't help laughing out loud, and the bodyguards who followed were also confused.

"That's not okay."

The child was unhappy: "Why?"

"you are too young."

The child looked unconvinced: "I will always grow up!"

"But when you grow up, and I grow up too, you still can't marry me as your wife."

The child was tangled up, pondered for a long time, and choked out a sentence: "Then, then I will let my brother marry you as a wife, so that we will be a family."

"You still have a brother?"

"Yeah, my brother is tall and good-looking, my sister will definitely like him."

"Not yet." An Ruixin looked at the child's serious face, but couldn't bear to tease him any longer, so she leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Because my sister is already someone else's wife."

The child was stunned for a moment, like a deflated ball, and said in frustration: "Then there is no other way."

The child's emotions came and went quickly, and soon the child regained his vitality, staring at An Ruixin with bright eyes and said: "But it doesn't matter, I still like my sister. See you next time, sister."

"Well, see you next time."

An Ruixin watched the child and the group of black-clothed bodyguards leave, the smile on her face deepened, and she carried the lunch box and walked to another corridor.

But at this time, she didn't realize that the moment she turned around the corridor, a handsome young man came out of the elevator before her and walked in the direction where the child left.

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