Rebirth In The Last Days

Chapter 1647 Wedding

After the military parade, Lu Yuxiu and the others were busy working on the affairs of a regime in the world.

More than 50 senior politicians of Guojia, large and small, sat together, and it took more than a year for this political negotiation concerning their respective interests and the future development of mankind to be completely finalized.

On September 19, 2047, Blue Star ushered in the unification of the regime.

An alliance composed of all surviving Guojia members in the world was established.

On this day, all the people of Guojia in the world ushered in the first consul after the establishment of the alliance, and also ushered in an epoch-making beginning.

Then, Lu Yuxiu and the others became more and more busy.

In the past, the colleagues around me were all compatriots, but now my colleagues come from various countries and skins.

When there are certain differences in life, work, thinking, and even culture and language, friction is naturally indispensable, and it takes time to slowly adapt.

In this world, the most uncontrollable thing is time.

Ten years of time are fleeting.

Compared with the previous blue stars, the current blue star is the most suitable to describe it with a very different idiom.

This is a prosperous planet that integrates nature and technology.

The ecological environment is good, and science and technology are changing with each passing day.

After this decade of development. The alliance has completely stabilized.

Lu Yuxiu finally had his first long vacation in more than ten years,

Then, he took advantage of this long vacation to make up a century wedding for the beginning of Xia.

The wedding date was set very well, it was the day they met for the first time, September 19, which was also the day the alliance was formed.

Well, this day is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival in Dingguo.

It's a coincidence.

The wedding was very grand, but because it was the day the alliance was established, news of the wedding did not spread.

The place where the wedding is held is not in the State Guest House, nor in a resort at home or abroad, Sacred Land, but in the No. 9 Natural Area with beautiful scenery and a variety of upgraded organisms.

Natural area No. 9 ranks in the top ten in terms of hazard levels among all natural areas in the world.

No one would have the guts to choose a place like this for the wedding.

Xia Chu and Lu Yuxiu had the courage. Although the two of them were busy at work these years, the pace of Ascension's ability has never stopped.

As early as the year before last, they entered the twentieth and nineteenth steps one after another and could easily arouse the energy of heaven and earth, there is no place in this world to stop them.

In addition, there are little tigers who go to this natural area to make friends and vacations every three to five. They are high-rank beasts, and the high-rank plants of the small ink willow trees that welcome the spring. They are highly recommended. Without too much consideration, early Xia and Lu Yuxiu just married like this The location is given.

On the day of the wedding, people from both political and business circles came.

Each has a deep background.

But there are also a group of guests who nobody knows, but these people are all high-rank abilities. The majestic energy coercion, even if deliberately converged, still makes people feel a bit or two.

These people are not others, but a group of capable people whom they met in various Guojia in the beginning of Xia, received their favor, and reconnected with them after the establishment of the alliance.

In addition to people, there are all kinds of high-rank upgraded creatures.

There were guards at the wedding, but because of the presence of these high-rank upgraded creatures, the guards became soy saucers.

The weather on this day was very good, the sky was blue and the wind was warm, and the bright sunshine fell through the luxuriant vegetation branches and leaves, sprinkling bits of gold in the mist.

At ten o'clock, the little tigers, who were in a neat line as their mothers, brought the high-rank beasts and the high-rank plants of Yingchun to the wedding ceremony in early summer in a red wedding dress.

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