Rebirth In The Last Days

Chapter 147: You Can Call Your Mother

Early Xia went straight to the target and made a sound, really scared a group of alien plants, and even Ginkgo was frightened.

If she didn't come to her, Ginkgo could still lie to herself that she was not talking to it.

But this is not the case. Her goal is very accurate, which is herself.

Compared with the surrounding group of plants that have never been seen in the world, it...

It is truly knowledgeable and the first to awaken consciousness.

It is more than two hundred and thirty years old this year, has its own name, Yingchun.

Because when it was born, there was a winter jasmine blooming next to it.

Its mother gave it such a name.

Ginkgo trees are descendants of trees. There are sayings of'born in thirty years and prospering in three hundred years' and'the master planted the tree and the grandson reaped the fruit'.

Its birthplace was in the mountains and forests. When it was three or four years old, when it was a small seedling, a young boy went into the mountains to collect firewood. He was fascinated by its grace when he saw its upright jade tree facing the wind.

He dug it out and took it home and planted it.

It has been with the youth for more than fifty years, watching him grow from a young boy to a young man, marry a wife and have children, grow up to middle age, and then to old age and then die.

And it has grown from a small seedling to a big ginkgo tree.

Later, a real estate agent took a fancy to it and bought it from the offspring of a teenager and planted it here.

However, it doesn't like this place, there are airtight concrete floors everywhere, and the air is not good.

All it wanted to do was to return to the small mountain village with few people and beautiful scenery.

But it is a tree, even if it has been awakened for many years, it can't go home.

But now the opportunity is here.

It bowed its head and looked carefully at the small female human.

I have to say that the female human breath surprised it.

Having lived for so many years, it has seen countless human beings.

But except for the small human cubs, the only female human being has a soft white breath.

Not only humans have their own preferences, but also animals and plants.

This female human breath is the favorite breath of animals and plants, as soft as water, not aggressive.

Old Ginkgo's heart moved, and the old voice trembled slightly, "What do you want to talk about?"

[No matter what to talk about, as long as you promise to take me home, I promise you.jpg]

The golden exploded old tree man was on tiptoe while jumping the little swan and beeping loudly.

The language that Xia Chu was organizing negotiations in his mind was twitched at the corners of his mouth that was impacted by the sudden emoji, sending him home?

This is too difficult.

She doesn’t know where Ginkgo’s home is, and she doesn’t think Ginkgo will know. The most important thing is--

The roots and whiskers of such a large tree must extend in all directions, and the amount of work to be dug out...

Forgive her!


Taking a cup of spring water out, early Xia hesitated and said, "Old gentleman, do you think you need this water?"

As soon as the water was taken out, the ginkgo and the surrounding alien plants were all stunned.

This water...

The water is so fragrant and attractive to plants. Every root, every leaf, every branch including every fiber in the body is clamoring for it!

"For me?!"

[Don’t think that a glass of water can buy me, I won’t agree to be your father.jip]

The golden exploded tree man squinted at the bronze bell with big eyes and a proud face.

[But I can call your mother.jpg]

The golden exploded tree man grinned into a thousand catties fatty.

‘Kang Dang...’

Xia Chu, who had been speechless, dropped the cup in her hand in shock, her mouth open as if she couldn't react to it for a long time.

Ginkgo tree, this brain circuit, this conversation style...

She is really hold.

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