Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 833 The increasingly chaotic situation

h2\u003e There used to be a saying in Hollywood - if there is a scandal, find Pellicano to settle it. Anthony Pelicano also firmly believes that everyone has a dead end, and that is a scandal.

Pelicano was one of the traders who fought Michael Jackson's infamous lawsuit.

In 1993, Michael Jackson was involved in the case of sexually harassing boys. When the plaintiff and the defendant had an inextricable quarrel in court, Pelicano made his debut. He held a box that was enough to prove that the boy’s family tried to abuse Michael Jackson. The private audio tapes for blackmailing were distributed to the media in large quantities to create a public opinion offensive.

In the end, Michael Jackson reached an out-of-court settlement with the plaintiff, and the case was settled.

All this is due to the private detective company run by Anthony Pellicano. In addition, he also has a hot relationship with the paparazzi. The police in Beijing have also become the target of Pellicano's bribes, and he can obtain some star criminal records that have been sealed.

After receiving this entrustment, Anthony Pelicano immediately mobilized all the resources in his hands, and quickly locked on a suitable target. Knowing Hollywood very well, he firmly believed that the two blonde girls who were close to each other would never be as they appeared on the surface. It seems so simple, since it is to make trouble for that big man, then make the trouble bigger.

In the past, he cooperated with News Corporation's media to do too many shady things in Hollywood and even the United States, and now he can only continue to stand with News Corporation.

Not only News Corp. is in action, Ryan will also not stand still.

George met with García Rodriguez in a coffee shop, and Ryan's research and consulting firm hit full steam ahead.

Nicole left Heathrow Airport, took the royal Rolls-Royce directly, and rushed to Windsor Castle, where the royal family was on vacation. In addition to Prince William, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip received her. Soon after The current prime minister, Gordon Brown, who has a bad relationship with News Corporation, and the home secretary left No. 10 Downing Street and hurried to Windsor Castle.

At the same time, Taylor walked into the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. As usual, he dismissed the bodyguards and assistants around him, took the elevator up to the tenth floor, and expertly found the reserved room. After lightly knocking on the door, Another blond woman who was half a head shorter than her opened the door and pulled her in. Before the door was completely closed, the two embraced tightly.

The door on the opposite side was opened with a barely detectable gap, and a person repeatedly pressed the pinhole camera, then put on his formal clothes with satisfaction, and left the Hilton Hotel.

In the luxurious suite, the two blond girls lay flat on the thick carpet, their short breathing gradually regained their composure.


Scarlett Johansson raised her body,

Staring at Tyler closely, "Where's your usual courage?"


Taylor sat up, taking advantage of his height, and suppressed Scarlett with his eyes, "I said, give me time, I will handle it well!"

"Time?" Scarlett looked dissatisfied, "I've been waiting for several years, and you always said it takes time."

"But this kind of thing really takes time..." Taylor said weakly.

"Let's be honest, Alison." Scarlett also sat up, crossed her arms and looked at Taylor, "What are you afraid of?"

"Don't tell me that you are afraid of fans abandoning you, afraid of the public opinion environment."

Seeing that Taylor seemed to be trying to argue, Scarlett said again, "I've known you since you were a kid, and I understand you."

"I..." Taylor rarely showed weakness.

"Your parents, your family?"

Seeing that Taylor was silent, Scarlett was also silent for a while, and then said, "It's more about Ryan and Nicole, right?"

"Many of their friends are like us." Scarlett reminded again.

"No, Scarlett, you don't understand." Taylor finally broke the silence, she shook her head, "That's a friend, not a sister. You know, Scarlett, from the age of seven, more time, it is Nicole and Ryan are taking care of me, they pour a lot of love and hope into me, and I..."

She lowered her head, "I don't want to disappoint them."

"Okay, that's it for now."

Scarlett sighed softly, and slowly hugged the tall girl in front of her.


Throughout the past few decades in Hollywood, there has never been a year before the Oscars that is as lively as it is now.

"Disney is under antitrust investigation and may be split up..."

"George Lucas retired..."

"Walt Disney and News Corp. battle fiercely for Lucasfilm..."

These news completely overwhelmed the limelight of the 82nd Academy Awards in the media.

If these are normal commercial competitions, then the gossip news published by News Corporation's "New York Post" has caused the entire American public to fall into a frenzy.

The "New York Post" exposed one of the biggest scandals of the year on the front page.

Although some of the photos published in the newspaper were somewhat blurred, the faces of the two girls hugging and kissing could still be easily recognized.

This is what amazed the public the most. Scarlett Johansson, the leading actress of the new generation, and Taylor Swift, the princess of Disney... came out!

Both of them have countless fans in the United States, and there are countless abusers or critics among them.

If it is not surprising that more and more Hollywood stars come out publicly, then the news that the "New York Post" throws out next is even more explosive.

This is also a picture, the background is the studio of "The Avengers", the protagonist is Nicole Kidman and the little girl she is holding, although the eyes of the little girl are blocked, but she and Nicole With an intimate look, even an idiot can guess something.

What's more, there are news from insiders below.

"A cute little girl ran in from outside the studio, called Dad to Ryan, and called Mommy to Miss Kidman, all of us were shocked, no one thought of such a cute little guy, It turned out to be an illegitimate daughter... Her parents are too irresponsible..."

Although some of the words were spoken by so-called insiders, one can imagine the intentions of the New York Post. They obviously wanted to use this to guide public opinion.

The fact is also as expected by the "New York Post". Except for the media owned by Disney and the media directly influenced by Ryan, the North American media suddenly set off a wave of criticism of Ryan Jenkins and the people around him overnight. upsurge.

"In the past, Ryan was always admired by the whole United States. Now it seems that his behavior is no different from other Hollywood stars..."

"Scandal surrounds Ryan Jenkins and Disney takes another hit in the stock market."

"Ryan and the people around him have been hiding in the mist, and now it seems that there are too many secrets that cannot be revealed."

"Sandy Jenkins is so poor, so beautiful and lovely, but has a pair of irresponsible parents."

"It is recommended that the child protection department intervene in the investigation..."

In just a few days, Ryan and the entire community of interests surrounding him were caught in the vortex of public opinion.

It seemed that the whole world had abandoned them.


As soon as she got off the plane, Pai Kingsley rushed to Malibu, and after entering the hall, she immediately asked, "Why don't the Disney media fight back?"

"The quarrel will only make the public opinion noisier."

Looking at Sandy who was sitting on the side playing with Barbie dolls, Ryan said calmly, "The goal of the PR team is still the Oscars, there is no need to get distracted. Pat, we all know that there are people behind this matter who are instigating support, As long as the man behind the scenes is removed, these voices will disappear quickly."

"Then what should we do?" Pai Kingsley sat on the single sofa.

"Wait." Ryan said unhurriedly, "Wait for the right time."

"I hope it won't be too long."

Hearing what Ryan said, Jinsili instantly relaxed, "The longer you wait, the more trouble you will have in the future."

If the opponent was not News Corporation, but Time Warner or Viacom, Ryan would have started to fight back. The current strength of these two companies would not be the opponent of Walt Disney, and News Corporation would be more troublesome.

Of course, it was precisely because the opponent was News Corporation that Ryan didn't care about the current situation of being passively beaten. Instead, he laid out his plans calmly, so that he could bite off more meat from News Corporation when he counterattacked in the future.

Winning first is not called winning. Whoever has the last laugh is the real winner.

Regardless of the fact that other media groups in North America seem to be helping News Corporation, if Walt Disney gains the upper hand, these people will not hesitate to abandon Rupert Murdoch and join Disney's camp so that they can get a share soup.


Sandy moved closer to his face, "Are those bad guys pissing you off again?"

Picking up his daughter, Ryan kissed her forehead, bursts of anger welling up in his calm heart.

In this country that advocates free competition, it is not surprising that business competition uses any means, but Rupert Murdoch should not drag Taylor and Sandy into the water, these are his sister and daughter!

Those who hurt them must pay the price!

"What's the matter with you, Dad?"

Suddenly, Sandy pulled Larien's clothes, "When I grow up, I'll fight those bad guys."

The little guy came over and kissed Ryan, "I like Dad."

"Daddy likes Sunny too." Ryan gently pinched the small nose in front of him, then turned to look at Kingsley, "Pat, where is Taylor hiding? I won't even answer the phone .”

"In North Hollywood, Scarlett's home." Kingsley seemed a little helpless, "I got off the plane with Nicole, and I rushed directly to Malibu, and she went to North Hollywood..."

Frowning slightly, Ryan held Sandy and stood up, "Honey, shall we go and see Taylor?"

"Okay." The little guy nodded immediately, "I haven't seen my sister for a long time." r1152


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