Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 714 Treat your career as seriously as you treat your life

Regarding the first-stage cosmic plan of Amazement, except for some comments, most of the content is that Amazion's own team is in charge of adjustment and follow-up. It gave him the feeling that Steve Rogers and Natasha Normanoff were going to be together.

Since the release of "Captain America", this kind of voice has been very strong on the Internet. It seems that two 10-year-old grandfather and grandma-level handsome men and beauties are in love, which makes fans impulsive.

Inside Walt Disney, Ryan has always advocated business first for various production companies. It is difficult to say whether Surprise will make a pair of these two people because of the strong appeal of fans. After all, superhero movies first focus on the market. Sound, conforming to the market is also a necessary trend.

Having said that, according to the setting of this universe in this world, the age of the two of them is monster level, and it is really difficult to find someone to match them.

I still remember the famous saying of Black Widow - dating is a child's game - I wonder if surprise will be added.

The films currently launched by Marvel Studios have performed well in general. Even the "Hulk", which has a global box office of only 400 million US dollars, is close to recovering the cost through various post-production rights, while the "X-Men" series and "Captain America" ​​are the first In one episode, the cost can basically be recovered through the box office, and the later derivatives are almost all profitable.

This situation also makes the surprise side full of confidence. In addition to the key "Iron Man" series, "Thor" has also been put on the agenda by them. The script has been written and is in the final revision stage. Now the director and main actors are being selected. candidate.

According to Marvel's internal plan, the first "Avengers" will definitely be launched before 2010.

In addition, Marvel is also preparing a separate "Wolverine" series, and has already started negotiations with Hugh Jackman. The new "X-Men" series has also been included in their agenda, which will tell the story between Magneto, Professor X and Mystique from a new perspective.

As long as they are profitable, these superhero movies will continue to appear on the big screen.

Comics and toy movies are definitely the commercial movies that will occupy a significant market share in the next ten years. As far as Ryan knows, after the success of "Wonder Woman", comics are also planning to plan a Justice League series.

this summer. Warner Bros. and Comic-Con's "Superman Returns" will also be released, and the film is so powerful that its production cost per film is as high as 270 million US dollars, which is the most expensive film ever made.

In fact, at the top of Hollywood, some news is not a secret at all, Time Warner has raised a total of $350 million in up-front funding for the film,

But $50 million was lost on the bumpy road of changing scripts, directors, and actors, even though Brian Singer only spent $270 million to complete all the production. But counting the marketing expenses that must be invested, "Superman Returns" is definitely the most expensive movie ever made.

The original comic book movie was a monopoly, and after the rapid rise of Marvel and continuous success, Time Warner naturally wanted to share delicious cakes from the market. He has invested huge sums of money for this.

Especially the success of "Wonder Woman", let them understand that the comic hero is not outdated.

How much was the box office of "Superman Returns" in the previous life?

Sitting on the plane to the Hawaiian Islands, Ryan was still reminiscing about the film's memory in his head, which the North American box office could not remember. Vaguely remember that the global box office was less than $400 million...

If the box office is still so miserable, how long does it take Warner to recoup its costs? Ten years or twenty years?

Light footsteps sounded. Ryan turned his head and saw that Tyler walked into the front cabin of the plane with a big Winnie the Pooh, sat opposite him, and yawned a little.

"Why did you wake up so soon?"

Ryan waved to the bar, and immediately a flight attendant brought two cups of coffee. Tyler took a sip and said, "I've been flying around in planes recently, and it's hard to fall asleep."


Seeing the girl's cheeks about to lose the last bit of baby fat, Ryan felt a little distressed, "Honey, you can reduce some announcements."

"I understand that even if I do nothing, I can live happily without any complaints."

Putting down the coffee cup, Tyler grabbed his platinum curls tied into a ponytail and said, "But this is my business, remember you told me years ago that you should take your business as seriously as you take your life. effort."

"Darling, you have really grown up." Ryan wanted to reach out and rub her head habitually, but he took it back immediately, "We are all proud of you."

"Why don't you build an airport on Lanai?"

The plane was about to land, Taylor fastened his seat belt, leaned to the porthole, looked at the gradually enlarged scene below, and said, "It's too troublesome to change the helicopter every time I come over."

"It's not that easy to build an airport." Ryan also fastened his seat belt. "It's just a change of helicopters, which takes more than ten minutes."

The Boeing plane landed at the Hawaii International Airport on Oahu, and Ryan and his party changed to a helicopter and flew directly to Lanai, which is not too far away.

It is now the peak tourist season in Hawaii. You can see yachts and ferries coming and going over the sea. After Ryan bought Lanai Island, he invested hundreds of millions of dollars to improve some infrastructure, and the tourism environment has been greatly improved. , especially several natural tropical rainforests and golf clubs built by the sea, attracting more and more tourists.

In addition, the island is also expanding a Jurassic Park, one of the most well-known aspects of the island is the location of the "Jurassic Park" movie.

Lanai has also formed its own tourism industry. Although the annual output is barely enough to cover expenses, the more than 2,000 residents of the island are the most direct beneficiaries, and tourism can bring them enough income.

Of course, in addition to tourism, there are pineapple farms, and Lanai is one of the largest pineapple producers in the world.

It was in the pineapple garden that Ryan and Tyler found Nicole after the helicopter landed.

"Can I touch it?"

After saying hello, the three walked into the wooden house on the side of the pineapple garden. Tyler looked at Nicole's bulging belly mischievously, and dangled on the chair, "Is this a boy or a girl?"

"do not know yet."

After Elsa put the cushion on, Nicole sat on the back chair with Ryan's support, "Honey, do you want an extra brother, or a sister?"

"I'm Auntie!" Tyler clenched his fists, waved it hard, and emphasized, "Nicole, I'm Auntie!"

"Then you can be an aunt."

After taking a fresh pineapple, Ryan put it directly to Tyler, "The peeling is up to you."

"Alright alright."

Taylor just picked up the knife, and Elsa has already walked over and took the pineapple from her hand, "I'll do it."

"Elsa." Taylor pouted slightly, "My technique has improved."

"Have you forgotten?" Nicole's housekeeper raised a finger and gestured, "When you came last month, you cut both your own and Lily's fingers."

"Ah, what about that kid Lily Mo Xin?" Tyler seemed to remember something, "She should still be on the island, right?"

"She's in class." It was Nicole who spoke, and she kept holding Ryan's hand next to her. "There's still about half an hour before get out of class ends."

"Kate has thought about it?" Ryan pulled Nicole's blond hair behind his head, "Is she sure she wants Lily to be an actress?"

"Lily's talent is good." Nicole nodded lightly, "She also has a high enough starting point and has advantages that most people don't have."

Ryan also understands Nicole's words. In the future, just being his and Nicole's goddaughter will be enough to crush most of the actors of the same period.

Besides, quite a few descendants of Hollywood celebrities will follow the same or similar path as their parents, which is actually quite common in every industry in North America.

And Lily Mo Xin has already made cameo appearances in many Disney films or dramas. As long as she is sixteen to twenty-five years old, there is no situation similar to Lindsay Lohan, even if she can't walk. It is not very difficult to become a well-known actor in the position of the first-line movie star.

Later, Nicole talked about some basic situations of Lily Mo Xin, the goddaughter.

Like the tomboy of the Taylor and Stewart family, she began to receive home education after Kate Beckinsale filed with the relevant agencies. In addition to the daily cultural class time, she also has a half-hour acting class.

Kate Beckinsale is a smart woman. She knows that she can't make a difference in acting in her life. Naturally, she doesn't want her daughter to become a pure vase like her in the future.

After tasting the pineapples from Fan's own pineapple orchard, a few people left the wooden house and walked towards the manor. The road was not too far. Nicole didn't want to take the battery car. Ryan and Tyler accompanied her, shuttled through the palm trees. Surrounded by stone paths.

"The air here is good and the scenery is beautiful."

Looking at the faintly visible sea and villa in the distance, Taylor seemed to be quite emotional, "I really want to rest here for a month."

"By May." Nicole patted her on the back dotingly, "Just stay with me here."

"Is the due date in May?" Taylor seemed to know a lot.

"Late May," Ryan replied.

"That's good." Taylor hugged Nicole's arm affectionately. "Anyway, the new record will be released in the second half of the year. In May, I will move in and live here with you."

"At that time, we will make Lanai a restricted area." She rolled her sapphire blue eyes, "No one else, including Ryan, can enter." (To be continued..) ()

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