Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 456 Am I Not Your Girlfriend?

"Hello everyone, this is Fox's tour of the United States. Today we are in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. This is one of the most luxurious residential areas in the world, attracting countless rich and famous people to buy real estate here."

In the TV screen, a young and beautiful hostess said to the camera, and behind her was a small park outside Beverly Hills, "As we all know, because of its close proximity to Hollywood, many stars choose to stay in Beverly Hills. Settled, including Drew Barrymore, Sean Penn, Brad Pitt and others..."

"Oh, God." The hostess let out a small exclamation, and then said excitedly, "We got the latest news, Ryan Jenkins himself is resting in the park behind, and can see this guy outside. There are not many chances to become a superstar, don't worry, this is definitely a chance encounter!"

With the shaking of the camera, two young people sitting on a bench and eating hamburgers quickly appeared in the picture. Although one of them was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, he was obviously the one rarely seen on the street. famous movie star.

There are not only these two people around, but more than a dozen reporters are blocking the vicinity. If they hadn't been stopped, they would have swarmed up...

The female reporter then interviewed a few passers-by and inquired about other colleagues, and continued, "According to people on the scene, Ryan came here on foot from Jenkins Manor and met a supporter..."

Going to the park to eat burgers with your fans? You are so boring.

Staring at the very familiar figures on the TV and the flashes that occasionally flashed around, Charlize Theron suddenly took the remote control, turned off the TV, quickly changed his shoes, and went directly to the garage.

Received a call from an assistant. She just turned on the TV, but she didn't expect to see this scene.

What happened between him and the two women during this period of time is unknown to Charlize. But just like when he decided to pursue him in the first place. Now that she has made a choice, she will unswervingly implement it.

If those two women fell out with him. She is naturally happy to see it happen. If she hasn't completely fallen out, why don't she add a fire and be another fuse?

Even if Nicole Kidman has a very unusual relationship with him. Then you can use other means in the future.

After all, you have to fight for what belongs to yourself!

With this thought in mind, the red sports car rushed out of Santa Monica and galloped towards Beverly Hills.

After discussing with Ryan's bodyguard,

After seeing that he did not intend to be interviewed, the people from Fox TV quickly left, and the other entertainment reporters stayed around unwillingly, pressing the shutter of the camera from time to time. Looking forward to getting some sensational news.

According to their ideas, if the two people sitting on the bench can show some affection, it would be best, then the whole country will be detonated, right?

Although knowingly treat Ryan's news coverage with caution. But these reporters can't help but think, how can they write about today's events to attract more attention and bring more benefits to themselves?

"Thank you for lunch, Ryan, I think I should say goodbye." Gene looked at his watch and stood up.

"Well, if you need help with anything, just go to Pat." Ryan was naturally speaking of the fan organization he represented.

Looking at the vaguely visible reporters around, Ryan packed up the paper bag of garbage on the bench and was about to leave when the faint roar of the motor suddenly reached his ears. (Pingnan Literature Network)

Although he is a complete layman on cars, Ryan can also guess that there must be a high-powered sports car on the road in front of the small park.

This is Beverly Hills, and it's no surprise that luxury sports cars are almost everywhere.

It's just that when Ryan saw the tall figure getting closer and closer, the corners of his mouth couldn't help shaking, wouldn't it be another one running over to quarrel?

Even if it was self-inflicted, he would not be able to bear it even with his cheekiness to stage such dramas one after another in one day.

Los Angeles in July is the hottest time, wearing shorts, t-shirts, sneakers and South African diamonds with short ponytails, they are as friendly as the girl next door.

"Hi Charlie."

Ryan took the initiative to greet him, Charlize smiled at him, walked to the side naturally, and put his hand in his arm.

It's not a red carpet, it's not a public event, what does it mean for a young man and a woman to do this in private?

The paparazzi and reporters scattered around were as excited as flies that smelled blood. The shutter button was pressed, and countless films were instantly killed.

"Charlie..." Ryan frowned slightly, but before he finished speaking, Charlize asked back, "Am I not your girlfriend?"

This sentence is not too loud, nor is it too low, enough to spread out a dozen or twenty feet...

girlfriend? The reporter seemed to have heard the news of the outbreak of the Third World War, and was full of surprise and excitement.


Ryan turned to look at Charlize Theron, who was also staring at the South African Diamond.

I have lost two of them temporarily, don't even dare to admit the last one? Do you want to push her away from him?

Things have gotten to where they are now, how bad could it be? I was scruples over here and over there, didn't it turn into a mess in the end? For a long time, have you set yourself too many emotional constraints?

Doing whatever you want is not an option. (Pingnan Literature Network)

In the blink of an eye, Ryan made a decision, and his arm gently broke free of the hand. Before the disappointment in Charlize's eyes showed, he felt that his hand was completely wrapped by a large slender hand, and the corners of his mouth Immediately hung up a sweet smile from the heart.

She has waited too long for this moment!

In the bright eyes, the light that belongs to the winner flashed, Charlize quickly turned his wrist, and the two hands he held immediately became interlocked.

What this gesture means is all too clear to entertainment journalists wandering around Hollywood, who have finally waited for the long-awaited big news!

This... this can almost be a sensation in the United States! Shock the whole world!

"Let's go."

Hearing Charlize's words, Ryan nodded, "Go to Santa Monica."

The two have not yet walked out of this small park. They were blocked by reporters. If it wasn't for the bodyguards to intercept them, these guys might be able to pounce on them.

In the face of such a sensational event, how could they let it go?

"Excuse me, are you dating?" The reporter's camera focused on the two interlocking hands.

"Ryan. How long have you been dating?"

"How far has your relationship developed..."

A mess of questions. At this time, they all jumped out, and the categories were even more varied. Did these guys almost ask if they had sex? How many times has it been?

Charlize remained silent, but even a fool could see the happiness on her face, she was a smart person and knew that there was a smarter person around her. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to say anything more.

Besides, isn't these two hands with ten fingers clasped together the best proof?

"Ryan, are you dating?"

After another commotion, Ryan just raised his clasped hands and didn't answer.

Called going to Santa Monica. It was just the smoke bomb released by Ryan, who changed the bodyguard's car in the middle, got rid of the reporters who were chasing after him, and directly entered the highway leading to Long Beach.

His house in Long Beach. Only Charlize has been here. This relatively hidden location is undoubtedly a good place to avoid the media's attention.

Although he will not be arrogant, Ryan never underestimates himself, and knows what kind of sensational effect his relationship with Charlize will cause when he is stabbed by the media.

The two of them didn't talk much along the way. After entering the villa, after Charlize made the black tea, the two came to the terrace on the top floor again, blowing the cool sea breeze and admiring the luxury yachts passing in and out of the distant port.

"Many people like to put milk and sugar in their tea, but it's easy to lose the bitter taste of the tea." Ryan is not a fool, not saying something doesn't mean he doesn't understand, "Charlie, if you want to ask something, Just ask."

"You..." Charlize hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't hold back. There are a few women who can hold back in this regard, "How are you and them?"

"Do you know why I'm in that park?" Ryan didn't answer directly, "Because I was kicked out of Jenkins Manor."

Don't think about the name, Charlize also knows that there is only one person in the world who can drive Ryan out of there.

However, it's better for you this way, isn't it?

"Sorry, Charlie." Ryan sighed, no matter what kind of thoughts Charlize Theron had, she was always sincere to herself, "If you..."

"Ryan, let him go in the past."

When to enter, when to retreat, when to fight fiercely, and when to choose tolerance, Charlize has always known where the degrees are.

If you want to beat other competitors, you want to use this relationship to climb to the peak of your career, and you want to get the same return for the relationship you put in, it is not as simple as talking about it and thinking about it in your head.

"If... you can't let them go, I can go talk to them."

She seems to always think about things from a corner that is beneficial to Ryan as always, but her twinkling eyes can't be ignored, "Remember what I said to you in New Zealand, I really don't mind."

"No need." Ryan shook his head.

He is not a three-year-old child, how can a woman's words be taken seriously? If these three women got together now, even God can't guess what would happen.

Charlize seemed to want to prove it with words and actions, she leaned over and breathed softly, "Would you like me to invite them over..."

Saying that, he leaned into Ryan's ear and whispered a few words.

Even with Ryan's thick nerves, his face was covered with black lines, "Charlie!"

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say it." Charlize stood up and moved her curvaceous body and walked downstairs, "I'm going down to take a bath, won't we, dear?"

"I'll be here waiting for you." Ryan's mood was complicated, and he obviously had no extra thoughts.

After turning down the stairs, Charlize bit her lip lightly, and she was already standing in the position of absolute initiative... ()

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