Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 42 Sleepless in Seattle

Which schedule should a romantic and warm love movie choose? It's definitely Valentine's Day! "Sleepless in Seattle" premiered on the night of February 13.

Ryan still appeared on the red carpet with Nicole, although he was only participating in the premiere of the film for the second time, but today is different from the past. his own fans.

Especially Ryan's role in "Home Alone" won him the love of countless teenagers. On both sides of the red carpet, there were a large number of young men and women holding up the posters of Home Alone. Imagine screaming.

"Ryan, it looks like you're far more popular than me." Nicole joked.

"That's because there are not only movie fans, but also a lot of book fans." He had already seen that those fans were not only holding posters, but also books, which seemed to be "Jurassic Park" and two books. Ben Harry Potter.

"Ryan~" the screams got louder and louder.

"Come on, don't let them down." Nicole patted him lightly.

Ryan walked over, took a small fountain pen from his dress pocket, took a copy of Jurassic Park, signed his name on the title page, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your support."

"Ryan, will the third episode of Harry Potter really be published in March?" a girl asked when handing over the autograph book.

"Yes, if there is no accident, it should be around March 10." Ryan asked, "What's your name?"


"Well, Jenny, may your smile always be bright." He wrote a congratulations behind the signature.

This is the premiere of the movie, Ryan can't wait too long. After signing about ten or so, he pointed to Nicole who was walking slowly, and said, "Sorry, I can only get here today, Nicole. waiting for me."

Satisfied to hear him confirm the release of the third Harry Potter episode, Ryan took a few quick steps and caught up with Nicole amid another scream.

"Wow, his handwriting is so beautiful." A girl sighed.

"People are more handsome than before."

"I heard that he is studying at St. John's Elementary School. How about we turn around?"

The premieres of all the movies are similar. They took a routine photo with the crew and answered a few innocuous questions. Ryan walked into the theater. Out of confidence in Ryan, Miramax invited a lot of people this time.

Greeting a few acquaintances in the set, he exchanged some ideas with Harvey Weinstein, and even though most people at the preview thought it was a good movie, Mr. Fatty was sober and understood. Movies can't be as high as The Sixth Sense.

"With an investment of 20 million US dollars, we estimate that the North American box office will exceed 100 million." Harvey Weinstein said, and then looked at the boy who was not as tall as his own shoulders, "Ryan, do you have any new ideas?"

"Come on, Harvey, do you think I'm an idea vending machine?" Ryan glared at him angrily. You know, when this guy was promoting, he played the banner of Ryan Jenkins' first love work early on. , many reporters are asking him if he has a girlfriend.

This is a really weird question! It was his only thought at the time, okay! He admits that, in some respects, he still doesn't quite fit in with Western thinking.

After the people around him dispersed, Harvey Weinstein grabbed him and asked in a low voice, "There is news from the crew of "Terminator 2", it is said that you are using your spare time to create another script. "

"That's what happened." Ryan continued without waiting for him to speak. "The script is for James Cameron. Are you sure you want to invest in his film?"

Fatty was stunned on the spot, but he knew that the investment in "Terminator 2" had exceeded 100 million US dollars. It is said that Cameron is still asking the producer for additional investment, and now everyone sees him and has a headache.

"The script has actually been written almost, and James estimates that the investment is likely to exceed "Terminator 2"!" Ryan's words completely dispelled Weinstein's idea. Even if he wins the script, I am afraid it will still be a big deal to change the director. Investment, Miramax can't afford it now.

After getting rid of Harvey Weinstein, Ryan returned to Nicole's side. When he saw the person Nicole warmly introduced to him, he bowed slightly, "Miss Foster, it's nice to meet you."

"You can call me Judy, Ryan, I'm friends with Nicole, don't be so polite." The boy scratched his head a little, Judy Foster and Nicole Kidman will become friends, which one is this? Shouldn't...

Shaking his head, he threw those unreliable ideas out of the sky. Ryan had seen a lot of her information in his previous life and knew that she should have a regular same-sex partner.

She can be said to be the most successful child actress in transition, but she still encountered big problems during the transition period. When the crazy fan John Hinckley failed to pursue her, in order to attract her attention, he went to assassinate the then federal president Ronald Reagan , although the old Reagan was lucky and only lay in bed for six months, but Jodie Foster had to temporarily retire for this.

its not right? Ryan suddenly remembered another thing. In his previous life, he had watched "The Silence of the Lambs" at least ten times. He remembered it very clearly. This film should have premiered the day before Valentine's Day, which is today. Why did Jodie Foster, the heroine, come here?

"In fact, 'Silence of the Lambs' was originally scheduled to premiere today, but the producers felt that the atmosphere of the film was too different from Valentine's Day and delayed it for a while." When Ryan asked, Judy Fu Sturt replied.

"It turns out that it is." Ryan nodded, that movie is really not suitable for Valentine's Day viewing, the young couple went to see the cannibal professor, it was really weird.

"Nicole, take Ryan to my place when you have time."

Before entering the theater, Jodie Foster sent an invitation.

Frankly speaking, the plot of this movie is very cliché, and the plots are basically used by Hollywood, but it is undeniable that this kind of online love-style radio love is very creative in this era, not to mention, whether it is Tom Hank , or Nicole? Kidman will be the role of each interpretation of the characteristics.

In particular, the plot of the Empire State Building touched many people. At the end of the movie, some people had tears in their eyes.

After the warm applause, Ryan deliberately walked in front of the future American good man, "Mr. Hanks, your performance is very wonderful, if you and Nicole are not included in this movie, it will be a disaster."

"Thank you. Ryan, you can call me Tommy." Obviously, Tom Hanks is very good at being a man. "When I was on the set, I often heard Nicole talk about you. Sometimes it's hard for me to imagine such a love theme. The script of the book was actually written by a child. I later found all your works and read them. To be honest, Ryan, you are really a genius."

"Thank you, Tommy." The boy laughed too, and everyone likes to hear good things.

He just provided the script for the movie, and he didn't even go to the press conference after the premiere. He hid in the car early, and waited for nearly an hour before Nicole came over.

"What happened? You look tired?" he asked Nicole, who got into the car.

"What else can you do, if you don't go, those people will fire at me." Nicole rubbed her forehead with a helpless smile on her face, "They are all asking, what made you write such a story? Touching love story, and asked me if you had a girlfriend at school, oh god!"

Nicole suddenly covered her forehead, her mood seemed to fluctuate a little, but then she recovered, "There are reporters counting your works last year, two scripts, one unpublished Harry Potter..."

"Did you describe me as a monster again? Or did you support an entire creative team for me?"

"Do you think that with the income of the two of us, we can support such a creative team? Can we let them contribute silently, and don't mind standing in the background all their lives?" Nicole laughed and shook Ryan's hand, "You How excellent, no one knows better than me!"

There is no doubt that this is a very suitable movie to watch on Valentine's Day. The content is warm and touching, and it has naturally become the first choice for couples to watch movies.

This is not the hot summer and Christmas season. First, there are no strong competitors. Second, it can win more theaters for the movie. After the first week, there were more than 2,000 theaters, and the film received a box office of 27.14 million US dollars. , and as more Christmas movies go offline, the follow-up theater chain will increase. If this momentum continues, it seems that it is a foregone conclusion that the North American box office will exceed 100 million.

Ryan doesn't care about these things. He has to go back to the crew. If he is late, I believe James Cameron will definitely make him NG hundreds of times in one shot. He doesn't want to touch the bad luck of the tyrant on the set.

Of course, just because he doesn't care doesn't mean the media will let him go. Many newspapers and magazines have taken him out to speak out, and even took stock of last year's works for him.

In particular, Miramax took this opportunity to start the hype again.

"So far, Ryan Jenkins has three scripts that have been put on the big screen. Except for "The Sixth Sense" which was written in 1989, "Home Alone" and "Sleepless in Seattle" were written last year. , A few days ago, we learned from people familiar with Miramax that the latter two scripts were created by Ryan in two months. Of course, "Home Alone" is an adaptation, but even so, he The efficiency is also terrifying, I wonder how those screenwriters who can't find inspiration for a script for months will feel?"

"What insider! It's obviously Harvey Weinstein!" This is Ryan's evaluation after reading it, "If the big fat man continues to hype, one day I will become a head with two horns and wings on my back. monster!"

In fact, he is very clear that his creative speed is slightly faster than his age. However, 90% of the things he writes, basically do not need to be conceived. As for inspiration? His outstanding artistic talent allows him to capture every detail of life and creation.

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