Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 203 The Actor's Partner

As early as after the filming of "Schindler's List", Steven Spielberg made up his mind to create his own film company, and soon found a partner. He worked with David Geffen and Jerefer. ? Katzenberg co-founded DreamWorks with ambitions to make it Hollywood's new brightest.

DreamWorks is completely different from Jenkins Films. The latter started out as an account-sharing partnership, and its future development is still an account-sharing partnership. Ryan has no idea of ​​breaking the monopoly of the seven major film companies, while the former has been aiming at the position of Hollywood giants since the day it was founded. And go.

More than a year after its establishment, DreamWorks is not in a hurry to start its own production plan. The Big Three are the best of the best and understand the importance of laying a solid foundation.

In the second half of 1995, Steven Spielberg received a package from Australia, signed Ryan Jenkins, the super genius who disappeared from public view for a long time.

The contents of the package are not complicated, a book, a script, and a stack of setting drawings.

After watching it, Spielberg pondered for a while, then stranded "Broken Rage", which had not yet started preparations, and changed DreamWorks' first movie to "Cat and Mouse Game".

DreamWorks needed a big hit, whether it was the one-time bestseller or the Ryan Jenkins script that was so to his liking, and the advice in it was very pertinent, albeit split with Jenkins. Cooperation, but Spielberg still chose the film, after contacting Tom Hanks, began busy preparatory work.

"Ryan, I noticed this book a long time ago. I didn't expect you to start it earlier." Spielberg looked at the young man in front of him. He was much taller than himself, an ignorant teenager when he first met him. Growing up, "Tell me the truth, Ryan, have you already planned this role?"

"Stephen, you are still so wise." Ryan complimented him playfully. "you can say it this way."

This is the old Ontario Airport in California. After some makeover, it has become Miami International Airport from the outside, and the crew of "Cat and Mouse" will officially start filming here.

"Excuse me, did I miss something?"

Outside the lounge, a sincere voice sounded, and Tom Hanks walked in, "Hi, Ryan, it's really been a long time."

"Tommy. Your weight gain is very successful." Ryan hugged him gently.

Tom Hanks has changed a lot. Much fatter than Forrest Gump's shape. If it weren't for the iconic steamed bun face, he could be regarded as a fat middle-aged uncle.

"I remember someone saying that when you're lower in IQ, you should surpass him in terms of weight." The three said hello. Tom Hanks sat down, "If you want to capture a genius, you must pay a price."

The three people laughed at the same time, and they will form the core lineup of the film.

"Ryan, I have always owed you a thank you, without the Forrest Gump you recommended..." Tom Hanks said very solemnly, "there would be no golden man for my second best actor."

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

The Oscars in 1995 were the same as before, and his "Forrest Gump" swept the awards ceremony. "The Shawshank Redemption" once again became a tragedy, Tom Hanks won the second best actor.

Of course, if there is no accident or a very groundbreaking performance, the best actor Oscar has since been insulated from Tom Hanks.

"Okay, gentlemen. You should get your makeup done," Spielberg urged, looking at the time.

After changing into a neat Pan Am pilot uniform, Ryan walked out of the temporarily rented old airport. He could vaguely see the periphery of the shooting venue, where a lot of reporters gathered, and occasionally the flash was on.

Classic cars of the 1960s of various styles filled the wide road in front of the airport, and the background extras and road signs were also replaced with costumes that fit the era. A wet piece.

"Ryan, many people will envy you."

The director of photography was Jaminz Kaminsky, an important member of Spielberg's team, who came over to make fun of Ryan.

"Actually, I am more envious of Mr. Frank Arbagonell."

Looking at the fashionable beauties dressed up by the flight attendants, Ryan could only shake his head. The first shot of the boot was his escape from Miami International Airport under the cover of a group of fake flight attendants.

These girls are also highly professional actors. They walked with Ryan several times. After two simple test shots, the official shooting of "Cat and Mouse Game" kicked off.

"The first scene of the seventy-seventh scene, start now!"

With the shouting of Spielberg's assistant, the scene fell silent for a moment.

A red and white luxury RV parked in front of the airport hall, and several flight attendants in blue uniforms filed out. Ryan was wearing a straight pilot uniform, a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and two blond hair. The blue-eyed tall girl walked into the hall dashingly.

Entering the hall, he pushed the two most sexy and beautiful fake flight attendants to the front without a trace, to attract people's attention, while he quietly fell behind, even in a crisis, his face was still full of expressions. confidence.

The agents who passed by, the policemen guarding the main road at the airport, and the plainclothes shuttled back and forth. It seemed that even the souls were taken away by the young and beautiful girls. They didn't even realize that the felons they were looking for were among these flight attendants.

"cut, it's over."

Although it was the team leader shot, it wasn't too difficult, and behind the main camera, Spielberg's voice soon came.

"You look good, Ryan."

Tom Hanks had already changed into his agent suit, wiped his glasses in his hand, and joked, "Now it's time for us to play cat-and-mouse."

"God, I'm facing a two-time Oscar winner for Best Actor..." Ryan deliberately used an exaggerated tone, "I hope the audience won't think of me as a lame when the movie is released. Fur boy."

"Then it depends on your performance." Spielberg said suddenly, "Ryan, I still remember your performance when you filmed "Schindler's List", it was so amazing."

"Actually, we're all waiting to see the two of you play..." Jiaminz Kaminsky shouted from a distance, causing many people to start booing.

The crew was quickly moved to the airport's upward passage, and Spielberg made a gesture when the departments were ready.

"The first act of the eighty-fifth scene begins!"

In the empty passage, Frank, played by Ryan, was wearing a uniform, carrying a suitcase, and strode towards the freedom he was looking forward to, but his face lacked the confidence of the past, and with a slightly disturbed expression, he copied his hand into his trousers pocket. .

"How did you do it?"

The familiar voice of the agent came from behind, and he could only turn around awkwardly. Although Agent Carr was asking, there was no doubt on his face, "Frank, how did you pass the Louisiana State Bar Exam?"

"What are you doing here?" The voice was extremely guilty, "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"If you go back to Europe, you'll definitely die in prison!" Agent Carr's words were more of advice, like elders teaching younger ones, "Frank, if you want to escape from America, we'll send you to Atlanta. 50 years in prison!"

"I know."

Frank made up his mind, the desire for freedom overwhelmed everything, and walked forward without looking back. Agent Carl behind was still talking nonstop. His words obviously shook Frank's determination.

"Why are you helping me?" Frank didn't look back.

"You're just a child." Agent Carr's words pointed directly to Frank's heart.

"I'm not your child."

He was visibly pissed that Agent Carl lied to him and it felt so bad that no one could be trusted, but Carl did help him, and Frank finally stopped, looking at the boarding pass in his hand and hesitating .

"Cut!" Spielberg stopped, "Ryan, you've done a great job, but the hesitation and hesitation here should be added a little more, and I hope there will be a kind of relationship between Frank and Carl. The strange father-son relationship, and the attitude is best to be gentle, and then we will try to see how this works."

The shooting has never been smooth sailing. The inspiration from the director’s scene and the sudden and temporary performance of the actors may change the original shooting plan. Now it has just begun. It is not only the actors who need to find the status, but also the director Spielberg. .

The rivalry between Ryan and Tom Hanks in the movie is undoubtedly the biggest attraction, and Spielberg needs to find a rhythm that fits the two.

This scene was shot seven times in a row, sometimes it was Ryan who needed to be adjusted, and sometimes it was Tom Hanks. When Spielberg shouted 'great', the whole shooting scene broke out into warm applause, The drama of those two men definitely deserves their applause.

Although this is an old airport, it is impossible for the crew to rent for too long. After Ryan and Hanks found a tacit understanding, Spielberg immediately accelerated the shooting speed, and the fast-paced shooting also mobilized the work of the entire crew. power, so that the efficiency is greatly improved.

"Ryan Jenkins' new film starts shooting, and he plays with Tom Hanks live..."

The crew quickly released various news, and news about the film began to fill the entertainment pages of the big tabloids.

"After two years of silence, Ryan Jenkins has finally returned to his stage. A genius in the 1990s plays a genius in the 1960s. This is a collision across time and space..."

"In front of two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks, what kind of performance Ryan will have when he grows up is something we can look forward to."

Hype and publicity is always an indispensable means for a big investment movie. ()

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