In August, from the middle of the month to the end of the month, basically the game industry is under the influence of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Although several high-quality games were released after Yu-Gi-Oh’s launch, the amount of public opinion generated was much lower than that of Yu-Gi-Oh. The total sales only exceeded one million within a week of its launch.

But in fact, such a result is already a good sales result in the big Zhou plane game industry. After all, how can there be so many games with a sales volume of over one million? Produce a few games, most of the low-cost games can have hundreds of thousands of sales, which is enough to pay back the cost or even make a profit.

It’s just that when Jing Yu engages in these industries, he dares to invest tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in it. He has the development data of these works’ previous lives as support to be so bold. For original works, he will definitely be more cautious

Because a work, whether it is a movie, a TV series, or a game, only has a production team of a few hundred people. Can your preferences, control of the world and the market represent the aesthetic level of billions of people around the world? ? The answer is naturally very clear. No matter how much the creative team likes the things they create, many times the market will tell them that this is the pride of a group of skilled creative teams with niche tastes.

So that's why Jingyu's previous life, and Dazhou, there are so many investors involved in this industry, often investing hundreds of millions of works to make a blood loss, but the audience doesn't buy it.

And this is also what Jing Yu's competitors think is the scariest thing about Jing Yu.

There are still many rich people who can spend hundreds of millions, even billions, or two billions of dollars in investment, but they cannot measure and estimate the risks involved. In the eyes of Jing Yu's opponents, he is like a gambler who keeps winning at the gambling table. Eighty to ninety percent of his works are original, and the themes and characters are all innovative. street.

Why is this!

The sales volume of Yu-Gi-Oh game is rising steadily, as well as the pre-sale orders of Yu-Gi-Oh!

It made many people jealous.

Although they don't have the ability to make money, seeing others make money is more uncomfortable than them losing money. These people are also the biggest source of Jing Yu's black fans in Dazhou.

However, these people couldn't influence Jing Yu, and Jing Yu's fanatical fans directly smashed the related hate speech as soon as it appeared.

But all of Jing Yu's fans, no... not only Jing Yu's fans, the entire global game industry is entering September.

In fact, attention has gradually shifted away from Yu-Gi-Oh.

After all, anyone with a good memory will remember at this time that Yu-Gi-Oh is scheduled to be released in August, and Jing Yu’s other game, Pokémon, will be released in September.

"After playing for half a month, I finally cleared the level. Woohoo, the plot of another game that finally disappeared made me cry to death."

"The whole person fell into a void."

"Me too, although there are games with better picture quality than Yu-Gi-Oh in the game industry, but there are not many games with such an attractive plot. This game is not only novel in gameplay, but also has a strong sense of immersion. Seriously. , After returning to his original place in the last other game, the whole person really misses me and feels like a good partner of mine has left me forever."

"Goodbye Yugi, Jouchi, Kairyo, black magician girl, blue-eyed white dragon, I will remember you all."

"Don't make it so sensational. The total sales volume of Yu-Gi-Oh! has exceeded 10 million in less than a month after its launch. Let me put it here. If there is no second part of this game, I will eat three catties."

"The old thief is also a human being, and human beings also have emotions and desires. There is no reason why Yu-Gi-Oh makes so much money and there is no reason why there will be a second part. It's just a matter of time."

"You can tell by the marketing strategy of his Yu-Gi-Oh card, the old thief is setting a big banner."

"But in fact, after playing Yu-Gi-Oh, I am now confident that the Pokémon that the old thief will release next will be real."

"Although I still don't know what kind of game Pokémon is, but now I have swelled up, and my confidence in the old thief has never been greater."

"Anyway, Yu-Gi-Oh's research and development costs are only 300 million, and Pokémon's research and development costs are 500 million. I understand it well. The gold content of the old thief's works has always been directly proportional to the amount of his investment."

"I see that there are two medium-scale investment games in foreign countries. They were originally released in the same week as the old thief's Pokémon. In the past few days, news has been released that the ticket has been temporarily delayed. It is not clear whether the release was postponed to December. Wang's grades were frightening, and he was afraid of being cannon fodder in the same period, so he skipped the ticket."

"Speaking of bounced tickets, I really want to praise the old thief. Whether it's movies, TV shows, or games, the old thief has never changed the time set. He has a full reputation and has never had a bounced ticket. And Compared with those unscrupulous manufacturers, there is a world of difference."

"After all, the old thief has a little time to skip tickets. He can start a new work from the beginning, so the gain outweighs the loss, right?"

"Pokemon, Pokémon, it will be released in less than two weeks. I'm ready."

"Hey, I'm going to work harder. Hurry up and finish the Yu-Gi-Oh! Otherwise, when the two games are played together, people will get dizzy."

Although Yu-Gi-Oh has been released for three weeks, and its daily game sales have dropped a lot compared to when it first started, in fact, the fan base of this work is still growing. The games that will be released after that are so close in time, they will naturally attract the attention of Bluestar game fans.

As for Jing Yu, during this period of time, he also studied the game market in Dazhou and the world in the company office.

In fact, he is not too naive, thinking that as long as the two games of Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon are released, they will become popular all over the world in a few days or a few months.

It is not so easy to reproduce a world-class IP. The two games released in the past two months just show the world view of the two works to game fans around the world.

After the release of the two games has accumulated a certain number of fans, the development of related film and television peripherals will start one after another.

Among other things, there are dozens of game works of Jing Yu's previous Yu-Gi-Oh. ip works.

Jing Yu's plans for the two works are naturally the same. In the next few years, or even ten years, the games and film and television sequels of the two works will continue to be produced.


"It's good to start high!" Jing Yu put down the data report in his hand.

Because Jing Yu started to create these two works after accumulating connections, resources, and funds in the Da Zhou film and television industry, so from the data point of view, it is much better than when the two works were born in the previous life. Whether it is publicity or the quality of the work, it is naturally not the same.

Jing Yu is quite satisfied with the sales of Yu-Gi-Oh in the first month. Judging from the data, it is estimated that the total sales will exceed 20 million in less than three months. .

As for Pokemon.

In fact, Jing Yu's confidence in this game is still higher than that of Yu-Gi-Oh. After all, in Yu-Gi-Oh, the plot killing is too deliberate.

But Pokémon games are different. Open world games allow players to explore freely, hundreds of elves, a growth system for trainers, beautiful pictures, and imaginative scenes in other worlds.

Compared with the display content of the game world view, Pokémon is undoubtedly richer.

But that being said, in fact, it is also difficult for Jing Yu to be as calm as the surface.

"After all, it is the most valuable work I have produced since I came to Dazhou." Jing Yu took a deep breath and said to himself.

The exchange price of Pokémon is also four times higher than that of Jing Yu’s most expensive work, Evangelion. Jing Yu has produced works since he came to Dazhou, but he doesn’t really feel that he Invincible, it's just that this kind of small probability event should not happen to Pokémon, otherwise Jing Yu will be so angry that he can't sleep.

After reading the sales data report of the Yu-Gi-Oh game in the past three weeks.

Jing Yu picked up another document.

This is a brief introduction to each project that the company is currently developing.

In terms of TV dramas, because Jing Yu took out a black notebook and Naoki Hansawa to produce them for his subordinates last month, the entire TV drama department is very busy now. In addition to Jing Yu's two dramas, there are three original and self-produced dramas produced by the company, a total of five The play is in progress.

Jing Yu of the film department let them play freely. He is not interested in investing too much energy in that area for the time being. After all, Spirited Away has already reached the top of the box office chart. Before its record is broken, it will continue like this Let's talk about the status quo in a year or two.

It's not easy in the game department

It has been produced, and the initial D, which is urgently testing game bugs, has not yet decided on a release date.

Then there are Ultraman Tiga, Attack on Titan, Ultraman Leo, Evangelion and other works of follow-up game development projects are all approved, and they are in progress at the same time. After all, six or seven games are under development.

There are so many projects among them, Jing Yu is now just a cameo in the black notebook with a small role, and the rest is for his subordinates to freely develop their creations.

Since the company has grown and grown, the scale has become extraordinary. Except for Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon and other big ip works, Jing Yu does not have the energy and time to take care of the follow-up copyright development work of other previous works, so he has to believe in himself. The ability of these employees recruited.

Read the relevant documents, and then change the signature of the signature, and ruthlessly send back the plan that is not suitable, and let the subordinates discuss and modify the deficiencies by themselves.

Unknowingly, the time has already set in the west.

Jing Yu's company said that it was 6:00 p.m., but Jing Yu finished his work normally, and at 8:00 p.m., he left the office, walked through the corridor steps, and came to the working hall area of ​​the employees.

Almost half of the employees are still working hard at their jobs.

However, Jing Yu did not ask them to work overtime. If the workload is too much, Jing Yu usually recruits directly. It constitutes a burden, but the quality and completion of the work are directly linked to the bonus income of these employees. Many people do not want to go back after work, have obsessive-compulsive disorder for work, are passionate about income, and voluntarily put more energy on work. Jing Yu didn't do anything either, anyway, just pay them overtime pay according to the regulations.

All the way out of the company, at least a hundred people nodded their thanks to Jing Yu, saying things like those bosses walking slowly, boss is good.

Jing Yu let out a long breath and came to the underground garage.

After all, after ten years of hard work in Da Zhou, the money he earned was astronomical.

Whether it's the house to live in or the car to drive, Jing Yu is not stingy with the little money. The place where he lives sold the previous villa last year and moved into another top-end luxury residential area in Shanghai.

As for the car.

When Jing Yu played Need for Speed ​​games in his previous life, he always envied the life of the rich.

But now. There are several luxury cars parked in his garage, but he doesn't have that kind of serious collection habit. After buying a few cars, he found that this is the same thing, so there are only five or six sports cars in the garage at home. It takes about a day to switch to another one.

But basically, these things are relatively uncommon in Shanghai. After all, Jing Yu bought a car just like he did his creation. He decided to buy a luxury car, and he must have bought it for a relatively top luxury car. The roar of Jing Yu's car driving on the streets of Shanghai is still a bit harsh. The driving skills he got from the exchange panel back then are still very proficient. The kind of drifting operation on the main road, if there are no pedestrians and side cars on the roadside, it is not easy. From time to time, he will show a paragraph. He is not afraid of making mistakes and crashing the car. He is still very sure in his heart, but he is afraid of scaring those novice drivers and causing others to make mistakes. Along the road, many fans who were far away from Jing Yu in Shanghai recognized Jing Yu's car from a long distance away, and they all took out their mobile phones to record on the road.

If there is no accident, it won't be long before someone in the Shanghai area will post in the circle of friends the experience of encountering Jing Yu, a tycoon in the entertainment industry of Dazhou on the road. These things will also be reported on the entertainment newspaper section of Dazhou from time to time.

Of course, in addition to being interested in the ordinary daily life of Jing Yu, the media are also interested in some of Jing Yu's private life.

For example, Jing Yu's girlfriend Yu Youqing, their daily life, residence, work status, etc. But unlike ordinary stars, Jing Yu is not just a star, or a screenwriter and creator.

He is now the chairman of a top film and television game company in Dazhou. If he doesn't want his relationship with Yu Youqing to be exposed, then no media will report on it.

but now

After returning home, Jing Yu saw Yu Youqing's table of meals and her sleeping body curled up on the sofa, and his heart warmed.

"I'm back." Yu Youqing smiled when he heard the voice and saw that it was Jing Yu.

"Well, I'm back. That's right. I have something to tell you, that. After all, didn't we decide to get married at the end of October?"

"En." Yu Youqing looked at Jing Yu.

"So, we probably can't hide our relationship. In the past, I was afraid that our respective fans would be sad, so I kept asking my subordinates to suppress the relevant news and let the media not report it blindly. But now... we are going to get married, indeed. It's impossible to hide it. Just in the next few days, I think we will announce the news of our relationship in the whole week, so I will tell you in advance to save you from getting angry." Jing Yu said after a moment of deliberation.

"You can decide on this kind of thing, you don't need to be so cautious." Hearing this, Yu Youqing said with a relaxed expression.

"I'm not afraid of those gossips. I didn't make it public before because I was afraid of affecting your popularity. Now, anyway, I don't care if you stop filming gradually. It's nothing more than being hated by your millions of female fans for a while."

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